I do not need Plat, but it may be added to equal the value on a trade. Straight Plat offers would have to be ridiculous amounts.
I am looking for the items listed below. I am willing to trade multiple items for single/multiple items of equal value (in my estimation), which means something I want or something I didn't know I wanted until you proposed it. Feel free to offer other items, but make sure that it is a reasonable trade offer. Also, let me know something you are looking for, I might have it and just didn't list it. I can add plat from my side if it is an item I want as well.

Looking to trade for the following Items in no particular order:

Large Ingredients (Current needed: 2 Arrow, 1 Chain, 3 Stone, still will except others) - Ok, these might be a little higher than other items.

Green Steel Ingredients (Funk, Fungi, Twigs, Pebbles)

+2 Tomes
Kardin's Eye(s)
Blood Stone(s)
Big 5 with other nice modifiers
Smiting Rapier/Scimitar/Kukri
Wounding of Puncturing Rapier/Dagger/Short Sword/Heavy Repeater
Paralyzing Heavy Repeater
Electric Haze Belt
Ring of the Ancestors

Items I have to trade:

Big 5

+4 Paralyzing Battleaxe RR: Dwarf DIF: 24 (Lvl 14)
+3 Paralyzing Khopesh of Pure Good RR: Halfling DIF: 24 (Lvl 14)
+1 Paralyzing Scimitar (lvl 10)
+2 Paralyzing Warhammer of Backstabbing (+1) (lvl 14)
+1 Paralyzing Warhammer (lvl 10)
+1 Paralyzing Densewood Shortbow of Precision (lvl 14)
+2 Paralyzing Greataxe of Parrying RR: Halfling DIF: 24 (lvl 14)
+1 Paralyzing Light Mace of Vertigo (Lvl 12)
+1 Paralyzing Longsword of Righteousness (Lvl 12)
+1 Paralyzing Quarterstaff of Righteousness RR: Elf,Drow DIF: 20 (Lvl 10)

+1 True Chaos Club of Smiting DIF: 20 (lvl 12)
+2 Darkwood Light Crossbow of Smiting (Lvl 12)
+1 Seeker (+2) Kama of Smiting (Lvl 12)
+2 Shock Dwarven Axe of Smiting (Lvl 14)

+3 Banishing Composite Longbow (Lvl 14)
+1 Banishing Warhammer of Maiming (Lvl 12)

+1 Keen Longbow of Disruption (Lvl 12)


Axe of the Unseen Blow (lvl 14)

+1 Anarchic Longsword of Greater Elemental Bane RR: Elf,Drow DIF: 18 (Lvl 8)
+2 Keen Longsword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane (Lvl 10)
+1 Icy Burst Handax of Greater Orc Bane (Lvl 10)

+4 Holy Dwarven Axe of Pure Good (Lvl 12)
+3 True Chaos Cold Iron Greatsword of Parrying (Lvl 10)
+4 Acid Silver Handaxe of Righteousness (Lvl 10)
+3 Wounding Battleaxe of Enfeebling (Lvl 14)

+3 Shock Returning Throwing Dagger of Precision (Lvl 10)
+4 True Law Returning Throwing Dagger of Precision (Lvl 12)


+5 Light Mithral Shield (lvl 8)
+4 Mithral Tower Shield (Lvl 6)
+5 Mithral Tower Shield of Lesser Sonic Resistance (Lvl 10)
+3 Mithral Tower Shield (Lvl 4)


+6 Wisdom Helm (lvl 13)
+6 Wisdom Helm of Eloquence (+3 Diplo) (lvl 15)
+6 Int Googles of the Eagle (+3 Spot) (lvl 15)
+6 Int Googles RR: WF DIF: 20 (lvl 13)
+6 Dex Boots (Lvl 13)
+6 Wise Necklace of Haggling (+3) (Lvl 15)
+6 Strength Belt of Light Fort (Lvl 15)
+6 Char Cloak (Lvl 13)

+5 Wisdom Ring (Lvl 11)
+5 Strength Bracers (Lvl 11)
+5 Intel Helm (Lvl 11)
+5 Con Belt (Lvl 11)

Eye of the Beholder (lvl 13)
Belt of the Tongue (lvl 13)
Fanged Gloves (lvl 13)
Crystallized Widow's Eye (Lvl 11)

8 Average Khyber Dragonshards

+15 Diplomacy Necklace RR: Human DIF: 20 (Lvl 13)
Belt of Heavy Fortification (lvl 11)
Helm of the Magi (lvl 11)
+2 Strength Belt of Heavy Fort RR: Human DIF: 20 (Lvl 13)
+1 Strength Belt of Greater False Life (Lvl 13)
Belt of Greater False Life (Lvl 11)
Ring of Balance +15 (Lvl 15)
Cloak of Greater Sonic Resistance (Lvl 11)

Blue Scale

