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  1. #21
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Step back from your individual characters for a moment and think about the STORY behind the events and what is happening. As each module has been released, there has been a backstory attempting to link them all together. EVENTS in the world are happening as a result of the Module content. There is a theme to that. This is part of the core backstory to DDO. We have had indications that at some point DDO may well be taking us to other planes to continue the fight, instead of stepping into the Vale and Meridia, we pass through a gate/portal to do combat with the demons and devils on their planes instead of ours. In some ways this whole Portal in the Market place thing is like Module 6.15 or something like that. Just like the Vale is accessible to all characters, but not surviviable by all characters the Marketplace in this time of change is a very dangerous place for all characters.

    I could see some of the fundamental World Changes that might be happening would be to have the quaking and shaking tent go flying up the portal at some point, that we end up with a new feature in the middle, perhaps a staging ground or machine that closed the Demon portal but opens up a way for citizens fo stormreach to strike back in controlled raid parties. Perhaps even larger parties than 12??? Taking the fight to the planes of the infernal ones. The old vendors will be relocated, new shops formed, perhaps a mall somewhere....Maybe they all end up in pushcarts around the new Gate Machine. Some of the same old ones, plus a few new ones selling maps to the homes of the stars of the nether reaches.

    mmm does Word of Recall work across planes in DDO??
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  2. #22


    remember the guard does tell you that the marketplace is a dangerous place
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  3. #23
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    You know, it's funny...

    People complained about there being only five quests and one raid in the new "content".

    Seems to me that this whole series of events, not to mention the whole crafting thing... is a lot more "content" than we're used to.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
    Dominici * Domminici * Domiinici * Dominnici * Dominicci * Dominicii
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  4. #24
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    I don't see why a low-level character couldn't partake in the events. Sure, you aren't going to do much against the devils, but I saw level 3 clerics making good use of CLW on incapped characters and otherwise doing what they could to contribute. Lowbies can scout, heal, sing (I'm pretty sure a 1st level bard playing fascinate could contribute to battle).

    Besides, the way they've decided to make the loot drop as a free for all, lowbies have a chance at scoring some nice equipment to grow into.

    If all I had were lowbies, I'd still take part in the event to best of my ability. Besides, if they die chances are they aren't taking damage on anything terribly important that can't be replaced by running a harbor quest. Swinging your weapon at the demons isn't the only way to contribute to this event.
    Last edited by Ciaran; 03-05-2008 at 10:58 AM.

  5. #25
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Oh and in case you had not noticed...capped toons were taking dirt naps left and right too....I KNOW my Cleric raised at least 20 times the other night during the Elite Raids...
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Ciaran View Post
    Besides, if they die chances are they aren't taking damage on anything terribly important that can't be replaced by running a harbor quest.
    Or, you know, just kind of strip down to your skivvies for the invasion.

    It's not like your gear is going to be making a significant difference anyway.
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  7. #27
    Community Member Zenako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Or, you know, just kind of strip down to your skivvies for the invasion.

    It's not like your gear is going to be making a significant difference anyway.
    Tell me about it....umm naked Paly doing the Mario to the Platform (his jump skills really are bad, and full plate and tower only make them more laughable). Demon burst on scene. Got to go weapon versus Orthon and Devil Flesh while they poked my neekid flesh pretty well. Some nearby caster got there attention and they moved on to other targets (no snicker snacks while I got off a few swings alas). LoH and then jump to the bridge to help the rest of the fight that wave, still neekid. Gave up on the Mario, doffed the Plate and Shield and hunkered down for the next wave...
    Sarlona - The Ko Brotherhood :Jareko-Elf Ranger12Rogue8+4E; Hennako-Human Cleric22; Rukio-Human Paladin18; Taellya-Halfling Rogue16; Zenako-Dwarf Fighter10Cleric1; Daniko-Drow Bard20; Kerriganko-Human Cleric18; Buket-WF Fighter6; Xenophilia-Human Wiz20; Zenakotwo-Dwarf Cleric16; Yadnomko-Halfling Ftr12; Gabiko-Human Bard15; lots more

  8. #28
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    That really isn't a "can't" moment, more of a "Don't want to." They -can- delete a character and -can- start a new one, they just don't -want- to. They -can- jump over to another server with all of their friends who are also very likely capped out and create level one characters for the event. A person new to the game, however, is extremely unlikely to be able to make a level 12 character in a day and unlikely to do so in a week as they are still learning.
    While technically true, I think it still holds that most players with capped characters would find little of interest in such an event and thus would have little incentive to do this. OTOH, I think that level 1-10 characters would all find the current event quite interesting even if there are aspects that are too dangerous for them. As others have mentioned, there is more for them to do in this event than a capped character would have to do in a lowbie event.

    To the OP, thanks for taking my previous remarks in the spirit which they were intended. I was afraid they would be interpreted as a flame and I am glad that you did not perceive them as such.
    /aside off

  9. #29
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    You know, it's funny...

    People complained about there being only five quests and one raid in the new "content".

    Seems to me that this whole series of events, not to mention the whole crafting thing... is a lot more "content" than we're used to.
    And yet, they still complain...

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
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  10. #30
    Community Member Ciaran's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Or, you know, just kind of strip down to your skivvies for the invasion.

    It's not like your gear is going to be making a significant difference anyway.
    Says you! I need my POPI and Superior Potency I scepter on my level 5 sorc so I can niac's the devils!

  11. #31
    Community Member Dane_McArdy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by windigo33 View Post
    I mean think about it all everyone has been talking about is this invasion,"man this is so awesome" "OMG a huge portal just opened up over the red tent",,,,newbies and low level characters are human and want to be involved same as ANYONE. I'm just saying a teleporter or long pauses don't quite make up for it.
    I'm sure a lowbie could find a safe spot to watch and maybe run out and grab some loot. Maybe help with supplies, healing buffing. Who knows.

    Part of the problem with events for low level characters (which I'm not against) how do you stop high level characters from showing up and dominating everything?

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