Hi. My wife (Ghynvael) and I play. We've been playing together since the game came out. We have 2 computers on a home network that share a cable internet connection through a router. We had never had problems (especially like this one) until now. It raised it's head a second time tonight and it's really frustrating!
We were in a raid group for Tempest's Spine. We had a full group of 12, and when we went into the mission, both her and I crashed out to desktop (disconnected). We both logged back in and returned to the game. She went into the mission. I ended up in the Harbor Inn (not sure how that happened). I ran back to Jorasco, clicked to enter the mission and bam, we both crashed out again.
Now it gets weird. This time when I logged into my account, I got *her* character list/account information. She logged into her account and she got mine! I accidentally came into the game as one of her characters as I was trying to quickly re-enter, which booted her character from the raid group. She didn't enter the game from my account and quit to desktop. We both went back into the game and logged in and had access to our normal accounts. I logged in as my character again. I was again back in the party. I ran all the way back to the mission in Jorasco and entered fine. She was unable to log into the game (couldn't find a login server).
After a few minutes and reboots, she was able to reconnect, and when she entered the game we both crashed out again.
Now I am here.
Any ideas why this is happening? It seems strange that we can enter most missions fine, but in this example (and one earlier I posted) we can't. What's really scary is logging in through my account and getting her character list.What can I do to fix, or is this something that isn't on my end?
edit: I have submitted the ticket through the official technical support solution center, but I'm hoping for help wherever I can get it!