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  1. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Vordax View Post
    Why is everyone so down on this idea? You don't have to do these quests if you don't want to. There are a lot of people out there that have played other MMO's and like the fact that you can solo your way through the levels (as a newb). These quests give these new players something familiar to do. [...]

    More subscribers = more money for turbine = more content for us!
    You fail to understand. What we like about DDO is that it's different from other MMOs.

    We don't want lame quests where you're getting XP killing mobs. We're proud of not having any "bring me 10 spider hide" quest or any "go give this book to the librerian in the other village". What DDO is attracts or scare some people away. We get to play with those who stay. You'll notice, if you stay long enough on the forums, that we, as community, are really proudof what DDO currently is and try to scare those who aren't happy of it away.

    We're not scared of change, we know that change is bad.

    That kind of change will, liek you said, attract more player. However, their vision of an MMO isn't the same as ours. They would dislike DDO in its current form, so why try to please them? DDO is unique in that you get XP from completing a dungeon, not grinding a spot for hours. There are many ways to complete a dungeon in DDO, not many way to grind mobs in a MMO. What we don't want to see, is DDO going too close to other MMO. Shortly put, we don't want DDO to sell out to get more players.

    DDO getting more players because it becomes a better game? Sure, but these quests don't go in that direction. They attract more people, yeah, but not the kind of player we'd want. Get the players who left for lack of content back. Get ones that left for the lack of new builds to try by adding feats, spells and enhancements. But don't sell out, DDO is fine as it is.

    I love my DDO, I don't want to play WoW or LotRO... or I'd be playing WoW or LotRO., #1 source for DDO information.

  2. #82
    Founder & Hero Vordax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    You fail to understand. What we like about DDO is that it's different from other MMOs.

    We don't want lame quests where you're getting XP killing mobs. We're proud of not having any "bring me 10 spider hide" quest or any "go give this book to the librerian in the other village". What DDO is attracts or scare some people away. We get to play with those who stay. You'll notice, if you stay long enough on the forums, that we, as community, are really proudof what DDO currently is and try to scare those who aren't happy of it away.

    We're not scared of change, we know that change is bad.

    That kind of change will, liek you said, attract more player. However, their vision of an MMO isn't the same as ours. They would dislike DDO in its current form, so why try to please them? DDO is unique in that you get XP from completing a dungeon, not grinding a spot for hours. There are many ways to complete a dungeon in DDO, not many way to grind mobs in a MMO. What we don't want to see, is DDO going too close to other MMO. Shortly put, we don't want DDO to sell out to get more players.

    DDO getting more players because it becomes a better game? Sure, but these quests don't go in that direction. They attract more people, yeah, but not the kind of player we'd want. Get the players who left for lack of content back. Get ones that left for the lack of new builds to try by adding feats, spells and enhancements. But don't sell out, DDO is fine as it is.

    I love my DDO, I don't want to play WoW or LotRO... or I'd be playing WoW or LotRO.
    I really like the fact that DDO is different and better than any other MMO also. But I also realize that DDO is a business and businesses need customers (new ones). I really don't want DDO to be like WOW, and it never will be.

    They added the slayer/explorer quests and there were some of these same complaints when they were added. But I doubt that many now consider them bad.

    Why don't we wait and see how they handle the new quests before we pass judgment on it.


    Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. - Ronald Reagan

  3. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Vordax View Post
    But I also realize that DDO is a business and businesses need customers (new ones).
    Yeah, but there is a line to not cross either.

    It's like legalisation of pot. Any country would make tons of money out of its legalisation. From taxes, for the salary of those that harvest it, etc. However, if neither Canada nor USA has legalised it it's because they consider it's immoral for them to do so, even though there would be economical advantages to it (without mentioning that could also control its quality and make ure there aren't any junk in it).

    Same thing, it'd be nice, economicly for DDO, but are they willing to sell out like that? I hope not.

    I hope not, Codog said it once, he's Proud of DDO and so are the other developpers... I just hope that their plan of making it better doesn't include making DDO more LotRO-ish. That would sadden me, and a lot of the current playerbase. It might actually scare more current players than it'd attract new ones...

    Quote Originally Posted by Vordax View Post
    Why don't we wait and see how they handle the new quests before we pass judgment on it.
    Well, we're giving feedback, saying we hate it. So they know. We hate it the way we were explain it. Now, if it's not that way... well we'll see. At worse, we're "forcing" them get out an explanation faster. At leastm they got our feedback., #1 source for DDO information.

  4. #84
    Developer Eladrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordax
    They added the slayer/explorer quests and there were some of these same complaints when they were added. But I doubt that many now consider them bad.

    Why don't we wait and see how they handle the new quests before we pass judgment on it.
    The quests are much more like extensions off the collectables system, and are intended to supplement existing quests, not replace them.

    Some are like: "An alchemist has placed a bounty on kobold thrower vials, as he would like to collect them for study." - he doesn't care where you get them, so long as you do. Others are more similar to the adventure area rare encounter quests - "The vile Witch Doctor Squagh of the Clan Tunnelworm den killed my uncle, the city guardsman! I demand retribution! Bring me back the badge that he stole from my beloved uncle!"

    We've got some pretty cool options with this that can be used for very interesting things in the future. (What if that alchemist, after a certain number of people completed the miniquest and a long enough period of time was actually able to reproduce them and start selling them? Everyone wins! Except the kobolds.)

    Edit: Note - examples are all hypothetical.
    Last edited by Eladrin; 03-15-2008 at 12:12 AM.

  5. #85
    Hatchery Founder
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The quests are much more like extensions off the collectables system, and are intended to supplement existing quests, not replace them.

    Some are like: "An alchemist has placed a bounty on kobold thrower vials, as he would like to collect them for study." - he doesn't care where you get them, so long as you do. Others are more similar to the adventure area rare encounter quests - "The vile Witch Doctor Squagh of the Clan Tunnelworm den killed my uncle, the city guardsman! I demand retribution! Bring me back the badge that he stole from my beloved uncle!"

    We've got some pretty cool options with this that can be used for very interesting things in the future. (What if that alchemist, after a certain number of people completed the miniquest and a long enough period of time was actually able to reproduce them and start selling them? Everyone wins! Except the kobolds.)

    Edit: Note - examples are all hypothetical.
    Eladrin, you bring to mind a very important question regarding this. Right now, in the Shroud, there are new "collectibles" that drop in bags when certain things die. Thing is, only one person can collect these and it's first come first serve. One thing I love about DDO is that players don't have to compete with their own party over loot.

    If this new quest mechanic adds in these 1 person collectibles, I will be greatly disappointed.
    RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
    Member of the DDO Player Council

    Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
    Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer

  6. #86
    Founder Ducky's Avatar
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    Just give me something to do that doesn't involve a dungeon.
    Midevil slot machines or a made up card game, solo quests in explorable zones, crafting that doesn't involve raiding.. Just something. Give the game variety at this point and let the fanbois weep. You already have a core system in place with dungeons and quests, focus on side goals.

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The quests are much more like extensions off the collectables system, and are intended to supplement existing quests, not replace them.

    Some are like: "An alchemist has placed a bounty on kobold thrower vials, as he would like to collect them for study." - he doesn't care where you get them, so long as you do. Others are more similar to the adventure area rare encounter quests - "The vile Witch Doctor Squagh of the Clan Tunnelworm den killed my uncle, the city guardsman! I demand retribution! Bring me back the badge that he stole from my beloved uncle!"

    We've got some pretty cool options with this that can be used for very interesting things in the future. (What if that alchemist, after a certain number of people completed the miniquest and a long enough period of time was actually able to reproduce them and start selling them? Everyone wins! Except the kobolds.)
    See, now you describe it far better than the interview made it sound.

    What we're essentially talking about here is Explorer Zone quests that aren't tied to a specific explorer zone.

    That I can handle, I guess.
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  8. #88
    Community Member Hakushi's Avatar
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    If these quests are tied to the explorer zones, maybe it's time to remove the lvl cap for high lvls in these zones. Having a high lvl character in your group will prevent advancement for you, but not for him, and because he's high lvl, he would get a penality to the xp, or no xp at all of course.

    And please, the mistake was made in The Shroud, don't let more collectables that drop for only one person or any king of loot to follow that very bad idea. Also about the Shroud collectables, I saw the frustrating lvl cap again, why are you sticking on this, why a higher lvl is unable to advance a quest because he's... too high lvl. This is not the spirit of D&D.
    Guild I'm one of a kind, Khyber
    Current Crew: Raika ~ Carolanne ~ Sulthania ~ Yasminne ~ Zazette
    Semi-Active Crew: Rosanna ~ Venusia ~ Coriza
    Retired Crew: Alexandra ~ Samara ~ Zaretta ~ Carelle ~ Katina ~ Nathalya ~ Kristina ~ Nausikaa ~ Carietta ~ Isabella ~ Zyvorra ~ Hetoff
    Guild The Ashen, Khyber (Originally from Riedra)
    Retired Crew: Zazumi

  9. #89
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The quests are much more like extensions off the collectables system, and are intended to supplement existing quests, not replace them.

    Some are like: "An alchemist has placed a bounty on kobold thrower vials, as he would like to collect them for study." - he doesn't care where you get them, so long as you do. Others are more similar to the adventure area rare encounter quests - "The vile Witch Doctor Squagh of the Clan Tunnelworm den killed my uncle, the city guardsman! I demand retribution! Bring me back the badge that he stole from my beloved uncle!"

    We've got some pretty cool options with this that can be used for very interesting things in the future. (What if that alchemist, after a certain number of people completed the miniquest and a long enough period of time was actually able to reproduce them and start selling them? Everyone wins! Except the kobolds.)

    Edit: Note - examples are all hypothetical.
    That highlighted part? Pure awesome and win.
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
    Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!

  10. #90
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Wink As a compulsive completetist, myself.

    I don't really like the idea of areas that I cannot go 'back' to. I want to be able to look at my quest journal and see rows, and rows of "Completed".
    I agonize about not leveling so I can get all 1500 kills in TR, at least the ceiling in Sorrowdusk is 11. I anguish at the idea of opening Chunkss' book to see many non-completed quests. Heck I lost 10 favor in the new module, Proof Elite brought me back in line. And my create button had been acting bizarly(sp), sometimes on, sometimes off.
    I have spent practically all of my playtime in the last month just getting the 1500 on two mid-level toons. Holding off leveling, just to get that 10k xp. If I wasn't at the auctions, that is, or the event. Another story all together.
    But, I love this game.
    We have here a wonderfully rich, complex, intricate, and intriguing world to play with here. I think the level cap should be the most important. I guess we have really more than enough content to get people to 20th, right? Does someone even have an idea of a running complete xp available?
    I know that how I play {level appropriate-ish thru elite} before advancing, holding off leveling until I have all quests and wilderness levels, etc. Which sometimes can takes weeks of trying. If there were a higher level cap then it might not be as centric. With no new content for awhile, then the xp pool would dry up some. Taking time at the lower levels to collect the xp, do the quests.
    What is the level limit's now? It used to be 36. I mean how uber will we be then really? At the top end of the game now is a quasi-deity. And the game becomes so dependent on team play, it's sometimes difficult to have to PUG so often, my main guild has been warming up as of late, but it is still very difficult to do specific things with an experienced group which becomes life/death vital. I thought I was broke before with the buying of cakes and cookies as of late, but, now with the xp debt shifted to equipment damage, I forsee being very broke. Not sure if I am thrilled with that change, I would rather it have been optional, I'll take xp debt please. I'm slowly digging myself into a hole on my newbie server Thelanis.

    Guh to much typing...
    Last edited by iamsamoth0; 03-15-2008 at 10:50 AM. Reason: I typed.
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
    BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
    of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]

  11. #91
    Community Member greystone306's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ducky View Post
    Just give me something to do that doesn't involve a dungeon.
    Midevil slot machines or a made up card game, solo quests in explorable zones, crafting that doesn't involve raiding.. Just something. Give the game variety at this point and let the fanbois weep. You already have a core system in place with dungeons and quests, focus on side goals.
    Well theres already seamus luckypenny in the Leaky Dingy and the 2 people for games of chance in trhe phoenix.... so your first request is kind of already in..

  12. #92
    Founder & Hero cdbd3rd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borror0 View Post
    You fail to understand. What we like about DDO is that it's different from other MMOs.

    We don't want lame quests where you're getting XP killing mobs. We're proud of not having any "bring me 10 spider hide" quest or any "go give this book to the librerian in the other village". What DDO is attracts or scare some people away. We get to play with those who stay. You'll notice, if you stay long enough on the forums, that we, as community, are really proudof what DDO currently is and try to scare those who aren't happy of it away.

    We're not scared of change, we know that change is bad.

    That kind of change will, liek you said, attract more player. However, their vision of an MMO isn't the same as ours. They would dislike DDO in its current form, so why try to please them? DDO is unique in that you get XP from completing a dungeon, not grinding a spot for hours. There are many ways to complete a dungeon in DDO, not many way to grind mobs in a MMO. What we don't want to see, is DDO going too close to other MMO. Shortly put, we don't want DDO to sell out to get more players.

    DDO getting more players because it becomes a better game? Sure, but these quests don't go in that direction. They attract more people, yeah, but not the kind of player we'd want. Get the players who left for lack of content back. Get ones that left for the lack of new builds to try by adding feats, spells and enhancements. But don't sell out, DDO is fine as it is.

    I love my DDO, I don't want to play WoW or LotRO... or I'd be playing WoW or LotRO.
    QFFT! Well said, Borr.


    /Still hunting for sneak peek viddie of monks.
    Last edited by cdbd3rd; 03-15-2008 at 11:17 AM.
    CEO - Cupcake's Muskateers, Thelanis

  13. #93
    Community Member EspyLacopa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iamsamoth0 View Post
    I don't really like the idea of areas that I cannot go 'back' to. I want to be able to look at my quest journal and see rows, and rows of "Completed".
    I agonize about not leveling so I can get all 1500 kills in TR, at least the ceiling in Sorrowdusk is 11. I anguish at the idea of opening Chunkss' book to see many non-completed quests. Heck I lost 10 favor in the new module, Proof Elite brought me back in line. And my create button had been acting bizarly(sp), sometimes on, sometimes off.
    I have spent practically all of my playtime in the last month just getting the 1500 on two mid-level toons. Holding off leveling, just to get that 10k xp. If I wasn't at the auctions, that is, or the event. Another story all together.
    But, I love this game.
    We have here a wonderfully rich, complex, intricate, and intriguing world to play with here. I think the level cap should be the most important. I guess we have really more than enough content to get people to 20th, right? Does someone even have an idea of a running complete xp available?
    I know that how I play {level appropriate-ish thru elite} before advancing, holding off leveling until I have all quests and wilderness levels, etc. Which sometimes can takes weeks of trying. If there were a higher level cap then it might not be as centric. With no new content for awhile, then the xp pool would dry up some. Taking time at the lower levels to collect the xp, do the quests.
    What is the level limit's now? It used to be 36. I mean how uber will we be then really? At the top end of the game now is a quasi-deity. And the game becomes so dependent on team play, it's sometimes difficult to have to PUG so often, my main guild has been warming up as of late, but it is still very difficult to do specific things with an experienced group which becomes life/death vital. I thought I was broke before with the buying of cakes and cookies as of late, but, now with the xp debt shifted to equipment damage, I forsee being very broke. Not sure if I am thrilled with that change, I would rather it have been optional, I'll take xp debt please. I'm slowly digging myself into a hole on my newbie server Thelanis.

    Guh to much typing...

    An actual Quasi-Diety would kick our ass so hard. . .They typically have at least either 20 class levels and/or 20 HD of outsider. Toss in upgrades from just being in DDO. . .

    At best, we fight someone who thinks they're a diety. If you can, check out the Divine rules: here (link is to the online d20 SRD section on Divine rules)
    "Traps don't do damage. They ask you to do damage to yourself." -Andy Menard
    Release your inner dwarf. Then get him some ale!

  14. #94
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Question That's the point you choose to debate...

    Quote Originally Posted by EspyLacopa View Post

    An actual Quasi-Diety would kick our ass so hard. . .They typically have at least either 20 class levels and/or 20 HD of outsider. Toss in upgrades from just being in DDO. . .

    At best, we fight someone who thinks they're a diety. If you can, check out the Divine rules: here (link is to the online d20 SRD section on Divine rules)
    mmmm, k...
    I apologize for incorrect terminology. What ever it is, it is.
    Last edited by iamsamoth0; 03-15-2008 at 01:08 PM.
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
    BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
    of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]

  15. #95
    Founder Shamguard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eladrin View Post
    The quests are much more like extensions off the collectables system, and are intended to supplement existing quests, not replace them.

    Some are like: "An alchemist has placed a bounty on kobold thrower vials, as he would like to collect them for study." - he doesn't care where you get them, so long as you do. Others are more similar to the adventure area rare encounter quests - "The vile Witch Doctor Squagh of the Clan Tunnelworm den killed my uncle, the city guardsman! I demand retribution! Bring me back the badge that he stole from my beloved uncle!"

    We've got some pretty cool options with this that can be used for very interesting things in the future. (What if that alchemist, after a certain number of people completed the miniquest and a long enough period of time was actually able to reproduce them and start selling them? Everyone wins! Except the kobolds.)

    Edit: Note - examples are all hypothetical.

    Just so long as I don't have to deliver a cask of ale and keep it away from all the drunk dwarfs.

    See you in Stormreach, Shamguard "I am THE Rogue."
    Practice doesn't make Perfect. Practice make Permanent. Patience makes Perfect.

  16. #96
    Community Member xynxie's Avatar
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    Default just a quick post...getting off work and going home to play

    For all those elitist and those that seem to actually think they live in ebbron when they log in.....I would suggest you stay with PnP.

    Have any of you read a Stephen King book....THEN watched a movie BASED on that book? Not quite accurate eh.

    Technology has limitaions associated with cost/availability and current limitations....hence the reason Lukas reedited the original 3 Star Wars recently as opposed to doing all the effects at the time....the technology has evolved dramatically and will do so for on line gaming as well.

    Most folks in this thread act as if doing a MOD is just whipping a few lines of this and that and boom...its a done folks need to find out a bit of what it takes to make a program such as this work then explain what you want vs need.

    Like a bunch of kids. you tell your parents over and over you want and expect but you could care less the cost to them as long as you get it.

    Technology vs Imagination. PnP let your imagination run wild....but in a MMO understand you must limit it to whats available....and whats available cost money...and for money you need folks to come in and play in huge numbers....not the 100 or so of us who troll the boards saying we hate new ideas.
    Shoogie 18/2 FTR/Rog 4th life, Shoogietwo,20FVS, Tredius 20 MONK 2nd life, Murlocke 20 SORC, Tracius 20FVS, Marlieus 20 BARD, Cratius 20 RNGR 2nd life, Junktrunktwo 15Wiz 2nd life, Tracius 13 CLR 2nd life....1 toon player....needs a life

  17. #97
    Community Member Trugaard's Avatar
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    Default Favor Dilema

    Well I am not at all elitist and actually find it a bit offensive to be called such. I don't actually have 2250 I am just around 1800 and I am a casual player who stuck to my character and played only him until I reached that plateau. The idea of another server with the things I mentioned lends itself to low manned groups. The low vendor costs coupled with the players eperience (not attitude) would be exciting. All that said, of course that has flaws and I see them, all I am saying is I'd like to see a 2250 (or comparable) reward of some sort. Maybe it would be a teleportation system that woud allow you to move quickly from anywhere in Stormreach or something of the like (use your imagination) just think it's a goal that should be out there.

    I actually love PUGs but the reality is that there are alot of us with 1750, I am a casual player and I seemed to reach it. The reason I brought it up wasn't so I could dogged by the Mod 7 hating, Turbine bashing, group of negative adventurers I thought it would provoke you all to give your opinion on a new Favor benchmark. So thanks for being consistent.


  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shamguard View Post
    Just so long as I don't have to deliver a cask of ale and keep it away from all the drunk dwarfs.

    Or nosey halflings? Agreed.
    There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
    Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
    They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
    the fact that she has a Brass Beaver

  19. #99
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Question Or a silly idea.

    In a place hopefully folks will see it.

    A reward that allows you to log in on a special server, and live test builds.
    Or jump into fighting with a 7rog/2 sor/3 ftr build with any gear and consumables, expendables you want.
    Throw wide the golden doors of ye' DB spreadsheet, O' Turbine!
    A romper room of sorts for 10 min of play, if need be.
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
    BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
    of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]

  20. #100
    Community Member Elfboy's Avatar
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    I heard nothing about Flurry of Blows. The cornerstone ability of the Monk, without it, they won't be as fun to play.
    Jesus saves, Buddah enlightens, Cthullu thinks you taste good with mayo.
    Swimming is not a sport, swimming is a way to keep from drowning.

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