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  1. #1
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Default The single life....A sorcerous wandering.

    Solo. Content. That is not supposed to be soloable.
    I don't mean soloing raids...
    I mean completeing those stinky quests in your compendium that you could never get a cohesive party for...
    That everyone dropped group
    That no one wanted to even try.

    Sure, there is the do that solo normal hard elite at level 8-10 due to the lack of interest and the availability of greater undead bane and disrupters. Easy. One person, one part at a time. No one gets lost, forgets to advance, or drops party part way through, No one goes AFk in the quest you need to re-enter in the second part.

    And it is much easier to wait till level 14 on your bard (10 on your mele type) than complete Freshen the Air at an appropriate level in a party...because, lets face it... the quest has a certain...failure...wah! it is too hard! eeeew! I hate trogs! taste to it. And people unreasonably fear it on elite...because they remember how it was.
    but it really isnt that bad.
    at level 10/12/14

    I am interested talking about the quests the DEVs never intended you to solo, requiring several levers/presure plate to be pulled by characters in different rooms at the same time. Those quests no one wants to do...But I must.

    ~~Rest for the Restless~~
    Loc--House P
    Solo issue--must turn a valve that traps you in the room to continue.
    Resolution--Dimension door or recall after pulling the lever to escape the barred room and continue quest.

    ~~Heart/tomb first set of Necropolis quests~~
    Loc--back of house P--necropolis--nearest area to the tavern.
    Solo issue--one of the 4 pre-lims to the "trinket upgrade fifth quest in the series" requires 4 pressure plates to be activated at once. Sorry...cant remember the name...Is it Tomb of the Immortal Heart?
    Resolution--time and patience. There fleshy undead in the area of the not kill them!
    Convince them by whatever means necessary to stand on the plates...shoulder them into position...make it the best placement for attacking you. Get them in place...Halt undead them or flesh to stone them or both. This takes a lot of they will often move after being stoned and not help you at all. Managed to get it done with just flesh to stone on hard but they jumped around a little too much for it to work on elite...and I started getting a little frustrated.
    I have also heard of a Duo strat that involves seperating, standing on one, and summoning pets to the one across the room.
    Side note--there are way too many undead in this quest to kill them one group at a time. Dominate/charm the humans. Run with the rest of the mobs. Find a good place and lay down a couple of maxed firewalls...or a couple of fire balls...This saves on SP consumption. Remember, there are mummies at the end of each heart and a vamp at the end of bloddy greater heroism or a reaver ring an lots of fire......remember to prepare.

    Loc--Delera's graveyard
    Solo issue--This one still gets me stuck. I found my WF barb has yet to compete it...he is level 12.
    The second part involves a lever which must be thrown several times whale another runs through a set of alternating gates
    to a second lever that opens the door the proceed. Hmmm.
    Resolution--I haven't got one. I tried breaking the solo configuration, trying to convince anyone to pull the lever...even offered safe transit and recleared the way a couple of times but my helper...was not convinced. Meh...what is in there that my Barb needs? It is a roguely quest. Pets cannot pull levers, the levers cannot be ranged. It must be pulled from across the room (and through bars) 3 times in order to get to the second lever.

    any suggestions for the delera's solution...other than the "you should have done it at a level appropriate level and now its too bad and shame on you!" and "dont solo it...find a nice happy pleasnt group of stable people to do it with you who are on the quest and know where it is and have the time to complete the whole thing and I hate you anti social people who refuse to pug difficult quests because you ruin it for everyone and you break the game and and and...and you will have more fun if you are herding kittens...(group with me once...I will explain the herding kittens)!" this is a how to solo fact finding and fact sharing mission not a u shudda dun this and it is too late now and you are mean thread
    --what was intended for group play...(and it is my intent not to put others through what they never wish to do ever again no matter what...) but is till completeable on your own.
    And I tend not to be selfish, to require others to complete quests they don't want to do, in order to complete quests everyone else in the group wants done...

    I actually had a cleric do that once... Sure, I will do quest X with you, if we do quest B and R first!
    We completed quest B and quest R...Then he said he had run out of time and had to kinda split after that.

    ...So, to those still willing to read my threads

    Is there a solution?
    Have you found another Non-solo-intended quest with a solo completion?
    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 03-11-2008 at 10:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    until we can get summons/charms to pull levers, there's no solution for delaras solo
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword
    ~~Heart/tomb first set of Necropolis quests~~
    If you can kill and act really fast it is possible to do without halt undead/flesh to stone. When you kill something it leaves a corpse for a short amount of time. This corpse DOES act like a living being on a pressure plate. So, if you can kill two wights (one on each pressure plate) on the eastern side and do the summon-on-a-pressure-plate routine, you will be able to get in.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    Bad in one room the wights actually spawn and move freely...
    In the other the wights hate the room. you have to force thm into it then they bug...and wont move...

    <deep sigh...>

    Takes patience.

    so sad about the delera's no solution...

  5. #5
    Community Member xanvar's Avatar
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    For the Deleras if you were on kyber you could shoot me a tell if I am on. If not in the middle of something I wouldn't mind running over and hitting the lver for you.
    Winston Churchill:
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  6. #6
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    First, the delera's gate you are referring to doesn't work at the moment, does it? That's the one that gets 'fixed' every WDA and then retracted every module release. Secondly, the only thing back there is the rest of the Omaren guardians for that optional and their associated chests.

    Anyway, no one can do it at the moment unless I missed something. I'd love it if that thing was actually working again, just because I like full clearing places where reasonable.

  7. #7


    The bit in Delera's is totally optional, so my Solo Advice is: Skip it.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    It is the lever you have to pull (on the right as you enter the room) with 3 crystals that light up as you pull it to open a set of alternating gates on the left...not the swimmy one with all the archers under the arcane spawn gravity buttons...

    if the gates opened and staye dopen it would be soloable...
    As it is, I will prolly bet Boom...a off my second account to pull the levers...maybe that will work.
    she will prolly die lots.

    really want to try out part 3...solo..think it would be interesting.

    If only I could summon one of the wildmen they seem to like to do things...hit dirt with picks...bang gongs...
    Last edited by Yvonne Blacksword; 03-12-2008 at 09:11 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne Blacksword View Post
    It is the lever you have to pull (on the right as you enter the room) with 3 crystals that light up as you pull it to open a set of alternating gates on the left...not the swimmy one with all the archers under the arcane spawn gravity buttons...
    Oh, I'm vaguely remembering that. It's been a long time since I did Delera's.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    The bit in Delera's is totally optional, so my Solo Advice is: Skip it.
    No, this isn't the optional one. There is a required section where one person goes down a hallway with a series of gates in it and another person is in another room throwing a lever back and forth to open the gates. You have to go down the hallway to open the door to the next section, so there is no avoiding it.

    I don't think there is a way to solo that one.

    Nice advice for Rest for the Restless! I recently was soloing that and got stuck in that room and got annoyed and just gave up. I guess it never occurred to me to recall and come back in (because I hate the XP penalty), but since I was doing it for favor, it would have been a good solution.

  11. #11
    Community Member Sheezgame's Avatar
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    I was very impressed when our 3 man party ventured into a quest that had 4 pressure plates to open the doors. We thought we were stuffed since you needed 4 people to each stand on a pressure plate, but we managed to figure out how to proceed and completed the quest! That was once of our most enjoyable questing moments.

    Once they put in the ability to tell your pets to stay etc, these might even be solo-able!

    I soloed the Tangleroot fortress (on normal) tonight with my lvl7 Sorcerer which was quite enjoyable also

  12. #12
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    im curious as to how you can solo xorian cypher
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  13. #13
    Community Member Razvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFeenstra View Post
    im curious as to how you can solo xorian cypher
    You bring a partner

    That said, I was actually REALLY impressed when I saw a Youtube video of someone soloing VON 6...levers, meh...that's easy...But to solo that's talent!

    (and no, Reaver solos do not count! )

  14. #14
    Community Member Yvonne_Blacksword's Avatar
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    My sorc still hasnt done that one...
    That one room with the lever that closes the gate then you gotta have someone up top to pull a second lever?

    Glad I didnt try to solo that one.

  15. #15
    Community Member Sheezgame's Avatar
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    Does anyone know, if your pet wanders past the point that a gate would normally close (if you walked there), does the gate close? Or are they only triggered by actual players?

  16. #16
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razvan View Post
    You bring a partner

    That said, I was actually REALLY impressed when I saw a Youtube video of someone soloing VON 6...levers, meh...that's easy...But to solo that's talent!

    (and no, Reaver solos do not count! )
    you can two man VoN 5, but its not possible to solo it

    XC you need to do two different paths at the time time, its *likely* not possible to solo as the gates close
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  17. #17
    Community Member Razvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFeenstra View Post
    you can two man VoN 5, but its not possible to solo it

    XC you need to do two different paths at the time time, its *likely* not possible to solo as the gates close
    I was sure I posted "VON SIX" not 5

    plus, you can't tow-man VON5 anymore and you can't solo VON 6 anymore...

    but the video of how he did it (solo VON 6 I mean) was impressive!

  18. #18
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razvan View Post
    I was sure I posted "VON SIX" not 5

    well, you COULD solo VoN 6, but you can't get to it without help
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  19. #19
    Community Member Razvan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFeenstra View Post
    well, you COULD solo VoN 6, but you can't get to it without help

    This is what I am talking about...and yeah, he didn't solo VON 5...

    (oh, and notice how he jumped at the can't do that anymore and that's why you can't solo anymore...)

  20. #20
    Community Member JFeenstra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razvan View Post

    This is what I am talking about...and yeah, he didn't solo VON 5...

    (oh, and notice how he jumped at the can't do that anymore and that's why you can't solo anymore...)
    oh theres probably still a way to solo it, but it'd be incredibly difficult
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