Except for really high end items will mainly do 1 large for 1 iten depending on the item and ingrediant (I prefer large scales and stones).

Pop X
+2 superior devotion V Scepter
+5 mith chain shirt
+1 holy burst heavy pick of maiming
Dex +6 boots
+4 acid battleaxe of rightousness
+2 paralyzing scimitar
Int +6 disable +3 goggles
+1 paralyzing dagger of deception
+6 strength belt of light fortification
30% striding boots of jump+3 (human dc 20)
Sheild peice one
+4 lesser fire guard mith fp of shadow
+6 str +3 heal gloves (human dc20)
+6 dex +3 swim gloves (elf, drow dc 20)
+5 shock byshek dwarven axe of pure good
disable +15 gloves (halfling dc 20)
+3 shock falchoin of greater dwarf bane
Will add more/orginize when im not so tired