i downloaded the game so i have no manual - cant find anywere it has the tables for sor/wiz. not shure how the progression follows (what lvl sorc gets 1st 2nd 3rd lvl spells and how many they get????? please help
i downloaded the game so i have no manual - cant find anywere it has the tables for sor/wiz. not shure how the progression follows (what lvl sorc gets 1st 2nd 3rd lvl spells and how many they get????? please help
Was gonna direct you to DDOWiki, but Demonmage was on it like white on rice.
Binding is Admitting Defeat ~ YndrofianPlook~Squidgie~Eyern~Irnbru~Grotesque
Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
- The DDOwiki
- ddo.com Online Compendium
- DDO User Guide (last published Dec '06)
Go to that website, hover over support in the menu and click on game manual. It only goes up to 12th level spell progression as far as I know, however u will be able to figure out what the progression is for higher levels off of looking at that.
More simply put, both a sorc and wiz will learn 1st level spells at first level, however after that a wiz learns thier next level spells every odd level if u are going pure wiz...
1=1st lvl. spells
3=2nd lvl spells
5=3rd lvl spells
7=4th lvl spells
and so on...
A sorc however learns thiers one level later than a wiz....
1=1st lvl spells
4=2nd lvl spells
6=3rd lvl spells
8=4th lvl spells
and so on....
Hope that gives u a general idea, there are a lot of differences between casters, the closest in terms of when they get a new spell level is a cleric and a wizard, they both get thier new spell level every odd level, however clerics are divine and wiz's are arcane. Otherwise the rest of the classes are completely unique.
far superior list of all the arcane spells here:
Wizard's Handbook
Yes, it's wizard aimed, but we get the same spells to pick from and the other lists posted aren't as complete as this one is.