Do you mean this door that everyone is staring at, but is just like any other background decoration?
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
No, I tried switching toons.
But the door is there and works in marketplace 2
°Shima Ra °Roots °Zielle °Sisqi °Downpour
I noticed lots of people posting screencaps, but I thought it might be more impressive to folks to show them what it looked like in near real-time. I've included a link to the Fraps video I took during the event. Since I couldn't embed the video window into this page, here's a LINK to my blog, where you can find the video. Hope you enjoy.
Trinarius (Trin) - Level 20 Dwarven Rogue/Ranger/Wizard
Guild Leader of the Face Stabbing Misfits, Ghallanda server!
This event was pretty cool. Lots of instances on Khyber (34 the last I looked)
I saw some deneith arrows drop as loot but never got something myself even
though I know I personally got the kill shot on 2 red named mobs.
The devil quest was awesome, our guild raid group broke in two and we each
jumped in on elite (after we figured out the different level structure which is
just absolutely cool to share this with all levels). Not knowing the quest someone
actually used a wish cake to spawn a rest shrine after wave 2 which made the
quest go pretty easily (also helped that we had an awesome ranger dual weilding
The downside.
- I got pots in the end chests of a level 18 quest.
-There was no end reward person. I dont need uber loot as an end reward but
someone who says, "Thank you for saving the entire city. Here is a badge to
say 'Leet Noob!' Wear it with pride." Or anything to give closure to the event
would have been nice.
- Ninja looters... they sucked since they would just hover and wait while
everyone was doing the work and getting item damage. Spawn a chest at the
end of the event 1 per instance with those in the instance at time of spawning.
- Lag. It cant be helped but it still sucks. Maybe lower the limit of number of
people per instance before the next instance is created?
My rating of the event: A-
Exploding tents for the win!
Khyber - Officer in The Stormreach Thieves Guild
Steeles (TR 1 Paladin 20 / 8 Epic - TWF) - Steeley (Monkadin - Pal 18/Monk 2/ 8 Epic - Unarmed) - Steeltruhart (TR1 Paladin 17 - S&B Bastardsword) - Steelforged (Pal 20 / 8 Epic - SWF) - Steeltruhurt (TR1 - Pal 8 / Ftr 2 - THF) Steelsouls (Clr 17 / Pal 3 /8 Epic)
Just wanted to post an update on this. The Market Barracks and Devil Assault quest were also missing from 1-Marketplace on Argonnessen. Yes, I bug reported it. We were also getting random portals blinking out and Devils in the marketplace.
Is this all supposed to still be happening?![]()
Since this post is about the quest, I'll restrict myself to commennts relating to that.
I was suprisingly pleased to have my butt handed to me on elite. It caused a total rethinking of tattics even when we went in thinking of such.
The chest pulls seemed as random as any other level-based reward from great tomes and puncturers to scrolls/gems.
The enemies tiered for all three quests beng DIFFERENT was a REALLY nice surprise.
The QUEST as the "endgame" to the entire week we can't stop the grafitti, the're spawning everywhere, we'll take it to their home plane, BOOM goes the tent was retardedly assinine.
Oh, the're going to take over Stormreach, then the world, but somehow we got them to check into the Stormreach 6 and not be anywhere else all of the sudden is BUHHH-HUHH-WHAA??!@
And this is hardly "over." We still got paupers, beggers and freeloaders out there. Lawrence is nowhere to be seen, and F'nord somehow has nothing better to do than to literally stand in a hole in the ground. So guess he's really not needed in the 12 after all?
(Bring back Varro as THE original avatar's Augar!...please? Well, can you at least tell us if a decision as to Sir Lawrence's fate has been finalized Tolero?)
And any rumors as to my characters kicking a certain pole dancer when he's down or ignoring their alignment and ordering citizens to "finish him!" are highly exaggerated
Uhhh, Coyle did it!
Last edited by query; 03-14-2008 at 07:43 AM.
Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
I AM, -- the truthseeker
Watching the tent disappear was fun, everything after that was anticlimatic [if other than the new quest being added, there WAS anything! If there was anything else, I sure missed it!]
The new quest is not very good at 6th level - surviving for three waves before getting a chest is lousy - why not just spawn one chest after each wave? I can survive the first wave and part of the second, but there's no possible way to get through THREE waves just to get something to mitigate the repair costs [gotta swing that holy weapon at a lot of monsters!] I know the ubers will slam this, but I'm just giving a lowbie perspective.
The quest is no longer accessible. The door icon is now grey. The impact crater where the tent was is no longer accessible either, some kind of invisible wall is up. No more free 30 minute buffs. Nothing in the event or patch notes on this.
That's weird. Marketplace 2 is fine but for some reason Marketplace 1 on Thelanis has been that way since Friday.