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Thread: Vista?

  1. #1
    Community Member Sefuss's Avatar
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    Default Vista?

    My brother is going to buy a new computer, but the problem is all the new ones he was looking at all had vista intead of windows xp installed. He asked if they would install xp instead. The would but only for an extra $200. My question is how well does vista work with ddo. I didn't hear alot of good things when I asked groups in ddo, and I have xp installed, so don't really have any advice for him. The thing that really concerned me was that they said he would have to keep your video settings on low, even if he had a good video card, and that seem bothersome. Any advice would be helpful
    The Fus/Fuss man, if ya see this at the end, good chance it is me.

  2. #2
    Community Member esoitl's Avatar
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    i use Vista on a laptop with a factory video card

    it sucks and can't handle anything - therefore i need my settings low but other than that(not really a Vista problem btw) it works fine for me

  3. #3
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    Personally, I wasn't too impressed with Vista so I took it off. I had problems with other games before I ever got around to putting DDO on this system. NWN required a lot of work to get functioning and then when it was functioning the textures were weird and the character models looked like Terminator 2 liquid metal guy. I also had trouble with other software being unable to run on Vista so for me it wasn't going to work out. Then after reading problems people had on these forums, I figured XP was the way to go. Not many people want to spend all their time trying to figure out how to make programs work, they just want them to work.

    Did you guys look at any custom shops? There are probably places around where you live that can custom build a machine for you and then put on whatever OS you want. Another benefit is that the guys at these stores, in most cases, know what they're talking about since they actually build the machines.

    If you're looking at Big Box stores, be somewhat careful because those young whipper snappers might know some things, but they don't know everything. Those stores also make a ton of money selling you stuff that you just don't need or could get at Walmart or Sam's Club a lot cheaper.

    I bought a Windows XP Pro "student edition" which is the exact same thing as XP Pro except a lot cheaper. You can buy it on the web and pay something like $100 maybe a bit more. Don't worry they don't ask for student ID.

    Another option would be to buy that system and then try to dual boot. You can usually find some software to resize the partition with Vista on it to make room for an XP partition. Make one partition for Windows XP and one with Vista. Put DDO on XP and then use Vista for everything else you do.

  4. #4
    Founder flatlyne2001's Avatar
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    I'd suggest doing a search where myself and others have answered this multiple times
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