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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default get ready to tear these apart again

    this is a contination of my irrigenal list of things and ideas i have come up with of the past two years.

    7: in the spiders areas: any location where there are spiders to kill. you have cartoon graphics showing victems web wrapped and strung up.
    I would like to see a new possible source of breakable boxe small loot. cut into the bodies and raid lost adventurers money, old weapons, armor and so on.

    8: in the raids you have the party listed as 12 in a group somewhere on the screen. but they are locked, you can not do anything other than drag the whole group around the screen. I as a healer, do the vertical healling method. where i have 4 hot key bars on the upper left hand side of the screen. and put the group to the right of the hot list, next to a row of various heal icons. I would want to be able to regroup the 12 men, as to having the fighters all together. thinking of putting a grouping preferance in the options graphics as to random or who's first group.
    you do not have to get into a giant explanation, but why is the players name the first one on the list?

    9: i personally do NOT like the auctions. many items that just DO NOT drop very often get picked up and become 1 million to 5 million gold.
    Now i know there are some people who are weekend players... I'm on the game all the time. look at the Black gems from the vale, the ones needed to BIND items. some out there has a giant vacum cleaner and puts it ALL in auction 100,000 to 500,000 gold for just 1,000 black one!!
    there NEEDS to be a cap values to things in the game that are never to become more than 5,000 PP in auctions.
    just look at the medium bags, that can be bought for 90,000 gold. greedy people have them set at 200,000 gold.
    WILL someone please make it to where if you can buy it from the venders at a set price. people CAN NOT put it to auction.

  2. #2
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default My God!! The Horror!!!! Dead And Butchered Words Everywhere!!!

    Srsly. Spel Chek. Punkchewayshin twu. Gramma'r as wel.
    Quote Originally Posted by KIELBASEE555 View Post
    This is a continuation of my original list of things and ideas that I have come up with during the past two years.

    7: In the spiders areas: (Any location where there are spiders to kill) You have graphics showing victims strung up in webs(i.e. bodies actually in the huge web formations?). I would like to see a new possible source of breakable box small loot - cut into the bodies and raid lost adventurers money, old weapons, armor and so on(sounds... delicious. Squishy noises must be used, as disgusting as possible).

    8: In the raids you have the party listed as 12 in a group somewhere on the screen, but they are locked. You can not do anything other than drag the whole group around the screen(Looks like he wants to be able to move party member's HP bars around). I as a healer, do the vertical healing method: I have 4 hot key bars on the upper left hand side of the screen, and put the group to the right of the hot list(next to a row of various heal icons). I would want to be able to regroup the 12 men(Confirmed. He wants a Party Reformation option, use a Lock/Unlock button if possible), all the fighters all together in one area, for example. I was also thinking of suggesting the application of a group sorting preference in the options menu: Random, or Preferred Class Sort List.<redundant sentence deleted>

    9: I personally do NOT like the auctions(Obscenely high bid allowance and buyout allowance). Many items that just DO NOT drop very often get picked up and become 1 million to 5 million gold. Now I know there are some people who are weekend players... I'm on the game all the time. Look at the Khyber Dragonshard Fragments. Someone out there has a giant vacum cleaner(Actually they duplicate these and should be banned for it) and puts it ALL in auction 100,000 to 500,000 gold for just 1,000 Khyber Frags!! There NEEDS to be a cap values to things in the game that are never to become more than 5,000 PP in auctions(This has been discussed numerous times as a serious problem). Just look at the medium bags, that can be bought for 90,000 gold. Greedy people have them set at 200,000 gold. Will someone PLEASE change things so that if you can buy it from the vendors at a set price, people CAN NOT put it to auction(for more than that price as a minimum bid or buyout, and if the vendor price is exceeded, the excess is refunded and the Poster is paid the Vendor price minus the Auction Fee).
    Caution: Some sentences were completely replaced by new and healthy words... some of them... won't be coming home to mom....

    Cry with me...

    As for the Q in 8... the PC you run is first so you can heal yourself in priority if need be. You are the most important HP bar at that point in time(whoever you are). This helps you keep yourself vertical over fumbling about and dying, being unable to heal others.

  3. #3
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default A Thought regarding high prices on the Auction

    In the midst of reconstituting that menagerie of typographical errors, a rather dominant dilemma that has persisted since the implementation of the Auction arose: The Base Price.

    If the base price is over 10,000 plat(100,000 GP), a Character Name and such should appear, much like in the Who list, as a dropdown. This would help people arrange trades for rare and exceptional items, and help identify item duplicators. Were this implemented, I would also request a Comment on the item, such as a preferred trade. This would also speed things along.

    I would not like this implemented on actual placed bids(name and such remains of Original Poster until the auction ends), however, as this could result in a flame war between the players, which would violate the rules regarding having fun.
    Last edited by GlassCannon; 03-09-2008 at 07:48 PM.

  4. #4
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Default Freedom!

    Quote Originally Posted by KIELBASEE555 View Post
    9: i personally do NOT like the auctions. many items that just DO NOT drop very often get picked up and become 1 million to 5 million gold.
    Now i know there are some people who are weekend players... I'm on the game all the time. look at the Black gems from the vale, the ones needed to BIND items. some out there has a giant vacum cleaner and puts it ALL in auction 100,000 to 500,000 gold for just 1,000 black one!!
    there NEEDS to be a cap values to things in the game that are never to become more than 5,000 PP in auctions.
    just look at the medium bags, that can be bought for 90,000 gold. greedy people have them set at 200,000 gold.
    WILL someone please make it to where if you can buy it from the venders at a set price. people CAN NOT put it to auction.
    Economics 101 > Socialism 101. Free markets make for a stronger game.
    H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
    <°))))>< S A R L O N A ><((((°>

  5. #5
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    sellers name listed would cause them to get loads of mail or tells tho on a rare item and while i would love to see the name i had to play devils advocate there.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  6. #6
    Founder GreyRogue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Economics 101 > Socialism 101. Free markets make for a stronger game.
    This is probably true in a very general sense, but it is going to have some problems. In an MMO, a totally free market leads to a pretty stratified economy--there are "haves" and "have-nots". That in itself isn't really a problem (players should be rewarded for making good choices and putting in time and effort), but there is the problem of decreased mobility between economic strata. The "have-nots" eventually cannot buy even low-end gear on the AH because the "haves" have listed it for prices that make sense for their bank accounts. This makes it even more difficult for the low-wealth characters to earn money by completing quests--a vicious cycle.

    For the most part, I agree with In Like Flynn. I just think that it's more complicated than "free markets are always better." I would favor leaving the AH alone, but find a way to siphon money off from high level characters. The way the death penalty works is a good start, but it doesn't have enough of an impact to count as a true money sink.

  7. #7
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    Default I have been hearing the posibility of housing??

    Quote Originally Posted by In Like Flynn View Post
    Economics 101 > Socialism 101. Free markets make for a stronger game.
    so you just want this game to be a free market system, i have seen the housing system in --dark age of camelot-- it was a giant mess. the only people who could afford the housing wer the giant guilds, having to squader months of work just to get a basic house. at this time in the auctions, not more than 25 to 50 people would have housing. the rest of us would be aimlessly wandering between the orchards giant hold and vale. yes you would just love to see that wouldn't you. this is supposedly a fun game. IF there IS a housing idea in the works i would make it MAX favor manditory. to get housing you would have to have everything done in the favors.

    like i said before not a hole lot of players are on this game 8 to 12 hours a day 7 days a week. you need to find out how many people who are in the vale trying to make green steel. do they have more than one full set of (giant hold) dragon armor. do they have the orchards ALL done? other than having the tap runs done I belive most players do not have anything else done in the House P orchards.

    Oh yes so there are a few college educated people play the game. i have seen this before. one mispelling (the differance between mithril and mithrel) and highly educated snaubs start asking if i mean leather or admantine.

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