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  1. #1
    Community Member windigo33's Avatar
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    Default Seems quite unfair

    It seems quite unfair IMHO and i have heard several others who have just joined the game that low level and new characters are basically preculded from taking part in the market place. Myself I have a character who is high enough lvl to have fun there,,,unfortunatly many of those that i help in the game don't and even when they try they dies in .2 seconds. This is not an enticement to maintain new players who get disgusted often anyway for a variety of reasons. I would think, and this is merely a suggestion for some possible thought on the Dev's part,,,,maybe to have a kobold uprising or quickfoot raid on the harbor so the newbies don't feel left out. Because truth be told they are just as important to this game as anyone else,,,they pay to play same as we do. Please don't flame me to bad lol this is just my opinion.

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Would have been cool if the Kobolds in WW took this as a sign to rise up against Zinn and his guards as well... but I guess the servers can only handle so much at a time. I had the same thought.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Westerner's Avatar
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    Point taken.

    Maybe if high levels were somehow incented to escort lowbies thru the marketplace...
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  4. #4
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    So the long time players are whining that the giveaways favor the noobs and the noobs are whining that the combat scenarios are favoring the vets. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

  5. #5
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by windigo33 View Post
    It seems quite unfair IMHO and i have heard several others who have just joined the game that low level and new characters are basically preculded from taking part in the market place. Myself I have a character who is high enough lvl to have fun there,,,unfortunatly many of those that i help in the game don't and even when they try they dies in .2 seconds. This is not an enticement to maintain new players who get disgusted often anyway for a variety of reasons. I would think, and this is merely a suggestion for some possible thought on the Dev's part,,,,maybe to have a kobold uprising or quickfoot raid on the harbor so the newbies don't feel left out. Because truth be told they are just as important to this game as anyone else,,,they pay to play same as we do. Please don't flame me to bad lol this is just my opinion.
    Lowbies can run in and watch and should survive if they avoid direct confrontation. While that might not seem like fun it should be an interesting challlenge. They should even be able to pick up some ham or other treasure.

    While this may seem insufficient, it is a fact that in order to give something interesting to capped characters it will have to be too difficult for the new characters. It does give the new characters something to look forward to while a kobold raid would ONLY be for low levels and hold neither hope nor interest for capped players.

  6. #6
    Community Member Falco_Easts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    Lowbies can run in and watch and should survive if they avoid direct confrontation. While that might not seem like fun it should be an interesting challlenge. They should even be able to pick up some ham or other treasure.

    While this may seem insufficient, it is a fact that in order to give something interesting to capped characters it will have to be too difficult for the new characters. It does give the new characters something to look forward to while a kobold raid would ONLY be for low levels and hold neither hope nor interest for capped players.
    I would like to see a similar sort of setup as a raid for the lowbies in the Harbour except make it Assult form the Sea. Have swarms of mobs aquatic mobs attacking Stormreach.
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  7. #7
    Community Member windigo33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    Lowbies can run in and watch and should survive if they avoid direct confrontation. While that might not seem like fun it should be an interesting challlenge. They should even be able to pick up some ham or other treasure.

    While this may seem insufficient, it is a fact that in order to give something interesting to capped characters it will have to be too difficult for the new characters. It does give the new characters something to look forward to while a kobold raid would ONLY be for low levels and hold neither hope nor interest for capped players.
    I am just stating what numerous new and low level characters have complained about to me, plus it might be good for a few laughs ( at ourselves in remembering how we use to be) for capped out players to go to the harbor and watch newbies battle hordes of Kobolds. If i remember correctly didn't capped players just get the 12 and now a extra planar invasion?

  8. #8
    Founder KaKa's Avatar
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    I know how unfair, I mean they should have at least put an NPC at each entrance to the marketplace that could instead directly teleport you to one of the houses. Also it would be nice if there were long pauses of no monsters so if a lowbie did want to do lets say STK they had sufficient time to make it.

    Ohh wait they did all that already my bad.
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  9. #9
    Community Member windigo33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KaKa View Post
    I know how unfair, I mean they should have at least put an NPC at each entrance to the marketplace that could instead directly teleport you to one of the houses. Also it would be nice if there were long pauses of no monsters so if a lowbie did want to do lets say STK they had sufficient time to make it.

    Ohh wait they did all that already my bad.
    I mean think about it all everyone has been talking about is this invasion,"man this is so awesome" "OMG a huge portal just opened up over the red tent",,,,newbies and low level characters are human and want to be involved same as ANYONE. I'm just saying a teleporter or long pauses don't quite make up for it.

  10. #10
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by windigo33 View Post
    I am just stating what numerous new and low level characters have complained about to me, plus it might be good for a few laughs ( at ourselves in remembering how we use to be) for capped out players to go to the harbor and watch newbies battle hordes of Kobolds. If i remember correctly didn't capped players just get the 12 and now a extra planar invasion?
    I think a newbie raid event at some point could be good. And they should make it so that capped characters cannot participate to make sure the low levels get a chance to shine.

    Quote Originally Posted by windigo33 View Post
    I mean think about it all everyone has been talking about is this invasion,"man this is so awesome" "OMG a huge portal just opened up over the red tent",,,,newbies and low level characters are human and want to be involved same as ANYONE. I'm just saying a teleporter or long pauses don't quite make up for it.
    Well they can be involved. Head to the marketplace and jump up the blocks. See whats happening. Grab some loot. Die at the hands of a frickin' devil! My lowbies never had anything so interesting.

    At any rate, I don't think they should try to do that lowbie event at the same time. Likely as not, they would just end up doing both badly. So given that
    • they should target only one audience,
    • it is a 2nd year anniversary event (which holds more interest for people who have been here all two years), and
    • lowbies will find a high level event more interesting (than capped tunes with a low level event)

    I don't think it unreasonable that their first event of this nature targets capped tunes. I guess my issue is with term "quite unfair".

    I would have phrased your complaint more along the lines of:
    Great event Turbine but low level guys are feeling a little excluded. Hopefully, you can apply this event technology to a kobold invasion for the low level characters some day.
    Last edited by ahpook; 03-04-2008 at 08:12 PM.

  11. #11
    Founder KaKa's Avatar
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    September 19th they did a fun pirate event that people above 7 or 8 could not participate in. So they do low level events.

    A 2 year anniversary event is for the old loyal crowd not the people who have been around long enough for a level 5 character.

    Also last time I checked ghosts could watch just as well as a person alive. And in no way should a low lvl be able to to stand around and take the items that were dropping on the ground.

    I am sorry they did everything they could to make it so lowbies don't accidentally die and go in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    In the end the event is not for lowbies, lowbie events do happen its just not this time.
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  12. #12
    Community Member windigo33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahpook View Post
    I think a newbie raid event at some point could be good. And they should make it so that capped characters cannot participate to make sure the low levels get a chance to shine.

    Well they can be involved. Head to the marketplace and jump up the blocks. See whats happening. Grab some loot. Die at the hands of a frickin' devil! My lowbies never had anything so interesting.

    At any rate, I don't think they should try to do that lowbie event at the same time. Likely as not, they would just end up doing both badly. So given that
    • they should target only one audience,
    • it is a 2nd year anniversary event (which holds more interest for people who have been here all two years), and
    • lowbies will find a high level event more interesting (than capped tunes with a low level event)

    I don't think it unreasonable that their first event of this nature targets capped tunes. I guess my issue is with term "quite unfair".

    I would have phrased your complaint more along the lines of:
    Great event Turbine but low level guys are feeling a little excluded. Hopefully, you can apply this event technology to a kobold invasion for the low level characters some day.
    Good points all and you are probably right in your summation of my post,,,,in rereading it in light of your post i can see how it might have been construed not in the context i intended. I was merely bringing attention to complains that i had heard numerous time. My delivery could have been better, thanks for the input and bringing it to my attention.

  13. #13
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    You know... I seem to remember a pirate themed event a couple of months ago, where the same argument was made for higher level players.

    As it turns out, you can't please everybody everytime.

    Is it fair? No, nothing in life is. But you deal with it and move on.

    I would hardly think that the Eberron changing events would be so eventful if they were able to be held off by a few 6th level characters... thereby making the entire plane of Shavarath about the same difficulty level as say... Stormcleave.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  14. #14
    Community Member bandyman1's Avatar
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    This isn't the first time these complaints have been brought to our attention, and I'll address them here the same way I did in the other thread.

    Sun. night the event was comprised of CR 8 devils. Perfectly legitamate challenge for a lowbie group.

    But the problem was that those lowbies in the marketplace got to contribute absolutely nothing, as whenever devils spawned the entire lot of them were instantly whiped out by the 50 level 16s just waiting on them.

    So, they really weren't contributing anyway. And as long as an event is not closed to high level characters ( like the pirate day that was already mentioned ), which would be grossly unfair for a 2 year anniversary event, there's noway for turbine to make it any different.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Sheezgame's Avatar
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    The newbies can take part in next years event imo! I have a level 6 character running around (keeping ranged) and get some hits in, so its not like you can't participate if you really want to!

    But as mentioned about even if you had 500 kobolds it wouldn't make a difference, the lv 16's would banish everything instantly.

  16. #16
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueLightBandit View Post
    You know... I seem to remember a pirate themed event a couple of months ago, where the same argument was made for higher level players.
    Oddly enough the higher level characters can just -make- a 1st level in about 10 minutes and participate whereas a person with low level characters can not just "make" a level 12+ in 10 minutes or even a day.
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  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    Oddly enough the higher level characters can just -make- a 1st level in about 10 minutes and participate whereas a person with low level characters can not just "make" a level 12+ in 10 minutes or even a day.
    Actually. I can't make any more characters.

    Now, I know it doesn't really apply to me, since most of my slots are filled with level 1-3 characters, but there are people out there who've capped out all the characters they can make on their server. (And before you suggest going to another server, who wants to do an event without being able to hang out with friends? That's not fun.)
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  18. #18
    Community Member Mercules's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticTheurge View Post
    Actually. I can't make any more characters.

    Now, I know it doesn't really apply to me, since most of my slots are filled with level 1-3 characters, but there are people out there who've capped out all the characters they can make on their server. (And before you suggest going to another server, who wants to do an event without being able to hang out with friends? That's not fun.)
    That really isn't a "can't" moment, more of a "Don't want to." They -can- delete a character and -can- start a new one, they just don't -want- to. They -can- jump over to another server with all of their friends who are also very likely capped out and create level one characters for the event. A person new to the game, however, is extremely unlikely to be able to make a level 12 character in a day and unlikely to do so in a week as they are still learning.
    "Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment."
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  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercules View Post
    That really isn't a "can't" moment, more of a "Don't want to." They -can- delete a character and -can- start a new one, they just don't -want- to.
    And low-level characters could have leveled up faster. They just didn't.

    It's kind of silly to get into that debate.

    Saying someone "can" delete a character that they've worked hard on but that they "just don't want to" is both unproductive and disingenuous.

    Realistically, there are some people who can't participate in low level events because all of their characters are high level.
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  20. #20
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    Actually, that event was something like 6-10 IIRC correctly. It wasn't lvl 1+, it was something that would take a while.

    Not to say you couldn't reach level 6 in a short amount of time... but that specific event was geared towards mid level characters, and people STILL complained.
    Voice Chatter Apotheosis - If you don't know, you betta axe somebody.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

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