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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Just back and got a few random questions.

    when this game was first coming out I was extremly excited about it, loving D&D a D&D based mmo seamed like it would be great to me. I preordered the game and played for the preorder beta week. I hated the game, I was expecting D&D and got some **** with ranks ranks and robots. also anywhere that wasn't instanced was a slide show to me. so when the game finaly came in I gave it to a friend who was looking to try a new MMO.

    now 2 years later, I've been playing LOTRO and its a pretty game, and I love the lore. but its so "Casual" friendly that I can;t get thru the solo grind of the first 25 levels. I see a post about DDO having a 2 year aneversery or sumin like that. givin people a week of play to see how the game has progressed. I have a new computer now so I figure the lag wouldn't be a problems. I'm no longer expecting D&D, I'm expecting ranks and robots this time.

    I gotta say this time around I'm absalutly loving the game. the grouping I've found in the game so far is something I've been missing sence AC2 whent under. I love rogues, traps and locks are right up my alley. defentaly gonna stick around this time, and wishing I didn;t give away my preorder copy, but now that I gave ya the back ground I'ma ask my questions.

    first question is about favor. I'm loving my rogue but I've heard that I can unlock drow(make a better rogue IMO) at 400 favor points. but I've also heard that at a certain number of favor you get more points to creat yer char. if this is true how much favor would I need, and whats the quickest way to gain that favor?

    second question is just a minor annoyance, but theres some kinda graphical bug or jsut a setting I have wrong. but when ever I get close to fire there is this, what looks like random pixalated black fog, and as I pan around it seams to be in stripes and only shows over the fire. anyone know what this is?

  2. #2
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    1750 gives you 32 point builds and I have no idea on the graphics glitch. Sorry.
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  3. #3
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    400 favor for drow is a whole lot quicker to get than 1750 for 32-point builds. Would be more recommended to make a drow rogue when you get the (400) favor - built right they can give any 32-pointer a run for their money anyway.

  4. #4
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    can you make a 32 pt drow? or is the extra stat bonuses from the drow cover that?

  5. #5
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    Yep, drow are as good as a 32 point build for any class that needs dex/int/cha, and that most certainly includes rogues. 400 favor comes pretty dern quick anyway, but the quickest way to accrue favor at low levels is to group up with high high level people who are doing favor quests and just tag along. They likely won't mind. You'll get no XP but rake in the favor. If you're on Sarlona, let me know (through a PM here, if you like) and I can help ya get to 400 in a night.


  6. #6
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravebane525 View Post
    can you make a 32 pt drow? or is the extra stat bonuses from the drow cover that?
    Yes, the extra stat bonuses cover that. Drow are (more than) the equivalent of a 32pt Elf build.

  7. #7
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    No such thing as a 32 point drow, nope. Drow get +2 to int/dex/cha at creation by default though (and -2 con). So they are sort of a 32 point build - and may be even better depending on your stat allocation. For example, they can go to 20 in those 3 stats, or get to an 18 for fully SIX less points than another race. It costs a drow 10 points to raise intel from 10 to 18, it costs a normal elf 16 to raise it from 8 to 18, etc.

  8. #8
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    ah that really good news. as for my server, I got no clue what server I play on still runnin the 10 day trial, but when I do start playing I'ma likely sigh up on my turbine account.used to play AC2 on it and now play lotro on it, and would like to keep them all together.

    so that brings up another question. is there any server thats better then another? I love grouping and love playing a rogue. might take up a spell casting class after I get my rogue done

  9. #9
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oran Lathor View Post
    No such thing as a 32 point drow, nope.
    You can say that again! A properly built 28pt Drow has the base attribute equivalent of a 42pt Human or a 38pt Elf/Halfling, with the added benefit of Elven racial bonuses and some Spell Resistance.

  10. #10
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Quote Originally Posted by gravebane525 View Post
    is there any server thats better then another?
    Not really. You can check each server guild's list if you're looking for some specifics.

  11. #11
    Community Member roadkill525's Avatar
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    alright thankie all for the help. I was in the serbver with a T and made a few friends there with the trial account. when I redid my other turbine account I whent back there. played a few hours last night with some high level people that were farming favor, but we didn;t get much. I ended up getting invited to the leaders guild though and that was really suprizing.

    nothing thing that shocked me is aparently sence this account preordered, I get a founders helm and a amulet of natty armor, I get that on every char I make?

  12. #12
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roadkill525 View Post
    nothing thing that shocked me is aparently sence this account preordered, I get a founders helm and a amulet of natty armor, I get that on every char I make?
    The founder's helm is something you had to have gotten flagged for during the headstart event - one of your characters must have joined a guild 2 years ago that got over 20 members (or something like that, forget the exact number) before headstart ended. That character will also have its name listed on the Founders Commemorative fountain in Aspirant's Corner (you can find it there if you can remember the server & guild, heh). The amulet is for all preorders, I believe.

  13. #13
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    Well glad you're enjoying the game. When I first started I liked it right away but then I had to stop playing and now I'm sort of back and even more addicted than before. But anyways, uh.. they're called "Warforged" not robots. I'll admit the whole rank thing and only 14 (at the time i started) levels freaked me out too I was thinking wow this game will take like two days >_> cuz the two MMORPG's I'd played before (MapleStory and WoW) were like hundreds of really short levels whereas DDO was a few (20 max in D&D I believe, tho dont take my word for it) really 'long' levels.
    I noticed from browsing through the guest forums that a lot of people who had played PnP D&D were expecting a game like that but were dissappointed and then people like me who hadn't played D&D before had no expectations and loved it. One major difference between PnP D&D and DDO is 1) Version, DDO I'm pretty sure is 3.5 and 2) Every previous D&D game was set in a different D&D campaign setting, such as Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk, whereas DDO is set in Ebberon, the setting that introduced Warforged.

  14. #14
    Community Member Kurlore's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravebane525 View Post
    first question is about favor. I'm loving my rogue but I've heard that I can unlock drow(make a better rogue IMO) at 400 favor points. but I've also heard that at a certain number of favor you get more points to creat yer char. if this is true how much favor would I need, and whats the quickest way to gain that favor?
    1750, and i would advise you to find someone that has alot of favor, high level, and wants to wast aloooot of time =]

    Quote Originally Posted by gravebane525 View Post
    second question is just a minor annoyance, but theres some kinda graphical bug or jsut a setting I have wrong. but when ever I get close to fire there is this, what looks like random pixalated black fog, and as I pan around it seams to be in stripes and only shows over the fire. anyone know what this is?
    This sounds like a game base glitch to me.
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  15. #15
    Community Member silverraven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mad_Bombardier View Post
    You can say that again! A properly built 28pt Drow has the base attribute equivalent of a 42pt Human or a 38pt Elf/Halfling, with the added benefit of Elven racial bonuses and some Spell Resistance.
    Drow are themselves 32 point builds. You just can't pick and chose where you put the extra 4 points they go into Intelligence, Dexterity, and Charisma with 2 points taken away from Constitution.
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