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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default DEVS: Some things I'd like to see for hotbar options and some other thoughts

    I would really like to see a wand refill option. Some way to setup a slot so it will automatically refill the slot with a wand of the same kind, and when you run out for it to be able to stay held if you run out like whiting it out until more wands become available. Being able to stack Clickies in the same way would be nice, instead of having to dedicate a whole bar to rings of rage, ;-).

    Another idea on hotbars, can we make a right click option to show the spell icon instead of the item icon, i dunno how many times ive used remove paralasis instead of remove curse because when your in battle healing like crazy and you click a remove curse wand quick and realize its the wrong one. Sometimes I forget the cwhich clickies do what too, and it would be nice to maybe set some icons you can choose from for things that dont have clickies like using blindness removal icon on my blindness ward goggles and a trap icon for my trapblast goggles. Some Ideas for some hotbar options.

    Also another thing I'd like to mention quickly and I know theyve been mentioned before but wanna bring it up, Scroll cases, wand cases, and quivers, I'd like to see a spell components pouch as well but i dunno if ill see it because of the feat eschew materials, because it would make this feat half as useful and considering im one of the few that see its value I dont think the feat would be used at all after a SC pouch and do not know if it will get implemented because of such. Another note on this, wand cases should be small in there capcity somewhere between say 5-12 but id say 12 if you make it that the case must be filled with the same type of wand, and can buy multiple cases i'd think 8 wands per case would be a viable addition tho 12 would be nice it really would be a little too much give. Scroll cases I would make the max item 5 stacks of 100 and must be unique id picture it like a case with 5 tubes atached to the belt where ud slide a finger in a tube pull out a scroll of type and cast. Quivers are just something that shoulda been in day one IMHO 10-12 stacks per quiver. limit of 3 quivers, and you must have the quiver set to the one you are using, and you must take time to equip a new quiver like armor takes time to equip.

    That is all, Thanks.

  2. #2
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by PhoenixRajoNight View Post
    I would really like to see a wand refill option. Some way to setup a slot so it will automatically refill the slot with a wand of the same kind, and when you run out for it to be able to stay held if you run out like whiting it out until more wands become available. Being able to stack Clickies in the same way would be nice, instead of having to dedicate a whole bar to rings of rage, ;-).

    Another idea on hotbars, can we make a right click option to show the spell icon instead of the item icon, i dunno how many times ive used remove paralasis instead of remove curse because when your in battle healing like crazy and you click a remove curse wand quick and realize its the wrong one. Sometimes I forget the cwhich clickies do what too, and it would be nice to maybe set some icons you can choose from for things that dont have clickies like using blindness removal icon on my blindness ward goggles and a trap icon for my trapblast goggles. Some Ideas for some hotbar options.

    Also another thing I'd like to mention quickly and I know theyve been mentioned before but wanna bring it up, Scroll cases, wand cases, and quivers, I'd like to see a spell components pouch as well but i dunno if ill see it because of the feat eschew materials, because it would make this feat half as useful and considering im one of the few that see its value I dont think the feat would be used at all after a SC pouch and do not know if it will get implemented because of such. Another note on this, wand cases should be small in there capcity somewhere between say 5-12 but id say 12 if you make it that the case must be filled with the same type of wand, and can buy multiple cases i'd think 8 wands per case would be a viable addition tho 12 would be nice it really would be a little too much give. Scroll cases I would make the max item 5 stacks of 100 and must be unique id picture it like a case with 5 tubes atached to the belt where ud slide a finger in a tube pull out a scroll of type and cast. Quivers are just something that shoulda been in day one IMHO 10-12 stacks per quiver. limit of 3 quivers, and you must have the quiver set to the one you are using, and you must take time to equip a new quiver like armor takes time to equip.

    That is all, Thanks.
    This all sounds reasonable to me, except that the "Wand/item refill" mentioned in paragraph 1 should have the appropriate "re-equip" delay applied when an item is used up.

    One negative side is that as things stand you have an idea how many, say, heal wands you have left. If you only use one quick-bar slot you might run out of wands at a bad time through lack of resource management.
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
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