Is there any way to reduce the cost of scribing scrolls? 120 gp to scribe a first level spell is pretty steep.
Is there any way to reduce the cost of scribing scrolls? 120 gp to scribe a first level spell is pretty steep.
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Scribing scrolls at 1st and 2nd level IS expensive, if the Wizard is your first toon (or first on the server). Remember that a lot of the starting quests give 5 gp as a reward...
To the OP, the best thing you can do is read the forums or otherwise learn which spells are the most useful so you can take them at level up. Then when you get to higher level quests and higher rewards you can come back and get the remaining spells. When you get to higher levels, the cost of adding spells to your spellbook is pretty minimal compared to what other classes spend on repair bills and the like, so just hang in there and things will get better.
Pick and choose which spells to scribe at first; some of them are definitely more useful than others. Grab every collectible you come across and turn them in when you have sets. Most of the stuff you get you will end up selling for a little cash, and a few things you might keep to use yourself, which can save you a little money. And ignore people who have no concept of how hard it can be to scrape together enough cash to get started with your first character on a server - it's easy to dismiss low level expenses when you have a level 16 character bankrolling you :P
Thanks, I know my way around the spell list pretty well so I will have to pick and choose carefully for now while money is tight at the lower levels. My main is a cleric, I'll just slowly twink my wizard with cash and goodies to build her up.
I give you your indian name: "Cries-like-a-little-girl".
Last edited by Alex Mars; 03-09-2008 at 01:25 PM.
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.