Step back from your individual characters for a moment and think about the STORY behind the events and what is happening. As each module has been released, there has been a backstory attempting to link them all together. EVENTS in the world are happening as a result of the Module content. There is a theme to that. This is part of the core backstory to DDO. We have had indications that at some point DDO may well be taking us to other planes to continue the fight, instead of stepping into the Vale and Meridia, we pass through a gate/portal to do combat with the demons and devils on their planes instead of ours. In some ways this whole Portal in the Market place thing is like Module 6.15 or something like that. Just like the Vale is accessible to all characters, but not surviviable by all characters the Marketplace in this time of change is a very dangerous place for all characters.
I could see some of the fundamental World Changes that might be happening would be to have the quaking and shaking tent go flying up the portal at some point, that we end up with a new feature in the middle, perhaps a staging ground or machine that closed the Demon portal but opens up a way for citizens fo stormreach to strike back in controlled raid parties. Perhaps even larger parties than 12??? Taking the fight to the planes of the infernal ones. The old vendors will be relocated, new shops formed, perhaps a mall somewhere....Maybe they all end up in pushcarts around the new Gate Machine. Some of the same old ones, plus a few new ones selling maps to the homes of the stars of the nether reaches.
mmm does Word of Recall work across planes in DDO??