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  1. #1
    Community Member Tigsen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Looking for a guild

    Hello all,
    After playing a bunch this weekend I've decided I'm going to continue with DDO after my free week ends. The game appears to have advanced a lot since I first played it right after release and I like everything I've seen (not to mention that my new computer runs it all nice and fast with the high quality graphics settings on).

    My new main character is a 4th level cleric. Back after DDO was released I played for a couple of months and hit 9th level as a cleric, but when I returned during this free week I decided to reroll as so much has changed and I didn't like my old build. Having equipment and coins to hand down to the "new me" though has helped a lot. I'm not looking for hand-outs or anything of the sort from a guild... just good folks to team up with at my level and higher... I really dislike the random nature of pick-up-groups (especially with the added cost to the cleric for healing wands that seems to result from a group of players that haven't learned how to play together well) and based on my past experience I know that joining a guild usually leads to a much more enjoyable time online for me.

    As for what I'm looking for in a guild:
    • I'd like to join a larger guild... the more members it has the easier it will be to find folks to team up with and to give advice as I climb back up in levels.
    • I'd prefer the guild have some lower level folks, too, in addition to higher level folks. I'm still only 4th level but know that I'll be moving up relatively quickly with how often I play.
    • I typically play between about 9pm and 1am EDT, most nights, and would be looking for a guild with plenty of members on during those hours.
    • I'm a mature player (40+) for whom family comes first (which means on rare occasions I may have to take a break if one of my kids wakes up) and would prefer joining a guild with similar views on real life vs DDO.

    Please let me know if your guild is recruiting and thinks I might be an asset while at the same time meeting some of my own desires.

    Thanks very much,

  2. #2
    Community Member ShaeNightbird's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Default Hail Tigsen

    Well Met!

    The Forsworn RP guild is recruiting new members. Your bio fits the profile of most of us...(Mature players with lives and families.)
    We are a Role Play guild. We pretty much stay in character most of the time, which I think really adds a fun dimension to the game, and enriches the experience for everybody. We're not a huge, power leveling guild, we're a family guild, but are doing our best to invite new folks to join us. We're multi level, and people are usually playing during the time frame you mentioned. However, you did mention you were looking for a larger guild, this is understandable. We're trying to grow, and this takes people! So, I'd like to extend an invitation to you, to check us out. We have a website -

    My main character is Janadanu, lv6 Cleric. She has guild invite capabilities. You can look for me out in the world and say hello, or if you go to the web page, and express interest in joining, we can make arrangements for a guild officer to recruit you. If you want to give us a try, and decide it's not for you, no problem, we're flexible. But if you like what you see, you're welcome to join us.

    Good Hunting.

  3. #3
    Community Member barecm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    As a cleric, you should have no problems getting into groups. At the lower levels, most of what you see are pugs anyway (compared to the current content), so take your time and find out where you fit.

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