I apologize if this topic has already been discussed. I've done a brief search and didn't find anything.
My lvl15 Wiz takes a beating from a Salt Mephit's Dehydration Aura (when fighting large groups of Mephits). The bad thing is that you can't run away from it. It seems to be working as a ranged attack or the "aura" is significantly larger than what it should be. I can work around it to avoid getting killed but I *do* take some damage.
The two areas where I notice this the most are in the Desert running to the undead area and at the Gnoll/Mephit chest in the Vale. The Mephit is sometimes far enough away to where I can't even see him (with maxxed out draw distance).
I thought the Dehydration "aura" was supposed to be 20 feet. Should I bug report this?
/Also, and it may be my imagination, but I could swear the Dust and Salt Mephits are self-healing right there in that plush swamp.