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Thread: Lowbie event

  1. #1
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Default Lowbie event

    I loved the Shavarath invasion, I really did. I know I complain along with the rest, but it was fun, and all the ninja-looters, lag and repeated deaths won't change that.

    However, in keeping with the theme that's been hinted at for the next update, of enhancing the new player experience, I'd like to see an event sometime geared towards lowbie characters, with loot they can actually enjoy. SOme nice min level 2 elemental weapons, for instance, feather falling items like the Ring of Feathers, +2 stat items, +4 armor bracers like the coveted black widow bracers, that sort of thing. These things already exist, but only those who have hundreds of thousands of gold to buy them on auction ever see them. Would be nice to put some in a special event sometime soon.

    Just a thought

  2. #2
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    How will would you keep players to high in level out of the event? And when they complain that they are being excluded from the fun, what answer should they be given?

  3. #3
    Community Member cardmj1's Avatar
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    Loot you can use? Good luck with that...

  4. #4
    Founder Vardak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    How will would you keep players to high in level out of the event? And when they complain that they are being excluded from the fun, what answer should they be given?
    Jeeze Dane, Would you quit being such a nay sayer already.

  5. #5
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vardak View Post
    Jeeze Dane, Would you quit being such a nay sayer already.
    I'm all for a lowbie event. Just want to know how some major issues will be addressed for such a thing.
    ______________________________________________denotes I get that Vardak was being humorous--------^

  6. #6
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    It doesn't matter if high levels are there too, as long as the loot appears in chests rather than on the ground. Maybe a short-duration quest like the new devils quest, except one actual low level characters can do.

  7. #7
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arianrhod View Post
    It doesn't matter if high levels are there too, as long as the loot appears in chests rather than on the ground. Maybe a short-duration quest like the new devils quest, except one actual low level characters can do.
    I wonder if loot being scattered more randomly and farther apart would help spread the wealth if they continue to do the loot on the ground method.

    That way some one can't get most of it from the small area where it drops.

    A higher level character could come and dominate the whole event, effectivly making it so that lowbies don't get to do much.

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