I actually took a few minutes to go through the bank and take a look at what has been gathering dust in there:
Tome Page 3
Tome Pages 7, 8 D
Ganged Gloves (STR +5, ASF -5%, ml:13) D
Gloves, Open Locks +13 (ml:13) S
+3 True Law Light Warhammer of Weighted (5%, +10 Stunning Blow) S
+3 Icy Burst Silver Greatsword of Undead Bane E
+1 Paralyzing Dwarven Axe of Lesser Goblinoid Bane (rr:halfling) B
+5 Acid Rapier of Righteousness
+1 Banishing Densewood Repeating Light Crossbow of Pure Good
+5 Heavy Mithral Shield of Stability B
+5 Mithral Chain Shirt
Bracers of Armor +5 B
Mummy Wrappings
Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Desecrated Leathers
Tourney Armour (+5FP, 2 Dex, -3 Armor Check) S
Acid Guard Robe of Heavy Fortification
Ice Guard Robe of Spell Resistance (19)
If something looks interesting, I am open to all sorts of trades and offers (except for ponies and other livestock - too smelly).