Since Willphase has discovered, and posted a mixed tier 3 upgrade (gratz), a few questions arise.
1. It seems the large ingredients drop at best 50% of the time. Small and medium ingredients seem to have a much higher drop rate.
2. Tier 3 'special' upgrades require twice as many ingredients as a 'simple' tier 3 upgrade.
3. There are more chests for medium ingredients, that are easier to get to, than large ingredients. And if you get the second set of chests for large you have completed the raid, and now cannot go back for 3 days. So it is about three times easier to get a tier 2 upgrade at the very least, and now with the double cost of special upgrades, most tier 3 effects will cost six times as much effort as tier 2.
4. The effect listed is very nice, but highly questionable whether Transmuting is worth twice as many ingredients as other simple tier 3 upgrades. As at least in this case (not sure what other Tier 3 effects will be), anything that needs transmuting or special damage to get past dr also is immune or resistant to various types of damage anyway, so the added weapon damage (holy or acid burst) will be negated.
5. It was mentioned during speculation over what path would lead to special tier 3 upgrades that IF it required two shards, then either the effect would be overpowered, or the cost in ingredients would be very high compared to the output effect. i.e. Slay living on a weapon costs 12 ingredients and several power cells. Transmuting(and keen/slicing) requires 24 and twice as many shards and power cells. Is it worth it?
6. Part 4 of the Shroud is significantly harder than the earlier parts, yet the ingredients seem to drop less, AND there are less chests after you complete it. It would take approximately 4-8 runs to get enough medium ingredients for a tier 2 upgrade say, and assuming you are not completing the Shroud, and perhaps 50+ runs to get enough ingredients to get a tier 3 upgrade. Yes the tier 3 effects are much greater - but are they 6-12 times greater? I would argue not.
7. Making the assumption that the recipes will not change, and that basic effects already coded wont change, what does that leave?
I would argue that 50 runs to get a single item upgraded is a bit much. I have seen people run part 4 and get 0 large ingredients after several runs in a row. If you get sacked after 10 or so runs, that means 5 WEEKS of running the shroud constantly to the exclusion of everything else pretty much - to get ONE item fully upgraded. And few people only have one character they like to play, so that means - if you want to get upgrades - you will pretty much never be leaving the shroud for the next few months, and burnout will be setting in....
The bonuses at tier 3 are certainly better. They should take longer and more effort. But really, they are only about twice as good as tier 2, maybe three times with added effects in ....maybe. So a double or triple amount of effort is certainly a proper amount for the rewards at the end. But not 12 times, or even 6 times.
Since I dont expect the recipes to change (maybe they will get tweaked for bugs or as some are discovered to be severely underpowered - like d8 guard for earth), I believe that one of a couple things probably should happen.
A) Make both chests in part 4 ingredient chests.
B) Make the drop rate for large ingredients so that there is a 100% chance of at least 1 drop in the chest.
C) or both of the above.