Looking at a build for a halfling cleric and, judging by what I've been reading on the forums, I believe already it's a fairly solid build. I don't plan on doing any melee with him, but do intend to make use of other clerical spells outside of just healing the party. Also considering a level of barbarian for the speed boost so I can either keep up with the rest of the party, or get out of dodge fast when the party's already wiped. I don't have a lot of practice playing a primary healer, but when my bard finds herself in the role, I think I do fairly well.

Feat selection I'm looking at is, in order:
Least dragonmark of healing
Lesser dragonmark of healing
Greater dragonmark of healing
Empower (projected level 18 feat, may change when that day comes around)

Definate skill is Concentration, planning to also take diplomacy for those rare instances it's actually useful, and to help lessen the hate mobs tend to default with on clerics (much like how PC's default hate on mob clerics). This will give a good bit of versatility, I'm thinking, able to heal strong when needed as well as afford some good clerical offensive spells when there's either a second cleric or the party's just rocking that hard.

What I'm wondering is what my stats should look like. Alrady know I'm settling with 11 Dex, 9 Int, and 18 Wis (Int getting a +1 tome at 1st level, Dex when I find one and Wis may wait as well). That leaves strength, constitution, and charisma to go, knowing I'm not taking less than a 9 strength (prefering 10 or 11) for carrying capacity alone. So should I bother with Con since I'm hoping not to see melee and go 11 Str, 9 Con, 15 Cha? Or should I keep my Con up and go 10 Str, 13 Con, 13 Cha?

(Recap, starting string choices of Str 11, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 15;
or Str 10, Dex 11, Con 13, Int 9, Wis 18, Cha 13.)