12 Dwarf Fighter / 2 Pally / 2 Rogue
Starting Ending
STR 16 28
DEX 16 22
CON 18 26
WIS n/a
INT n/a
CHA 16 22
Saves(unbuffed): 27 Fort, 21 Reflex, 19 Will
Unbuffed HP ( 406 )
BAB: 15/15/20/25/25
Specced for Bludgening weapons, and max Stunning Blow DC. With 5% weighted, your looking at: 9 STR + 10 Item, +7 Enhancements + 10 = 36? Just another bonus. Warhammer for x3 Crit's on stun.
Probally take Monk instead of rogue once they come out.
Access to all the fighter and dwarf AC restriction Enhancements, so could probally max AC as well, or close.
Suggestions? I have never really made a tankish build before. Just more survivable for PvP mainly but easily able to do any PvE encounter in the game.