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Can I ask you, where do you get your 20th completion reward for each raid? Can you tell me where inside the instances you were offered the reward, because I've been offered that reward of a half list of raid loot outside the raid, every single time. I'm probably doing something wrong.
don't see why you are even trying to argue where you get the 20th reward at what does that have to do w/ a crafting in the raid
You know what they say happens when you assume.
Actually, you'd be completely wrong, in that I've never made people wait ridiculous periods of time as crafting was explained to me. I realize that while being a game, there are 11 other real life people on the other side of those characters. I was considerate enough to spend a few minutes here and there reading about crafting on this website, and on the ddowiki, so while maybe not fully grasping it, understanding at least what ingredients I needed, how to combine them, to get certain effects. I never needed to sit there as people walked me through the process. But thanks for assuming that I'm a hypocritical pr*ck.
it's good that you got crafting locked down soild, so what if someone takes longer than you did, it's their game time too, and you can move on without them the portal's don't close at the end of 1 and 3, so if you don;t want to wait then don't.... you guys kill me, if the one puger or person that take so long at crafting and doesn't know what they are doing is really taking that one how much effect does that one person have on the entire party I mean could you not clear the stuff in part 2 or the devil scout team in 4 without them ????????
And why pug it? Because sometimes my schedule doesn't coincide w/ my guild, b/c sometimes I see a couple people I know from different guilds on the LFM and it'd be fun to group w/ them again. I do enjoy how people suspected the devs changed the raid loot mechanic in order to encourage pugging, and now we have a mechanic that has people replying on the forum not to take pugs, and don't pug it.
we have lot's of pug going on here at xoriat er I mean thelains and I haven't seen a problem with the raid or crafting in the raid...thank god I haven't had to grp with you guys that are crying about this
Maybe you've just been lucky. I've been in a few raids where it took a ridiculously long time, and other people were getting upset. Recently, was in one group that a person took 20+ minutes (when I stopped paying attention) at each altar. It doesn't sound like a long time, but when you have 11 people ready to move on, it's a ridiculous amount of time. That's more than 40 minutes of time people waste. I thought it was isolated, but then grouped doing regular quests right after, and someone told a story of the same exact thing happening to them in the raid. Only in that raid, people weren't as friendly, and told the guy he needed to have his stuff together, and making people wait that long was ridiculous. The system promotes unnecessary tension. Again, maybe you've just been lucky. Maybe your server's pugs are uberlicious. But maybe I'm guessing that it happens more than you think, considering I'm posting on it, as well as numerous others.
don;t know how many shroud runs I've done yet but it's up there I have not seen a problem with this mech yet.... now I know that some of you do but I think they are fro reasons that IMO are not valid, I have seen no tension , it promotes talking trading and congrats you I have no idea where all this negative stuff about people crafting is comming from
And how does moving on without the person help alleviate the pressure on the person from crafting quickly? Don't you think he'll feel even more pressure if he hears the rest of the party contributing while he's just crafting items? Also, I'm guessing you don't want too many people crafting while everyone else is fighting in part 4. That may just be me though.
Yeah, but it's just me though, right? I mean, i'm sure you'd be fine sitting at an altar for 20+ minutes if the rest of the group didn't want to go forward., 2 different times on the same raid.
I've seen one person take that kinda of time and we waited to kill the last guy on part 2 for him to zone through, one person not that big of a deal
Waiting's fine. Waiting ridiculous periods of time isn't. If the group doesn't want to move on, you think it's ok for someone to spend 40+ minutes crafting, while 11 others are ready to move on? 40+ minutes is another quest or 2 people could be doing! 40+ minutes is just under what the whole raid should take! And again, it snowballs. I've seen people make others wait way too long, and they know it, and so they make a mistake in crafting b/c they feel bad about it, and are trying to rush. Then they take even longer trying to correct the mistake.