See post #2
Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz
Yes, Asp... you have gotten better...
Thanks, Oreg...
Asp Moment Complete... we now return you to your regularly scheduled forum thread!![]()
Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
Now Living on Orien
Trustworthy friend? Might need to re-considered just how trustworthy he is.
RR caster items do not exist period. There purposely designed to not be able to be RR ever, at all. Check the AH, you will not see a single RR caster item. So that item does not exist.
Superior potentcy VII however could be lvl16 non race req.. But the item does not exist in the loot table.
Sorry ya friend lied to ya.
Ideal sorc gear?
Close to your list but you absolute can't go around without a concentration item on and call yourself uber..
My setup
Robe: Greater Stability mainly, With black robe for nuking and Emerald Claw robe for grter spell pen6
Goggles: Titan - Concentration +10
Helm: Minos Legens
Necklace: Silver Flame or Wisdom +4 (Ideally +6 or perhaps the torc)
Trinket: Usually Head of Good Fortune, sometimes Pouch of Jerky
Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin and Cloak of Curses
Belt: Lionheaded Belt Buckle
Gloves: Seven-Fingered Gloves, Powerdrain Gloves
Boots: Featherfall of Jumping +10, Kundarak, Striding 30%
Bracers: Supreme Tyrant of Air - 600SP, 6 UMD, Airguard, Air haste clicky - Swapable to Great command bracers of True Rez (400SP swapable after 200 used up)
Ring: Main non swap: Cha +6
Ring: Swapable: Improved False life of Disease Imunity (Ideally greater) and spell storing ring and a couple others
Biggest upgrade later would be to upgrade my necklace to a greensteel one once I get the taint off my bracers. Probably hitpoints, disease imunity, +6 wisdom and concordant oposition (on hit spell points/hit poitns proc)
My sorc -
Would make a few changes, but in general, pretty happy.
Helmet - Minos Legions
Trinket - Head of Good Fortune
Necklace - Torq
Rings - Greater False Life and Resistance 4
Wrist - Green steel Bracers with UMD and Spell points
Cloak - Cha 6
Goggles - Specatacles of Spirit Sight
Belt - Con 6
Boots - Striding 30, Featherfalling, or Spiked
Gloves - Bramblecasters
Weapons - Sup Potency VI and Skiver
My setup
Robe: Robe of Magi (named Spell pen7), Fearsom Invun, Fearsom Gtr Cold, Death block Gtr Fire
Goggles: Titan - Concentration +10, Sandblast (seecter doro finders and portal bashers).
Helm: Minos Legens
Necklace: Silver Flame, UWA, Desise imune
Trinket: Head of Good Fortune
Cloak: Stormreaver's Napkin
Belt: +6 Con
Gloves: Seven-Fingered Gloves or Bramblecasters
Boots: Featherfall of Jumping +7, Titan(Striding 30% +10 balance)
Bracers: Green steel - 150 stacking SP, 5 UMD, +10 hp stacking, +1 con skills
Ring: Main non swap: Cha +6
Ring: Swapable: GTR False life of Poison Proof.
Weapon1 non swap: Skiver
Weapon2: Sup Pot 6 OR Spel pen 7 Planing on +6str, +3 cha, Exestetial/concordent hopefully.
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3