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  1. #1
    Community Member chasek's Avatar
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    Default Druids & Rangers, Will they get pets?

    As the title says, will they ever get their pets?

  2. #2
    Founder Cinwulf's Avatar
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    Rangers have summons, I think that's all they'll get for pets, same for Druids. But that's just my bet on it.

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  3. #3
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    I predict druids will get a free summon spell for every spell level, like clerics do a heal spell.

    I also predict we won't see druids for a verrrryyy looooongggg time, if ever.

    Monk-balance and regular content updates will probably keep Codog busy for all of 2008.

    Just my prediction!

  4. #4
    Founder Alavatar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    I predict druids will get a free summon spell for every spell level, like clerics do a heal spell.
    That's standard per the SRD.

  5. #5
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    That's standard per the SRD.
    I didn't say I made it up!

  6. #6
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chasek View Post
    As the title says, will they ever get their pets?
    No reason to believe they will and every reason to believe they won't. Why give druids a familiar when wizards and sorcs dont get theirs?

  7. #7
    Community Member Pellegro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    No reason to believe they will and every reason to believe they won't. Why give druids a familiar when wizards and sorcs dont get theirs?
    Didn't Codog say something about holding off on druids until they get the summon issues figured out?

    I guess maybe there's a difference between pets and summons ?

  8. #8
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    No reason to believe they will and every reason to believe they won't. Why give druids a familiar when wizards and sorcs dont get theirs?
    Or Paladins their mounts (not that they would be usefull in DDO). And honestly I thought Rangers getting both combat styles was in part to make up for missing things (such as the animal companion) while Pallys got the aura, of course if you guys would rather have an animal companion and not have cool things like bow str (which doesn't exist in P&P as an ability) and have to pick one fighting style go ahead and keep trying to get animal companions.

    Seems like they will compensate Druids somehow similar probablly. Haven't really thought about how arcanes are compensated for not having familiars, but if I remmeber correctly past the 1st couple of levels they weren't really that powerfull unless you spent feats to get a more powerfull familiar, and were actually more of a liability upon their death, which happens easily at higher levels.
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    I predict druids will get a free summon spell for every spell level, like clerics do a heal spell.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alavatar View Post
    That's standard per the SRD.
    And also completely pointless in DDO.
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  10. #10


    I really doubt many rangers would complain if they had to pick one of the two combat styles. Even if we got nothing in return for it, because to be frank, it's not a big deal and almost all of us already have picked a combat style to focus on anyways. If we got animal companions in exchange for having to pick, I really doubt there would be any substantial outcry. But maybe I'm wrong.

    The only caveat I have to the above statements is that ranged rangers might feel like ranged combat deserves to be buffed if such a change was made. Although, I have a ranged ranger and wouldn't be put off by such a change.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    Whether there would be an outcry depends on how useful the pets are.. The pets as done in p&p are so much waste space in DDO. Pets are typically a pretty big problem in D&D based online games, balancing them between being useless and being too powerful. In some games, they are too easily made as valuable or more than the party fighter. While in DDO, its far more likely they'll just be paste in the first encounter and therefore be little different than any other summon in the game.

  12. #12
    Founder Aesop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    Whether there would be an outcry depends on how useful the pets are.. The pets as done in p&p are so much waste space in DDO. Pets are typically a pretty big problem in D&D based online games, balancing them between being useless and being too powerful. In some games, they are too easily made as valuable or more than the party fighter. While in DDO, its far more likely they'll just be paste in the first encounter and therefore be little different than any other summon in the game.
    Ya know its funny but one of the biggest complaints in most ofmy games are when I have an Animal Companion. Something about having that extra attacker that has Improved Evasion at low low level and can trip or do a number of other things makes my DM cringe. Useful in all situations? no... but then again that's what Awaken is for

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  13. #13
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hvymetal View Post
    Or Paladins their mounts (not that they would be usefull in DDO). And honestly I thought Rangers getting both combat styles was in part to make up for missing things (such as the animal companion) while Pallys got the aura, of course if you guys would rather have an animal companion and not have cool things like bow str (which doesn't exist in P&P as an ability) and have to pick one fighting style go ahead and keep trying to get animal companions.

    Seems like they will compensate Druids somehow similar probablly. Haven't really thought about how arcanes are compensated for not having familiars, but if I remmeber correctly past the 1st couple of levels they weren't really that powerfull unless you spent feats to get a more powerfull familiar, and were actually more of a liability upon their death, which happens easily at higher levels.
    Rangers likely get both combat styles because it would be a lot of work to devise a system to make them choose one style over another. And at this point turbine likely feels that it would cause more harm then good to change it, even though they should.

    For rangers an animal companion isnt all that useful in high level combat like what we see every day as an animal companion for a ranger is like a level 10 fighter. A druids companion, however, is roughly like a balanced level 20 pnp fighter without any extra items.
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  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Turial View Post
    Rangers likely get both combat styles because it would be a lot of work to devise a system to make them choose one style over another.
    The ability to select between a subset of "feats" has been in place since launch.

    Wizards choose a metamagic feat at 1st, 5th, 10th (and now 15th). And rangers choose a favored enemy at the same levels.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hvymetal View Post
    Or Paladins their mounts (not that they would be usefull in DDO). And honestly I thought Rangers getting both combat styles was in part to make up for missing things (such as the animal companion) while Pallys got the aura, of course if you guys would rather have an animal companion and not have cool things like bow str (which doesn't exist in P&P as an ability) and have to pick one fighting style go ahead and keep trying to get animal companions.

    Seems like they will compensate Druids somehow similar probablly. Haven't really thought about how arcanes are compensated for not having familiars, but if I remmeber correctly past the 1st couple of levels they weren't really that powerfull unless you spent feats to get a more powerfull familiar, and were actually more of a liability upon their death, which happens easily at higher levels.
    I was actually thinking about this but I think they should make a horse that can be summoned in wilderness areas. I mean it wouldn't be that be of an imbalance game wise and maybe the paladins would feel like they could solo a little easier in the slayer areas.

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    The ability to select between a subset of "feats" has been in place since launch.

    Wizards choose a metamagic feat at 1st, 5th, 10th (and now 15th). And rangers choose a favored enemy at the same levels.
    Which leads me to believe the devs will never make ranged combat equal to ranged in DnD so they continue to give rangers that nice little nugget of a peace offering.
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  16. #16
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yaga Nub View Post

    Which leads me to believe the devs will never make ranged combat equal to ranged in DnD so they continue to give rangers that nice little nugget of a peace offering.
    Honestly, thats the way I see it as well. I don't expect to see a mount for my Pally, I do like the aura (except maybe the 8 point ap cost for the latest bulwark).

    Honestly at above mid levels the animal companion for the most part is more than likely to be only slightly more usefull than the Mithril Defender, would it be nice? Sure, however there certainly is a lot of outcry for this (the animal companions) lately when I think people are not really thinking to hard about what they wish for.
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  17. #17
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    Summons can be very handy. I wont elaborate. Don't want to get in trouble :P
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  18. #18
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pellegro View Post
    I also predict we won't see druids for a verrrryyy looooongggg time, if ever.
    Kate recently said Druids this year. We shall see.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Knightrose View Post
    Summons can be very handy. I wont elaborate. Don't want to get in trouble :P
    This makes it quite obvious that you're referring to an exploit of some sort. If you weren't, you wouldn't mind discussing it.

    As such, you can hardly argue that this makes Summons useful, as once the loophole is closed, they'll go back to being useless.
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  20. #20
    Community Member goom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dane McArdy View Post
    Kate recently said Druids this year. We shall see.
    Tekn0mage will hold Kate to it, if he hasn't already...
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