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  1. #1
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    Default Price Check -- Bloodstone!

    I finally got a Bloodstone, but my Fighter doesn't really need it. Already +6 seeker from feat & enhancements, and have the Head of Good fortune I don't want to share slot with.

    Can you experts tell me what's comparable? I'm guessing this might be worth +5 mith FP, but not a w/p rapier? Or is it? A couple of +2 tomes / 1M plat? Not that I'd sell or trade it for tomes, a month later when you pull the tome you wanted you kick yourself, LOL. Ethereal Bracers?

    Can someone stack rank the bloodstone with some of the items above or other high-value trade items so I know what item(s) need to be addedin either direction for any trades? Thanks.


  2. #2
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    I finally got a Bloodstone, but my Fighter doesn't really need it. Already +6 seeker from feat & enhancements, and have the Head of Good fortune I don't want to share slot with.

    Can you experts tell me what's comparable? I'm guessing this might be worth +5 mith FP, but not a w/p rapier? Or is it? A couple of +2 tomes / 1M plat? Not that I'd sell or trade it for tomes, a month later when you pull the tome you wanted you kick yourself, LOL. Ethereal Bracers?

    Can someone stack rank the bloodstone with some of the items above or other high-value trade items so I know what item(s) need to be addedin either direction for any trades? Thanks.

    +5 Mithril FP.. ya you bet.
    1M Plat..nah.

    but, I fugure that you'll get a lot of great choices for it except... the W/P Rapier...

    ...if you can get a W/P Rapier for it I'll only say one thing.. you da man

    And then I'll flame the guy who actually traded the rapier lol.

    anyhow.. grats on your pull... sure wish that I had something that you'd want...

  3. #3
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    Ya I knew straight up it wouldn't get a w/p rapier. But would the bloodstone and a w/p shortsword be worth a w/p rapier? Or is that too much to give for one?

  4. #4
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    Ya I knew straight up it wouldn't get a w/p rapier. But would the bloodstone and a w/p shortsword be worth a w/p rapier? Or is that too much to give for one?
    oooh tricksy you are... tricksy...

    Not sure... I'll decline to answer... anyone else?




  5. #5
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    i'll trade you a +5 mith fp for it...
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  6. #6
    Community Member roggane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    Ya I knew straight up it wouldn't get a w/p rapier. But would the bloodstone and a w/p shortsword be worth a w/p rapier? Or is that too much to give for one?
    not enough more than likely. I don't know anyone who has a w/p rapier who would do that anyhow?

    refer you to the post about buying a bloodstone in thelanis market, think they mentioned the price for one?

  7. #7
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    I finally got a Bloodstone, but my Fighter doesn't really need it. Already +6 seeker from feat & enhancements, and have the Head of Good fortune I don't want to share slot with.

    Can you experts tell me what's comparable? I'm guessing this might be worth +5 mith FP, but not a w/p rapier? Or is it? A couple of +2 tomes / 1M plat? Not that I'd sell or trade it for tomes, a month later when you pull the tome you wanted you kick yourself, LOL. Ethereal Bracers?

    Can someone stack rank the bloodstone with some of the items above or other high-value trade items so I know what item(s) need to be addedin either direction for any trades? Thanks.

    Ok, not to derail the thread and screw anyone out of a potential trade...but....

    The seeker from ITEMS adds into the damage on a crit. Enhancements and feats do not do this. So when you crit with the bloodstone equiped you do:

    crit mod X2 = 12 more damage
    crit mod X3 = 18 more damage
    crit mod x4 = 24 more damage

    Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't already know. Again sorry to kinda derail there.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  8. #8
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    So when you crit with the bloodstone equiped you do:

    crit mod X2 = 12 more damage
    crit mod X3 = 18 more damage
    crit mod x4 = 24 more damage
    Thanks Shyv, indeed I did not know that when I posted, although someone else PM'd me with that info today. I'm conflicted since I haven't been greater commanded since getting my head of good fortune, but I might have to try this out a while to see how much difference it makes before trading it.

    So Eldun says 600K minimum, Scars says 1M too much. I guess that sets the plat value well enough.

    JF- MFP was my must-have for a long time, but I finally got some 2 months or so ago when I lucked on a w/p hvy repeater that I leveraged into a trade for it. I don't need have need for a second set.

    Thx all, I'll play with it and re-post later if it's ineed up for trade.


  9. #9
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    I'd guess (based on Khyber prices) it's more than 500k PP and less than 1 million.

    Compare to +5 mith fp (about 500k PP), W/P shortsword (1m - 1.5m PP) and W/P rapier (2m - 3m PP).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  10. #10
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    yep.. it's a tough call.. I remember running the desert for hours hunting greaves and bloodstone... I've seen it drop but I've never pulled one

    My barb would love one but hey... if I pulled a w/p... well I'd build a toon around it... a bloodstone? Nah... but it is valuable... very

  11. #11
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    Default The real story...

    I appreciate all the feedback everyone. In the spirit of disclosure among forum pals, I didn't pull his myself in the desert. Rather, last Saturday morning when my son woke up early, I logged on for a few minutes and checked the AH to look for a cheap Pearl of Power (yeah, right). Instead I saw a bloodstone listed for 50K start / 100K buyout -- and I mean Gold not Plat! Of course I bought it instantly knowing it was quite valuable if not exactly how valuable. Or how useful, not having realized that seeker added damage too. Anyway, I didn't find a cheap PoP X, but needless to day wasn't too disappointed. LOL


  12. #12
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    I appreciate all the feedback everyone. In the spirit of disclosure among forum pals, I didn't pull his myself in the desert. Rather, last Saturday morning when my son woke up early, I logged on for a few minutes and checked the AH to look for a cheap Pearl of Power (yeah, right). Instead I saw a bloodstone listed for 50K start / 100K buyout -- and I mean Gold not Plat! Of course I bought it instantly knowing it was quite valuable if not exactly how valuable. Or how useful, not having realized that seeker added damage too. Anyway, I didn't find a cheap PoP X, but needless to day wasn't too disappointed. LOL

    I need to start getting up earlier.............
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  13. #13
    Community Member Scarsgaard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    I appreciate all the feedback everyone. In the spirit of disclosure among forum pals, I didn't pull his myself in the desert. Rather, last Saturday morning when my son woke up early, I logged on for a few minutes and checked the AH to look for a cheap Pearl of Power (yeah, right). Instead I saw a bloodstone listed for 50K start / 100K buyout -- and I mean Gold not Plat! Of course I bought it instantly knowing it was quite valuable if not exactly how valuable. Or how useful, not having realized that seeker added damage too. Anyway, I didn't find a cheap PoP X, but needless to day wasn't too disappointed. LOL


  14. #14
    Community Member roggane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    I appreciate all the feedback everyone. In the spirit of disclosure among forum pals, I didn't pull his myself in the desert. Rather, last Saturday morning when my son woke up early, I logged on for a few minutes and checked the AH to look for a cheap Pearl of Power (yeah, right). Instead I saw a bloodstone listed for 50K start / 100K buyout -- and I mean Gold not Plat! Of course I bought it instantly knowing it was quite valuable if not exactly how valuable. Or how useful, not having realized that seeker added damage too. Anyway, I didn't find a cheap PoP X, but needless to day wasn't too disappointed. LOL

    ah the dreaded missed 0 on AH prices when posting.....

  15. #15
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by tc12 View Post
    I appreciate all the feedback everyone. In the spirit of disclosure among forum pals, I didn't pull his myself in the desert. Rather, last Saturday morning when my son woke up early, I logged on for a few minutes and checked the AH to look for a cheap Pearl of Power (yeah, right). Instead I saw a bloodstone listed for 50K start / 100K buyout -- and I mean Gold not Plat! Of course I bought it instantly knowing it was quite valuable if not exactly how valuable. Or how useful, not having realized that seeker added damage too. Anyway, I didn't find a cheap PoP X, but needless to day wasn't too disappointed. LOL

    I'll trade you my PoP X for your bloodstone
    Git off mah lawn!

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  16. #16
    Community Member tc12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braegan View Post
    I'll trade you my PoP X for your bloodstone
    Ha, like I didn't know that was coming!

  17. #17
    Community Member Arnya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shyver View Post
    Ok, not to derail the thread and screw anyone out of a potential trade...but....

    The seeker from ITEMS adds into the damage on a crit. Enhancements and feats do not do this. So when you crit with the bloodstone equiped you do:

    crit mod X2 = 12 more damage
    crit mod X3 = 18 more damage
    crit mod x4 = 24 more damage

    Just wanted to let you know in case you didn't already know. Again sorry to kinda derail there.
    Don't forget to multiply that by 1.5 for 2H weps
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