Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
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I'm glad to hear that we're getting Monks. But where is the discussion about druids?
I'm sad to hear gnomes are out of the picture (unless the playerbase really whines a lot it sounded like to me). But where is the discussion and release for 1/2 orcs?
Are both druids and 1/2 orcs thrown in the waste pile with gnomes?
It's unsettling to read something like that and find so little to like.
Lotro style "quests" are one thing, but the fact that we're to go "mostly underground, under the city" with a couple Shavarrath elements.. that the explorer area is mentioned and the quests deprecated...
I feel like game development is drifting away from the focus on new and complex quests.. and quests are the life & blood of the game.
I also feel like the explorer areas are the wrong answer to "sense of movement" need.. we need another hub for adventures, not an island in an explorer zone...
Kate: There’s no question that more solo play is a request that we get all the time from players. At the heart of it, DDO is always going to be a party-based game. It’s what the IP is about and really what a lot of MMOs are about.
But we know that people also don’t always have time to find a party. Sometimes people don’t have time to go through a full-length dungeon. One of the things that we’re doing in Module 7, which is a bit similar to LOTRO, is putting in some of the quest mechanics that you might see in that game. You may walk up to an NPC, gather a dozen small quests, then over the course of several hours or days you’ll gradually fulfill those smaller quests from that sort of lighterweight mechanism.
Ten Ton Hammer: So you might get a “Kill 10 Kobolds” quest and you’d just need to find 10 kobolds to kill?
Kate: That’s exactly right.
<|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.
Just because they did not mention druids and half-orcs does not mean they are not coming... They have been very adamant that they will be coming.
We have even seen video of Half-orcs being developed..
Though I would like to know what stage of development Druids are in.. I think I will send that question to DDO cast
Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
yeti skins, FTW!
I didn't find anything in that article that upsets me, or that was unreasonable. I'm pleased she did the interview, as this is the sort of stuff I like to hear about.
This item dissasembly thing intrigues me. Oh how I would love to strip "vicious" and "power II" of some otherwise decent stuff. Or, carefully extract the vorpal quality off my punctuation to tenderly apply it to a damage dealing weapon that I'm freakin proficient with.
Last edited by DrAwkward; 03-11-2008 at 05:54 PM.
There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
the fact that she has a Brass Beaver
I don't personally like that answer, but I suppose I can understand it to an extent.
Still, M7 is a few months away. Then they have, what, 6+ months to get M8 finished before the end of the year hits? I'd personally rather M8 get pushed back so the cap can hit 20 in one go.
But that's just me.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
The traits of Zilargo and House Sivis could have been given to some other race as a culture aspect. Gnomes aren't needed for that... halflings, elves, or even dwarves could've served that role.
More importantly, the role of Gnomes in the Eberron setting isn't the question. The pertinent issue is the role of a gnome in the party of adventurers.
Technically that can be said about any of the dragon marks...
But they don't... Gnomes do...Gnomes were giving a deep & rich story in Eberron...They are a Huge part of Eberron..which this game is based on..
Kate says that Dragonborn will be looked at vs the way they fit in Eberron, Gnomes should be treated the same.
That is easy... As a Rogue, Cleric, Paladin,Wizard, Sorcerer, Monk, Fighter or a bard.. Or a MC of any of those.
Heddar Dwarf Fighter L 17, Celidaer Elf Wizard L 17, Merinid Drow Bard L 16,
Talimore Human Ranger L 5, Kuven Human Cleric L 3, Kopesh Warforged Barbarian L 4
I think this is great! Everyone has complained endlessly about the lack of Monks. Did they hurry a half-cocked version of a Monk into the game? No they are taking their time and that should be commended. I would think that the mere nature of the Monk would present a host of challenges in design. Introducing someone with a unique fighting style, in to a game where all the other (for the most part) modes of combat are established has to be hard.
Also the complaining about similairities between WoW and DDO are ridiculous. Killing a certain amount of monsters...hmmm...sounds like slayer! Who cares the manner in which it's presented, I happen to think that you should get XP for each individual kill. Like PnP each monster or group of monsters has an experience value. If I go out and kill a rare solo in the Vale, I get the rare encounter XP and from there on out I get credit for one kill in slayer. No matter how many times he kills me or I how many times I find him, I only really get XP once for defeating him. Every kill should net me experience since, I as a player actually gain personal experience from fighting a monster multiple times.
I see that some love Gnomes but I have more of a long distance relationship with them. I think as NPC's they are cool but I've always had a little problem with them being (to me mind you) a little Disney-ish. Just don't particularly care for them. Not that anyone cares but I don't see them as a Master Race in this game. Dragonborn is really awesome, I have read some on them but again I have fears that they will turn into the next Drow. I am forced to be grouped with at least 4 drow in every 6 man party (I exxagerate) and they all look the same.
I'm a little weary of 4th Ed rules without actually knowing how they will work with our current characters. I have no time to re-roll my characters to fit a new set of rules or to capitalize on all the benefits a new set of rules has to offer. We can always start with small changes and pick and choose the best additions to the online version.
Overall I am very happy with the direction of this game and I think most are, so don't be negative. We ask and ask and Turbine provides a glimpse of things to come. They show us the advent of the most sought class to date. What do you people say? (about 3 of 5) Boohoo I want this and that and this sucks and this disturbs me. They are proud of this and they pointed out tons of really great stuff. If you don't want to kill X amount of *enter your fave monster here* then don't do it.
I remember about 2 years ago they said this game wouldn't last. Nay sayers who claimed the game was not as good as WoW have eaten their words. I would bet that ratio of new players compared to current players greatly out numbers that of WoW, mind you not total numbers but newbs per 1000 current players for example.
This game is cutting edge, graphics wise, story lines, character progression (by far) and gameplay (most important). The community is great also. They have a sense of the heritige for D&D and the progression of such a profoundly conceived game. Be happy all, take solace in the fact that you are getting new content, Mod 7 and 8 are discussed here.
Couple of things I would love to see in addition to the stuff mentioned above:
- First and foremost - Give us the option of purchasing or earning more character slots. I want lots of characters and I want to keep some lowbies for, experience any new content at low levels, without deleting any of my experienced.
- Personalize my appearance - Maybe through crafting, color my armor, change my hair do, expand on the character gen possibilities.
- Find a reward for 2250 Favor - My idea (you may hate it) A new server, only available to 2250 Favorers' that gives you an automatic 32 point build on your first character, has a boosted XP table and lowers costs accross the board at all vendors. There would be nobody on the server who didn't know what they were doing and it would alot easier to expirment with different builds. Plus there would not be very much crowding.
Thats it for me! Out
Wow. I just read Kate's half-arsed interview and...
boy, am I disgusted...
If I wanted to play LOTRO, I would play that game. I want to play DDO, not an imitation of a different game.
It seems crafting (?) of some sort is going to be here, but it can only be done at ritual devices (ala Eldritch devices)
Bringing Dragonborn in (I have yet to hear anyone say they want dragonborn), and not a 3.5 and EBERRON (isn't this what DDO is based on) CORE CLASS like GNOMES is just plain sad. 4.0 D&D doesn't even look appealing.
Why not just start us all off as gods?
This is not D&D, it is looking more and more like some sort of creation that they are making up as they go along.
I am now more then ever sticking to my guns. One more year for them to SERIOUSLY add Gnomes.
After coming up with a very good new mod, news like this is terrible and very disappointing.
DDOwiki.com, #1 source for DDO information.
I'm sorry, but I don't see anything in the interview that says that Dragonborn race will be included. The question and Kate's answer was:
emphasis mineTen Ton Hammer: Does that mean that new races that are being introduced in 4th Edition, like Dragonborn, will be looked at to be included in DDO?
Kate: Absolutely. Again, we have to know what the details are and understand how the Dragonborn interact with Eberron before we can begin commenting on their place in our world.
Seems like to me she is saying that they will look at including the Dragonborn, but like any other race it is not guaranteed. Ya know, the whole have to know the details and interaction part of her response.
That aside, I would like to see all the dragon-marked races included in the game as playable races. So give us our darn gnomes and half-elves please!
As far as the go kill 10 of XXX quests...meh, so what? They probably won't be tied to favor and the xp will be minimal. If you don't care for such quests (and I admit I don't) then don't do them.
Per Cocomajobo - Ranged has easy access to AOE - apparently 3 feats, BAB 11 and Dex 19 is considered easy access these days. post here
Dedicated Teams: be part of a larger community.
You never hear anyone say: "Yeah, but it's a dry cold."
Adventurers never forget. Adventurers still hate Coyle!
Ok I'll be the first to say it then. I'd like dragonborn as a playable race in DDO. There now you have heard it. It might even happen some day but I doubt it'll be anytime soon. More likely they will add eberron specific races first.
As far as 4th edition (it's NOT 4.0; they have NO plans for a 4.5 so calling it 4.0 is misleading. 3.5 was just a way to clear up and streamline rules that weren't playtested enough) I like almost everything I've seen about it. However I don't see it translating into DDO. What I predict is something like what Everquest did: a second game. DDO2 for lack of a better term. DDO1 would be more closely 3.5ish like what we have now, and DDO2 would be pure 4th edition. I really don't see any other way to do it unless they try and cram 4th edition rules into a 3.5 shell. Square Peg - Round Hole. not gonna work.
Not really.
If this was a problem, there wouldn't be eleventy billion playable races out there. There wouldn't be people always looking to play something different, just for the sake of it.
You can find a place for just about anything in a party of adventurers. But it may be harder to find a role for everything in a setting. This is the impression I get from reading Races and Classes. Gnomes weren't distinctive enough from the other races to have an iconic place in the grand scheme of settings and/or D&D in the metaconscious of players, and so they're being dropped out (or more accurately, pushed back to some other non-PHB supplement).
But Gnomes do have a place in the Eberron setting, and a place in the minds and hearts of people who play in Eberron. We have what makes them distinct from Elves and Dwarves and Halflings. And while those things could have been given to some other race, they weren't. That's sort of like saying Kalashtar could've just been psionic humans. Or that the half-elven dragonmarks could've been split up between the elves and the humans. Sure, they could've but they weren't. And no amount of "could've" is going to change that. Eberron is what it is. WotC would be beyond stupid to try to reassign dragonmarks to other races just because they don't have something in their 4E PHB.
Gnomes will be part of 4E Eberron games, and most will continue to play the role that they played in 3E Eberron games.
Have a question about the Eberron Setting?
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Amen Arminius!
I think having someone that you can talk to for a reward for doing some small quests, good idea. those quests being of the "kill 10 XXX" and report back type, not so much. Find 5 of these gems in a kobold infested warehouse? Good. Find 10 warehouses that have Kobolds, bad. Remember what the 1st word in the title is after all![]()
Keep up the good work, and thanks for the update. They are always welcome.
Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk