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Rule 1: Don't sweat the small stuff
Rule 2: Its all small stuff
Rule 3: People are stupid. You, me everyone... expect it
more rules to come in a different sig
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Ok the Monk animations are cool yeah yeah.....BUT props goes to the interviewer running the camera that made sure EVERY TIME he went from a shot of the laptop back to kate; he panned from her chest to her face. I mean could he have made that ANY more obvious?? I think not. WTG TTH guy, you win camera perv of the month award!
I hope monks come soon.
You can always tell when the new content is wearing thin ... the boards get feisty.
Things are gettin' feisty.
(I have no idea what you are referring about when you say we are getting feisty. I'm just being an impatient brat after ohhhh, two-plus years)
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
Gnomes, Half-Elves and Half-Orcs...
How can a game derived from AD&D even consider itself to be a descendant of that incredible legacy if it precludes those core races?
I'll admit that my group and I stuck with the 1st edition rules until about a year before the 3rd edition came out, before making the move to 2nd edition. We refuse to move to 3rd/3.5/whatever it's called now, simply due to the overcomplications in running what should be a fairly simple and fun game. Basically, I will be glad to see monks come in, and hope that the races are not forgotten, as variety is the spice of life, both on our earth as well as in the AD&D/D&D realms. I find it hard to picture a party without at least one gnome or half-elf in it, from my 25 years of DM'ing the same ongoing campaign.
As for gnomes not having a valid place, the statement obviously comes from a person who has never seen a good roleplayer in a pnp game living it up while playing a gnome.
Anyways, there's a spot of my 2 cents on races.
As for quests, in all the years I have been DM, the groups have all been on about every conceivable type of quest, in all climates, and yes, there was a yeti or 2and some were to collect things for village crafters, or to deliver a sensitive package, and as long as they are handled properly, there's no reason they can't fit into DDO. Solo quests also have their place, but no single character should be able to cover every base, not even the famous Elminster of Shadowdale. That said, rogues, warriors, priests and mage-types should all have some special sorts of solo quests to go on, such as finding a lost spellbook of some famous mage, only to learn it has rotted, leaving only a couple of high-level spells. That sort of thing can be very fun, and givs everyone something they can do. The true strength and spirit of AD&D/D&D however was in group play, and to ignore that does a serious injustice to the man that brought us this legacy.
Half Orcs and Half Elves are supposed to be coming, gnomes, well as far as I understand they are not going to be in 4.0 either so who knows....
R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08
Hyldr>human paladin/rogue {main}Dyrge>Human bardNeviah>Human clericTekoa>drow rogueTabantielf arcane archerKorah>Human pally{rerolled, former main}
visit my art site http://nicirian.deviantart.com/
I was able to go to a 4th edition preveiw event and play an encounter and it does rock. Information has been released on the wizards web that gnomes are now "monsters", check youtube for some video interviews. And I am not sure but I think in PnP d&d the flurry of blows is a X/ per day ability. So whether it is an enhancement or feat chain in ddo it still follows the other classes ability to customize your toon just how you want. I can't wait I have been hoarding monk weapons for a long time so I will finally get to use them on my new monk.
limited edition founder# 2692
just be happy with DDO and play or don't play I don't care.
WoTC's "mistake" was trying to balance the game, and blowing racial abilities available to characters way out of proportion in the first place. Racial abilities were secondary to--and dependent on--level advancement in the original game; that's balance. As far as I'm concerned; DDO did it right in moving Drow up to an available race after achieving 400 favor. Something which fits with the original "DM's discretion". The original game was fine right up until somebody decided to add 35 "optional races"; which then became an excuse for wandering mob's of charlatan adventurer's
Merconas out.
..or perhap's it was just discontinuing the release of 2nd edition content.
...Gnomes would be a good choice for the 1000 favor mark.
....32 point builds should not be reserved for 1750 favor in my opinion; but its allready done. Perhap's you could add in a 30 point build after achieving 650, or 700 favor.
Last edited by Merconas; 05-26-2008 at 10:57 PM. Reason: just a few more things to say, and the removal of unneccessary content.
.~. Helgrem .~.