ok, over the last two years of playing this game, I have seen a lot of stuff come along and most of us agree that a W/P rapier is still the sickest weapon in the game against most mobs. If it is not a red name, W/P it down works well. Well folks, I pulled something a couple weeks ago on a shroud run that I am becoming conviced is better. A +1 paralyzing rapier of puncturing. Running around on my barb in the vale and paralyzing mobs and con killing them has shown this to be an awesome weapon. Yes, had to waste action points on inprove crit piercing to get a decent banisher on the barb, but now with this weapon, it is was not as much of a waste.
I haven't heard of anyone else having one of these. Anyone else pulled one? What do you think of it if you have? Since we all put a W/P rapier on our wish list, even those that have them, I thought I would share this and see what people thought.