Here is the updated list....I've picked up a few of the items I needed but as always, still looking for a few items:
Chipmunk Funk & Pebbles
Some Small Ingredients
Large Ingredients
Unbound Green Steel Goggles, Bracers, Longbow, Short Swords or Great Swords
+8 Armor Bracers, any rr
Boots of the Innocent
Nice Greataxes (I have the Power 5s, would like a +5 Wounder or Burst of Pure Good)
Wounding of Puncturing Rapier/Heavy Repeater/Short Sword/Dagger
+5 Wounding Rapier with Pure Good or Maiming
+5 Puncturing Raper with burst
Planar Gird
For Trade
+3 Dagger of Greater Potency 7
+2 Holy Burst Khopesh of Construct Bane
+1 Ghost Touch Scimitar of Disruption
+4 Shocking Heavy Repeater of Puncturing
+2 Holy Burst Khopesh of Construct Bane
+1 Vorpal Returning Throwing Axe of Wizardry 1 rr wf
+2 Vorpal Khopesh
+1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe of Tendon Slice
+1 Vorpal Battleaxe
+1 Shocking Longsword of Disruption
+1 Thundering Khopesh of Smiting
+3 Crippling Warhammer of Smiting, rr halfling
+1 True Chaos Bastard Sword of Smiting
+1 Flaming Warhammer of Smiting
+1 True Law Silver Warhammer of Smiting
+2 Banishing Short Sword
+2 Banishing Dagger of Tendon Slice
+2 Paralyzing Bastard Sword
+1 Paralyzing Scimitar of Backstabbing +1
+1 Paralyzing Handaxe of Backstabbing +1
+1 Paralyzing Greataxe of Shatter
+1 Paralyzing Shortsword of Shatter
+3 Paralyzing Handaxe rr Halfling
+2 Frost Scimitar of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane
+1 Holy Scimitar of Greater Dragon Bane
+2 Transmuting Battleaxe of Greater Dragon Bane
+2 Shock Rapier of Greater Giant Bane
+1 Axiomatic Rapier of Greater Undead Bane
+1 Axiomatic Burst Rapier of Pure Good
+4 Ghost Touch Falchion of Pure Good
+4 Shocking Burst Longsword of Righteousness
+6 Con Necklace
+6 Con Belt of Eagle Splendor, rr Human
+6 Dex Ring
+6 Dex Boots
+6 Dex Ring of Bless, rr Human
+6 Strength Gloves
+6 Strength Belt of Lesser False Life, rr Wf
+6 Int Goggles rr elf (x2)
+6 Int Ring
+6 Wisdom Mask rr elf
+15 Ring of Open Lock
Ring of Greater Sonic Resistance
Helm of Free Will
Giantcraft Syberis Compass
Crystallized Widow's Eye
If you see anything you like, please send me a PM or look me up under Realm, Tolltaker, Tiltowait or Hecabus.