Just a quick question can you use a docent, and bracers of ac together? therefore a docent +5 and bracers ac of 5 will give you a +10 total towards your ac. thanks for your time.
Just a quick question can you use a docent, and bracers of ac together? therefore a docent +5 and bracers ac of 5 will give you a +10 total towards your ac. thanks for your time.
I seem to recall they didn't last time I saw this question asked (quite awhile back). I don't remember if this was a bug or intentional though (and if it was a bug if it was ever fixed). As near as I can tell they should stack though since the bonus types are different.
A warforge's plating and docent counts as the same type of armor bonus as that of Armored Bracers, so they don't stack.
Server - Thelanis
Yeah that's the way it seems to work in game, however Docents say they give an "Enhancement Bonus" and Bracers give an "Armor Bonus" Bonuses of different types always stack in PnP so I think they should here. It's probably intentional though for some kind of balance reason.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
I agree with you as that seems to be the way the devs have interpreted it, but the docents don't say that in their descriptions which is where the confusion comes in. If the devs had worded it like that in the description it would ease some of the confusion for newer players.
I logged my WF just now to be sure, the docent descriptions say (the same as any other armor) "Enhancement Bonus: Armor with this quality grants a +x enhancement bonus to AC" it doesn't say it increases the existing armor bonus. (note I understand what you're saying and agree that it is implemented that way in game, I'm just pointing out how it can be confusing)
This is a question I have. Right now I have Mithral body, and I'm using some enhancements to lower my spell failure, but I was thinking of removing the Mithral body so I can get full use of my Dex AC bonus and adding some +5/6/7 AC bracer's.
So say right now I have:
10 base
5 Mithral body
5 +5 Docent
5 Dex Bonus
25 Total
If I change it would this be right?
10 base
2 composite
3 +5 AC Bracers (5 - 2 that comes with the composite body)
5 +5 Docent
6 Dex bonus
26 Total
Does any one know if that will work? Before I swap out the Mithral Body feat
http://www.dkforums.com - Look Mom it's a Guild forum, can I have one too?
I believe that this is correct but I will have to check in game for sure. Simply need to equip bracers and +5 docent at same time on a composite body WF, look at AC then take off docent and look at AC again.
And BTW I think it is lame that there is no way to build warforged with an AC as high as some fleshies. What does mfp give like 13 armor bonus? That gimps a WF by 8 automatically. It just seems like a warforged should be inherently capable of out AC'ing a fleshie. IMO there should be docents with ~+10 armor bonuses to bring them in line with armor choices for fleshies. There would have to be some sort of dex capping to AC bonus to go along with it so I realize its not super easy, maybe such a docent could work only on an adamantine body. IDK just speculating.
If I am wrong and there is a way to make a 60+ AC wf without being dex based please let me know. I don't think I am mistaken but it wouldn't be the first time.
And by the way we are warforgeds not warforges!! I can't help it I'm a spelling nazi I even corrected Tolero's spelling of Kundarak a while back. They hate me at the office
Not quite, MFP is 8 armor bonus with max dex of 3, the 13 includes a +5 enhancement so it's just like a WF with Adamantine armor and a +5 docent, except for the max dex portion. Which puts MFP at 2pts higher AC than a WF can attain.
edit: would be nice to see a Mithral enchantment added to docents, so something like +5 mithral docent of X might bring WF that extra inch towards parity with the other fleshy armor wearers. However I don't think it's really necessary since WF have the added benefit of docents being hot-swappable which is IMO a much better bonus than that little point or two of AC.
Last edited by Dungnmaster001; 03-27-2008 at 05:53 PM.
On a related note....
What does a warforged character have to do to get an AC over 40? Do they have to be fighters (armor mastery)? Or take combat expertise? Or have really high dex? Is there any non-fighter, non-combat expertise way for an adamantium body character to get 40+ AC? ....er, without raid gear
It's true that virtually all WFs with high AC are fighters, and the others probably have high dex.
Here's what you can do with 16 dex.
10 base
+8 adamantine body
+1 dex
+2 daggertooth
+6 docent
+9 shield
+5 deflection
+2 chaosgarde
+1 dodge
+2 defensive fighting
Then toss in buffs from other classes:
+5 ranger
+4 paladin
+4 bard
+2 cleric
+1 arcane
or 62 total AC. (The +6 docent is raid loot, though, so go to +5 without it)
Last edited by Angelus_dead; 03-28-2008 at 09:19 AM.
Last edited by Jaywade; 03-28-2008 at 09:44 AM. Reason: added note
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