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  1. #41
    Community Member Strumpoo's Avatar
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    I would love to have the altars moved out of the raid as well. There is a lot of pressure on people to craft items quickly in the raid as it is. I know that people say they don't mind waiting, but the person actually crafting the item does feel "the staring eyes" of those waiting for him burning into the backs of their necks.

    I would like to be able to take my sweet time crafting, not feel like I am holding up a group because I want to double and triple check my recipies before burning up rare items.

    It wouldn't hurt the raid at all, you still need to get your BOUND shards in the raid, so you would still have to actually complete the raid parts to get your items.
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  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Cinwulf View Post
    Take the first two out then and leave in the last one. No one needs to wait on anyone in the last one since the raid is finished and they can stay in as long as they like
    Best solution so far IMO.

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  3. #43
    Community Member Catlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DelScorcho View Post
    Best solution so far IMO.
    I agree with that and have said it before in game. I only offered mine as a compromise to those who want to see raid crafted items made in the raid.

    As for pulling the last couple items you need, well, to be honest, if you pull the last medium scale you need and know that as soon as you pull it, then odds are you wouldn't hold anybody up while you did the full crafting routine. People who are unsure of what they are doing, are unlikely to go "Hey, I just got the last item I need to make my Stalemate Goggles for my cleric". It is these unsure people who are most likely to hold everyone else up while they decide what to make. Then they look for what they have. Then they ask if anyone has a scale to trade. Then they ask if anyone has a spare power cell. Anyways, you get my point. If you are oganized enough to know the last piece you need, then odds are you would be done crafting in 2 mins anyways, under any system.

    By putting the altars outside, it gives first timers and those who aren't sure what to do the peace to do it without holding anyone else up. They can solicit (sp?) help from guildies if needed. They can trade / buy materials.

  4. #44
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strumpoo View Post
    There is a lot of pressure on people to craft items quickly in the raid as it is. I know that people say they don't mind waiting, but the person actually crafting the item does feel "the staring eyes" of those waiting for him burning into the backs of their necks.

    I would like to be able to take my sweet time crafting, not feel like I am holding up a group because I want to double and triple check my recipies before burning up rare items.
    I myself having never felt this way.....again when is this a problem part 1 they can start without you portal doesn't close
    one or 2 person behind ae't going to matter in the coupl eof mins it takes to clear the map before moving on to the middle....end of part 3 you got people selling repairing buffing getting sp back, and again you could move on portal doesn't close most grps take at least a min or 2 to set up dico's balls and such before starting ...and after 5 there is no issue...
    In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"

  5. #45
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Crafting stations are in the raid. You know it going in and you know it when you're there. Adjust accordingly. Ive had my fair share of silly requests but come on. You want everyone else to adjust because you don't wanna wait? Im a pretty impatient guy and even I don't have issue with that. Adjust to the standard. It isnt that bad.
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  6. #46
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Missing Minds View Post
    While yes, the shards of power do bind. This points only at a mechanical aspect of crafting. By having the alters in the quest it self, it promotes social interaction (hey how do I..., Why are you... Anyone have a ___ to trade? Get your rear moving...) etc. The interaction is something the devs want to promote. The alters are also part of the story line for it.

    Should the alters be removed and put somewhere else.. how often do you think you'll be able to get quick trades for needed ingredients? Honestly. The AH is a pain for them, and I REALLY do not want to camp myself out in some place praying for a trade to happen so I can get what I need to craft. If we actually had a LFM panel that was set up for Looking for Trading instead, I'll retract all statements other than make it to where you have to actually do something to get access to the alter.

    However, also, do remember, this form of crafting is there to teach players how crafting is going to work. The methodology, and we do not have a refined form of crafting at all. We don't know what alters and what we can do yet with mod 7. But by all means we can post what we like and what we don't like that way the forum reading devs have feedback vs. "it sucks".
    While I like the social aspect too, I don't feel keeping the altars (at least the first two) in the raid really encourages it all that much. People will still be trading ingredients within the raid. When the raid is over, those willing to share and trade further can still do so, without involving anyone who doesn't want to, doesn't have anything to offer, or doesn't have the time.

    So far, the ideas I find most appealing are moving the first two altar instances into meridia, keeping the last one in the quest, and have a flagging mechanism to unlock access at the first two altars. This way all prep work can be done beforehand, and quest completion is necessary to use the last altar.

    p.s. ive been in groups where it took quite a while sort things out between three or four people at the altars. Granted, these were advertised as ingredient runs, but with a few simple changes the two types of runs really do not need to be separate occurances.
    Last edited by krud; 03-13-2008 at 03:14 PM.
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  7. #47
    Community Member salmag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amaras View Post
    Idea: Running the raid to completion "Unlocks" another alter instance within meridia

    Once you complete the raid (on any difficulty) you hauled the alters back with you to meridia into the same room that the original alter is and they are all usable there.

    Problems: None, power shards are still only available at the end of each "section" of the raid, the alters would still be usable within the instance for people whom "just got" a power shard.
    I think I like this idea most of all. Finish the quest and it unlocks an Altar room within Meridia. It promotes running the quest to completion rather than just run first 4 parts.

  8. #48
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razvan View Post
    Where do you get the loot from in the Dragon Raid, the Titan Raid, the DQ Raid, the Reaver Raid...heck even TS..???

    Yup, you got it: FROM THE RAID INSTANCE!

    Enough said!
    Can I ask you, where do you get your 20th completion reward for each raid? Can you tell me where inside the instances you were offered the reward, because I've been offered that reward of a half list of raid loot outside the raid, every single time. I'm probably doing something wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by talyor View Post
    I see that the ddo world is much like the real world people have no consideration for where they once were. I am sure at one time the op was on his first raid and needed a little time and help with his crafting and now that he has what he wants he has no patience for those who need the help. the simple solution is if you dont want to wait then dont go with a pug group( or do you pug because constructing a group of your impatience is longer than waiting for the pug group) I have a good static group and enjoy pug groups there can be the ocassional frustraing player but for the most part enjoy helping others along the way.
    You know what they say happens when you assume.
    Actually, you'd be completely wrong, in that I've never made people wait ridiculous periods of time as crafting was explained to me. I realize that while being a game, there are 11 other real life people on the other side of those characters. I was considerate enough to spend a few minutes here and there reading about crafting on this website, and on the ddowiki, so while maybe not fully grasping it, understanding at least what ingredients I needed, how to combine them, to get certain effects. I never needed to sit there as people walked me through the process. But thanks for assuming that I'm a hypocritical pr*ck.

    And why pug it? Because sometimes my schedule doesn't coincide w/ my guild, b/c sometimes I see a couple people I know from different guilds on the LFM and it'd be fun to group w/ them again. I do enjoy how people suspected the devs changed the raid loot mechanic in order to encourage pugging, and now we have a mechanic that has people replying on the forum not to take pugs, and don't pug it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    still sit here amazed that this is even a topic for debate.....

    okay playing 8 active guys right now 7 of them are flagged for the shroud 5 have at least tier 2 upgradre and 2 have tier 3 upgrade, yesterday (my day off) I must of done at least 7 different shroud runs (1-4).... non-guild runs straight pug's , all kind of different party make ups......I ask again when is this ever a problem????? I think the crazy lag peopel get in part 1 is much more of a "real" issue than crafting in the raid..... thank god I have been lucky enough to not play with players who have no time for those that are crafting... I haven't heard a single "come on man" "or how much longer" have you not crafted stuff before...yes some do take more time than others I've seen us leave as many as 3 behind from 1 onto part 2 and as many as 2 behind part 3( they casught up and we were no worse for the ware) , if this is really a problem for you I shudder to think what grping you must be like.... if you only have a hour this might not be the quest for you ,1-4 should take anywhere from 30-45 min for a quick grp, 50 -85 min for averge grp at least that's my findings

    to be honest what kills me about this raid is part 2 ....I've seen way too many pugs take WAY too long (IMO) on it part 2 should be no more than 5-8 mins longer than 10-12 is way too long,
    Maybe you've just been lucky. I've been in a few raids where it took a ridiculously long time, and other people were getting upset. Recently, was in one group that a person took 20+ minutes (when I stopped paying attention) at each altar. It doesn't sound like a long time, but when you have 11 people ready to move on, it's a ridiculous amount of time. That's more than 40 minutes of time people waste. I thought it was isolated, but then grouped doing regular quests right after, and someone told a story of the same exact thing happening to them in the raid. Only in that raid, people weren't as friendly, and told the guy he needed to have his stuff together, and making people wait that long was ridiculous. The system promotes unnecessary tension. Again, maybe you've just been lucky. Maybe your server's pugs are uberlicious. But maybe I'm guessing that it happens more than you think, considering I'm posting on it, as well as numerous others.

    And how does moving on without the person help alleviate the pressure on the person from crafting quickly? Don't you think he'll feel even more pressure if he hears the rest of the party contributing while he's just crafting items? Also, I'm guessing you don't want too many people crafting while everyone else is fighting in part 4. That may just be me though.

    Yeah, but it's just me though, right? I mean, i'm sure you'd be fine sitting at an altar for 20+ minutes if the rest of the group didn't want to go forward., 2 different times on the same raid.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    Crafting stations are in the raid. You know it going in and you know it when you're there. Adjust accordingly. Ive had my fair share of silly requests but come on. You want everyone else to adjust because you don't wanna wait? Im a pretty impatient guy and even I don't have issue with that. Adjust to the standard. It isnt that bad.
    Waiting's fine. Waiting ridiculous periods of time isn't. If the group doesn't want to move on, you think it's ok for someone to spend 40+ minutes crafting, while 11 others are ready to move on? 40+ minutes is another quest or 2 people could be doing! 40+ minutes is just under what the whole raid should take! And again, it snowballs. I've seen people make others wait way too long, and they know it, and so they make a mistake in crafting b/c they feel bad about it, and are trying to rush. Then they take even longer trying to correct the mistake.
    Last edited by Mhykke; 03-13-2008 at 04:14 PM.

  9. #49
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    Can I ask you, where do you get your 20th completion reward for each raid? Can you tell me where inside the instances you were offered the reward, because I've been offered that reward of a half list of raid loot outside the raid, every single time. I'm probably doing something wrong.
    don't see why you are even trying to argue where you get the 20th reward at what does that have to do w/ a crafting in the raid

    You know what they say happens when you assume.
    Actually, you'd be completely wrong, in that I've never made people wait ridiculous periods of time as crafting was explained to me. I realize that while being a game, there are 11 other real life people on the other side of those characters. I was considerate enough to spend a few minutes here and there reading about crafting on this website, and on the ddowiki, so while maybe not fully grasping it, understanding at least what ingredients I needed, how to combine them, to get certain effects. I never needed to sit there as people walked me through the process. But thanks for assuming that I'm a hypocritical pr*ck.
    it's good that you got crafting locked down soild, so what if someone takes longer than you did, it's their game time too, and you can move on without them the portal's don't close at the end of 1 and 3, so if you don;t want to wait then don't.... you guys kill me, if the one puger or person that take so long at crafting and doesn't know what they are doing is really taking that one how much effect does that one person have on the entire party I mean could you not clear the stuff in part 2 or the devil scout team in 4 without them ????????

    And why pug it? Because sometimes my schedule doesn't coincide w/ my guild, b/c sometimes I see a couple people I know from different guilds on the LFM and it'd be fun to group w/ them again. I do enjoy how people suspected the devs changed the raid loot mechanic in order to encourage pugging, and now we have a mechanic that has people replying on the forum not to take pugs, and don't pug it.
    we have lot's of pug going on here at xoriat er I mean thelains and I haven't seen a problem with the raid or crafting in the raid...thank god I haven't had to grp with you guys that are crying about this

    Maybe you've just been lucky. I've been in a few raids where it took a ridiculously long time, and other people were getting upset. Recently, was in one group that a person took 20+ minutes (when I stopped paying attention) at each altar. It doesn't sound like a long time, but when you have 11 people ready to move on, it's a ridiculous amount of time. That's more than 40 minutes of time people waste. I thought it was isolated, but then grouped doing regular quests right after, and someone told a story of the same exact thing happening to them in the raid. Only in that raid, people weren't as friendly, and told the guy he needed to have his stuff together, and making people wait that long was ridiculous. The system promotes unnecessary tension. Again, maybe you've just been lucky. Maybe your server's pugs are uberlicious. But maybe I'm guessing that it happens more than you think, considering I'm posting on it, as well as numerous others.
    don;t know how many shroud runs I've done yet but it's up there I have not seen a problem with this mech yet.... now I know that some of you do but I think they are fro reasons that IMO are not valid, I have seen no tension , it promotes talking trading and congrats you I have no idea where all this negative stuff about people crafting is comming from

    And how does moving on without the person help alleviate the pressure on the person from crafting quickly? Don't you think he'll feel even more pressure if he hears the rest of the party contributing while he's just crafting items? Also, I'm guessing you don't want too many people crafting while everyone else is fighting in part 4. That may just be me though.

    Yeah, but it's just me though, right? I mean, i'm sure you'd be fine sitting at an altar for 20+ minutes if the rest of the group didn't want to go forward., 2 different times on the same raid.
    I've seen one person take that kinda of time and we waited to kill the last guy on part 2 for him to zone through, one person not that big of a deal

    Waiting's fine. Waiting ridiculous periods of time isn't. If the group doesn't want to move on, you think it's ok for someone to spend 40+ minutes crafting, while 11 others are ready to move on? 40+ minutes is another quest or 2 people could be doing! 40+ minutes is just under what the whole raid should take! And again, it snowballs. I've seen people make others wait way too long, and they know it, and so they make a mistake in crafting b/c they feel bad about it, and are trying to rush. Then they take even longer trying to correct the mistake.
    I have see people make mistakes <raises hand> but not casued I felt rushed, it happens...again pug this a lot at least doing 4 shroud runs a day now did 7 yesterday (day off) ransacking at least 2 toons a week in there and have not seen the problems you guys speak of

    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    Crafting stations are in the raid. You know it going in and you know it when you're there. Adjust accordingly. Ive had my fair share of silly requests but come on. You want everyone else to adjust because you don't wanna wait? Im a pretty impatient guy and even I don't have issue with that. Adjust to the standard. It isnt that bad.
    thanks the gods some one else that sees the light of day ...big suprise he's also from xoriat.... I've run across my fair shair of pugs that could not do part 4 but I haven;t seen all this nonesense that these folks are talking about ....good form bro
    In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    I have see people make mistakes <raises hand> but not casued I felt rushed, it happens...again pug this a lot at least doing 4 shroud runs a day now did 7 yesterday (day off) ransacking at least 2 toons a week in there and have not seen the problems you guys speak of
    Maybe you don't run into this issue, but it doesn't invalidates that it is there for a lot of us. It's not because that wouldn't benefit to your reality that it wouldn't make a lot of people happier. The real question is, would it hurt you? Would you prefer it staying that way othr than for the sake of avoiding something you don't deem necessary?

    If the answer is no, if your gaming would do nothing but maybe improve, why not let us ask for it?, #1 source for DDO information.

  11. #51
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    Maybe you don't run into this issue, but it doesn't invalidates that it is there for a lot of us. It's not because that wouldn't benefit to your reality that it wouldn't make a lot of people happier. The real question is, would it hurt you? Would you prefer it staying that way othr than for the sake of avoiding something you don't deem necessary?

    If the answer is no, if your gaming would do nothing but maybe improve, why not let us ask for it?
    you know I don;t our paths have ever crossed in game, played w/ a lot of your guild mates though....good people.......let me be clear about this, I'm sure soemoen will mis quote me.....

    crafting in the shroud does a couple of things that are good for the game..... I've yet to see a shroud run where at least 1 of the following did not happened
    someone gave ingredient away so someone could craft
    someone traded a ingredient so someone could craft
    someone gave a shard away so someone could craft
    someone asked for help
    someone gave that help
    someone got some congrats on the item they were making
    someone asked hey what'ca making, talking followed

    now it sounds to me like you guys that want this change have no concern about anyone other than your own crafting, which is your right, I hate when people try to tell me to play a certian why, what I am saying to you is if you don't want to help, want to trade, want to talk about crafting, or wait for crafting you don't have to, go on to part 2 he'll catch that one person going to casue you to fail????? and if that answer is yes , well I guess you have to wait...same with part 4 move on if you want, I sur eyou don;t mind that people sell repair and spend time getting sp back ..... want to say this again I've been grinding this thing almost always in pugs and I've yet to see this ruin a raid delay a raid or casue tension.... lighten up guys
    In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"

  12. #52


    I've played with you, once, you were on Intherear (withthegear). In a Reaver. But I agree, my guild is full of great people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    now it sounds to me like you guys that want this change have no concern about anyone other than your own crafting, which is your right, I hate when people try to tell me to play a certian why, what I am saying to you is if you don't want to help, want to trade, want to talk about crafting, or wait for crafting you don't have to, go on to part 2
    I don't mind waiting for someone or talk about crafting, however not in a raid party. I've spent hours explaining the basics of D&D to newbies. I've explained crafting to countless number of people, however when I'm in a quest I want to play. If, after the quest, the person wants explanations I will gladly help him, give him the proper wiki links and even tell him to ask me any question he got about the game, at any time. I receive a few mails from friends and other peopel and I answer their question about crafting or other aspects of the game.

    That's not the problem.

    The fact is that there is real life too. Sometimes, I don't have time for explanining. Sometimes I want to get the quest done asap because the group took more time than they should. Sometimes I have a friend waiting after me, a roomate or got to make an important phone call to make after the raid. If someone wants help, he can ask. During the raid, he can say "****, I'm missing a [item name] to craft my uber weapon/accessory." If someone feels like giving it to him, he will. No need to have the altar in there for that.

    It takes one person to help another, no need to make the ten other wait. If you need help, there is guild chat, you can ask for help in party chat and maybe someone will help you after the raid. I've had guildies explaining a whole raid to a few new players. I had my first titan with them and they have explained it all to me!! And I wasn't in the guild yet!! however, not the whole party stayed to explain, same here: no need to make the whole party wait., #1 source for DDO information.

  13. #53
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    I've played with you, once, you were on Intherear (withthegear). In a Reaver. But I agree, my guild is full of great people.
    well i fyou only had the expericence of me on my cleric man I'm sorry I hate playing cleric's and I'm not that great at it to say the least

    I don't mind waiting for someone or talk about crafting, however not in a raid party. I've spent hours explaining the basics of D&D to newbies. I've explained crafting to countless number of people, however when I'm in a quest I want to play. If, after the quest, the person wants explanations I will gladly help him, give him the proper wiki links and even tell him to ask me any question he got about the game, at any time. I receive a few mails from friends and other peopel and I answer their question about crafting or other aspects of the game.

    That's not the problem.

    The fact is that there is real life too. Sometimes, I don't have time for explanining. Sometimes I want to get the quest done asap because the group took more time than they should. Sometimes I have a friend waiting after me, a roomate or got to make an important phone call to make after the raid. If someone wants help, he can ask. During the raid, he can say "****, I'm missing a [item name] to craft my uber weapon/accessory." If someone feels like giving it to him, he will. No need to have the altar in there for that.

    It takes one person to help another, no need to make the ten other wait. If you need help, there is guild chat, you can ask for help in party chat and maybe someone will help you after the raid. I've had guildies explaining a whole raid to a few new players. I had my first titan with them and they have explained it all to me!! And I wasn't in the guild yet!! however, not the whole party stayed to explain, same here: no need to make the whole party wait.
    bro my whole point is you DON"T have to wait move on...he'll catch up...this isn't a quick DQ or Reaver raid, it has 5 parts people going afk all over the place you better have at least a 1 hour to do 1-4....and if someone is crafting let them can always move on they will catch can't honestly say that you couldn't clear part 2 becasue of that 1 ranger/fighter/barb/wiz/cleric that was still crafting at the alter on 1...give me a break, don;t wait if it's that big of a issue...just make sur eyou say in your LFM that's your not waiting moren than 5 min on part 1 and 3 ..... don't be surprised though if you have a hard time filling up those grps
    In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"

  14. #54
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    you know I don;t our paths have ever crossed in game, played w/ a lot of your guild mates though....good people.......let me be clear about this, I'm sure soemoen will mis quote me.....

    crafting in the shroud does a couple of things that are good for the game..... I've yet to see a shroud run where at least 1 of the following did not happened
    someone gave ingredient away so someone could craft
    How would this change? People could still trade or give away ingredients. I've seen tons of people asking for ingredients in meridia. I've given them ingredients both in the raid and in meridia, w/o asking for anything in return. How would this change prevent someone in meridia asking to swap or get an ingredient?
    someone traded a ingredient so someone could craft
    Same point. How would this change prevent trading ingredients?
    someone gave a shard away so someone could craft
    Shard swapping would occur in the exact same way.
    someone asked for help
    Does someone need to be in the actual raid to get help? Could people not ask for help w/o actually running the raid? You try and make this seem like "you guys should be fine without 1 person." Well let me turn it around to you. Shouldn't you be fine with running any part of the raid while at the same time discussing questions people have?
    someone gave that help
    Again, I've seen tons of help in meridia, and in the raid. Nobody is talking about telling anyone to shut up if they ask questions while actually raiding. Do you have to stand still and not fight/complete objectives while answering questions?
    someone got some congrats on the item they were making
    This is a reason? You mean people wouldn't be getting the "nice, congrats, cool item man" if they make something somewhere else? The shroud is the only place to offer congrats?
    someone asked hey what'ca making, talking followed
    Again, You can't discuss what people are crafting while actually, you know, playing?

    now it sounds to me like you guys that want this change have no concern about anyone other than your own crafting, which is your right,
    Really? That's what you think is driving this? Having no concern for others? That's a strange viewpoint, and I have absolutely no clue where you get this idea. It seems to you, you can only help others in their crafting in the actual shroud.
    I hate when people try to tell me to play a certian why, what I am saying to you is if you don't want to help, want to trade, want to talk about crafting, or wait for crafting you don't have to, go on to part 2 he'll catch that one person going to casue you to fail????? and if that answer is yes ,
    Is answering someone's questions WHILE you're completing part 2 going to cause you to fail? Someone can't ask questions while actually playing?
    well I guess you have to wait...same with part 4 move on if you want, I sur eyou don;t mind that people sell repair and spend time getting sp back ..... want to say this again I've been grinding this thing almost always in pugs and I've yet to see this ruin a raid delay a raid or casue tension.... lighten up guys
    Just b/c you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
    Replies in red.

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    bro my whole point is you DON"T have to wait move on...he'll catch up
    So? It's a raid, you're supposed to play as a team to get it done, not run without one player. Honestly, I hate having any player waiting on me, I feel less bad when it's guildies but I still mind. I also hate to be missing out on the fun. when the rest of the group is ahead and I'm crafting. I don't know for you, but I play for the fun, not the loot. I'm in a quest, I want to play, to beat the heck out of a mob. I don't want to wait one someone crafting or watching the time-sink animation of crafting a few times, reading pages of wiki to be sure I'm not messing up, etc. I'll do that after the quest. Now, I want to play!

    To me, it's the same concept of trying to make a trade in the middle of the quest. Tell the other guy you'd like to trade his item after the quest. Don't try to make the deal in the middle of the quest. Crafting and questing are two different things, as a result, they should be seperated.

    PS: I had no issue as with as a cleric.
    Last edited by Borror0; 03-13-2008 at 06:17 PM., #1 source for DDO information.

  16. #56
    Community Member krud's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaywade View Post
    you know I don;t our paths have ever crossed in game, played w/ a lot of your guild mates though....good people.......let me be clear about this, I'm sure soemoen will mis quote me.....

    crafting in the shroud does a couple of things that are good for the game..... I've yet to see a shroud run where at least 1 of the following did not happened
    someone gave ingredient away so someone could craft
    someone traded a ingredient so someone could craft
    someone gave a shard away so someone could craft
    someone asked for help
    someone gave that help
    someone got some congrats on the item they were making
    someone asked hey what'ca making, talking followed

    now it sounds to me like you guys that want this change have no concern about anyone other than your own crafting, which is your right, I hate when people try to tell me to play a certian why, what I am saying to you is if you don't want to help, want to trade, want to talk about crafting, or wait for crafting you don't have to, go on to part 2 he'll catch that one person going to casue you to fail????? and if that answer is yes , well I guess you have to wait...same with part 4 move on if you want, I sur eyou don;t mind that people sell repair and spend time getting sp back ..... want to say this again I've been grinding this thing almost always in pugs and I've yet to see this ruin a raid delay a raid or casue tension.... lighten up guys
    and how does moving two of the raid altars outside the quest prevent any of the above from happening? or even make it occur less often? People always hang on long after the run is over to do this, even on runs that were not for completion. It really doesn't matter where the crafting is going on if people just want to shoot the sheet. None of what you mention will go away. Attributing all of the above to the fact that the altars are located within the shroud seems like a stretch to me. That stuff happens even after reaver raids, "i'm going for this item or that", build discussions, etc. The people who don't have the time or need to participate are free to go. It's not like having them stick around is gonna suddenly make them more generous.

    delays may not be the norm right now, but i've experienced it on at least two runs, and i haven't been on that many. It isn't so much of a problem when people have their act together, but more and more uninformed people are going to be available for the raid. It's not going to get better.

    btw - On my first shroud raid for one of my characters, I pulled a shard. I had been listening all quest how the pug leader had everything lined up thru the 2nd upgrade, yet couldn't pull a shard. Since, I had just started collecting and figured it would take me a while to get all my stuff together, I passed it to him. We then waited 20 mins or more while 3 or 4 people got their trades in order.

    If moving two of the three altars outside the quest does not change the mechanics of the quest or crafting for that matter, then what is the big deal?
    Last edited by krud; 03-13-2008 at 06:27 PM.
    Ghallanda: Neatoelf15wiz/1rgr, Neetoelf17wiz, NeatoManhuman13rog/6pal/1mnk, NeatoHombrehuman12ftr/6pal/2rog, Kneetoedwarf17clr, Kneedoughdrow18clr/2mnk

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  17. #57
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stockwizard5 View Post

    There were two cases the last two nights of players making mistakes because they were hurrrying. Even though we let them know to take their time - they still felt bad about holding the party up. There is no reason for them to a) feel pressured and b) mess up hard earned ingrediants

    Move the alters ...
    this happened to me actually...i made an earth instead of a water at the lvl 2 alter and nearly screwed up my clerics wis item even though i had plenty of time to craft it was somewhat rushed by the whole party already being in part 4 (without starting)
    Alts: Elantra, Kitred, Camellio, Vicala
    Hey you there, stop exploiting the game for your entertainment, log off immediately.

  18. #58
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    So? It's a raid, you're supposed to play as a team to get it done, not run without one player. Honestly, I hate having any player waiting on me, I feel less bad when it's guildies but I still mind. I also hate to be missing out on the fun. when the rest of the group is ahead and I'm crafting. I don't know for you, but I play for the fun, not the loot. I'm in a quest, I want to play, to beat the heck out of a mob. I don't want to wait one someone crafting or watching the time-sink animation of crafting a few times, reading pages of wiki to be sure I'm not messing up, etc. I'll do that after the quest. Now, I want to play!

    To me, it's the same concept of trying to make a trade in the middle of the quest. Tell the other guy you'd like to trade his item after the quest. Don't try to make the deal in the middle of the quest. Crafting and questing are two different things, as a result, they should be seperated.

    PS: I had no issue as with as a cleric.
    your being to kind about me and my below average clerical abilites......
    but I'm not letting off the hook on this

    if you are all about the team why can't you give the man the xtra 5 mins he needs ....I know if he took 20 mins that's a pain it's happend to me once too, but should we make cahnges for the 1-5 % listen the dev's have only so much time and money to spend on this game....I ask you boro what would you rather the dev's spend the next week on content spells monks and expanding crafting (more stuff to make) or changing the alters to be out side ....I know what I'd pick.....

    Quote Originally Posted by krud View Post
    and how does moving two of the raid altars outside the quest prevent any of the above from happening? or even make it occur less often? People always hang on long after the run is over to do this, even on runs that were not for completion. It really doesn't matter where the crafting is going on if people just want to shoot the sheet. None of what you mention will go away. Attributing all of the above to the fact that the altars are located within the shroud seems like a stretch to me. That stuff happens even after reaver raids, "i'm going for this item or that", build discussions, etc. The people who don't have the time or need to participate are free to go. It's not like having them stick around is gonna suddenly make them more generous.

    delays may not be the norm right now, but i've experienced it on at least two runs, and i haven't been on that many. It isn't so much of a problem when people have their act together, but more and more uninformed people are going to be available for the raid. It's not going to get better.

    btw - On my first shroud raid for one of my characters, I pulled a shard. I had been listening all quest how the pug leader had everything lined up thru the 2nd upgrade, yet couldn't pull a shard. Since, I had just started collecting and figured it would take me a while to get all my stuff together, I passed it to him. We then waited 20 mins or more while 3 or 4 people got their trades in order.

    If moving two of the three altars outside the quest does not change the mechanics of the quest or crafting for that matter, then what is the big deal?
    IMO it's not a hug delay in quest, every once in a while you do get a long crafter but again do you make changes for teh 1-5 % of the game

    it's not game breaking leave it alon the dev's have better things to do ....just check my sig

    Quote Originally Posted by JFeenstra View Post
    this happened to me actually...i made an earth instead of a water at the lvl 2 alter and nearly screwed up my clerics wis item even though i had plenty of time to craft it was somewhat rushed by the whole party already being in part 4 (without starting)

    that blows I did that as well....not casue I felt rushed but becasue I was being stupid and was looking at a recipe one line lower (on ddo wiki)
    In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"

  19. #59
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    I agree my play time is limited and I dont need someone adding 20-60 minutes to a quest just so they can make their little toy, just leave that last one in their so we can complete the quest and then those that want to can craft to their hearts content.

    Beware the Sleepeater

  20. #60
    Waylander of the Stolen Blade Cambo's Avatar
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    Dont thake them out, i might need to use it with a shard i just found to upgrade my equipment for the next round.

    With the powerand knowledge of the twelve, they may developed a limted version of each eldrich device that may let you create tier 2 ingredients and bind them to the shard ready to put on the item next time you are on the raid.

    That could save time.

    You have the shard of power, the item/wepaon and an orb, continues.
    Crifting time = 30 seconds.

    and hopefully serves both camps
    a) not changing the mechanic and
    b) providing a limited option to get creafting ready outside the raid.
    Cambo Neebong "Waylander of the Stolen Blade", well borrowed really...
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