So, the carniflex crits on a 15, pretty sick when you crit over 200 a pop....but my +3 holyburst of right does some nice damage too, just doesnt cirt as much. so whats better mathmatically?
So, the carniflex crits on a 15, pretty sick when you crit over 200 a pop....but my +3 holyburst of right does some nice damage too, just doesnt cirt as much. so whats better mathmatically?
It sort of depends on the enemy's ac but the Carnifex is, in general, equivalent to a +5 elemental greataxe in dps(obviously, it's worse against non-crittables). Not sure where the fascination with it came from.
edit: Not sure what numbers I used when I originally checked this, but it appears closer to an elemental burster for the range 30-40 str. Better than I originally suspected but your alignment burster probably beats it for enemies of the proper alignments.
Last edited by Strykersz; 03-10-2008 at 01:49 PM.
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