See, this is the kinda thing that happens when you roll 2d10s and come up with a double zero.
See, this is the kinda thing that happens when you roll 2d10s and come up with a double zero.
Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
aka Villainous - Pre-June'08.
What more can be said about a man who made such an impact on so many peoples lives? I visited far away worlds and conquered hords of evil demons/devils and minions. I presonaly visted the outer planes, the forgotten realms, grey hawlk, dragon lance, ravens loft etc. I went past my wildest dreams and conquered them. Gary was an icon to many when i was growing up. I started playing basic dnd in 78; It was a xmas present. Little did i know that this small boxed set with the funny looking dice would become such a part of my life. Many things have changed; i grew up, got married have a family but funny things is i still play dnd. Sure none of my friends who grew up with had any clue what the power of the pc would change the game we know and loved forever but here we are the only difference is that my friends are seperated by many miles we still share dnd in common. I am sure many people have similar experiences. Gary was a giant among men and will be sorely missed. als i can say is theres gonna be some hela dnd partys in heaven!
((30+ year PNP vetran, Founder of Dawnswords-Thelanis )) "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein
I think these belong here as well- they were posted on different threads, I just wanted to share my feelings-
First Posting-
On the rolling hills of those great plains of adventure we look upon the image of the greatest adventurer of all. As he rides his steed into the sunset we weep, and feel sorrow. However upon the end of a life the telling of deeds and heroic actions are told at many firelit taverns, campfires, and fireplaces of those who knew of adventure and of glory. Those happy few will speak his name softly and with reverence for they too are like him, an adventurer.
My heart is heavy today, for I was only enlighten to the world that he created in November 2005. However I am lifted with joy to know that this world will always live on.
Second posting-
I am sadden by the loss to the community, I am also happy to know his legacy will live on forever in our memories of adventures. Our joy when something we help create becomes what we shaped it to be. In then sunset of his life I can only hope that he knew we loved his creation.
Thank You Mr. Gygax- you gave us a world that will live on in our memories, on the coffee tables, work benches, the hearts, and the homes of people who opened themselves to your creation and ultimately to your wonderful imagination.
Thank you, and may the heavens hold you in the embrace of glory and light.
Godspeed good sir Godspeed.
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil
The old Man has gone home, may your spawn point be your favorite tavern.
Thanks for getting me through all of those awkward years by giving me a hobby.
Tonight Death From Below on Khyber will be running Delera's with the volume up. (and of course drinking whiskey)
Breck N'Dwall, Proud member and leader of Death From Below Alts include;Jarus Machinehead Warforged Fighter, Rass Bari'Baray Drow with skills, Nosleep TilBrooklyn Dwarf with self control issues, Dhust Ndawind Human EMT
A special thanks to a man who started it all.. Our prayers go out to his family and the gaming community. His vision inspired us all.
I think ddo should erect a statue to his honor in the marketplace to replace the waterfall as you enter.
a fond farewell to a true adventurer
so you think you can out drink a dwarf...... Wanna Bet??
Gary Gygax and Gene Roddenberry were the two soul brothers that lived the dream. I am sure they are both exploring new universes together, with laughter, and eyes-shining.
Thanks for the fun. The grass stands less green, and we find neither the sky so blue, nor the sun so bright today as when you were here. Thanks for sharing the ride with us.
So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars.......I want a Velociraptor!
Good Journeys Gary.
Until we meet for all eternity.
Thank you for choosing to touch so many people.
"I would like the world to remember me as the guy who really enjoyed playing games and sharing his knowledge and his fun pastimes with everybody else." : Gary Gygax - July 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
Noo!! Gary, you will be sorely missed. Although I have never met him personally, same as many others, he had affected my life as he has affected many of you others, by having made Pen and Paper..... Gary, Rest in Peace, and may the gods carry on your spirit.
The memories you gave us all will not not be soon forgotten thank u for the great nights as a kid and as an adult and all the bonds that were formed thru your and our imaginations..U WILL BE MISSED BROTHER...prayers for the family and personal friends of this great influence on the minds of so many...see ya gary THX nick
Next time atleast add some links to news sites
Server: Thelanis Name: Treadwolf Guild: Storm Lords Level: 10/TR Raistlynwolf -18th lvl Wizzy, Testwolf- 17th Rog/Ftr(13/4), Caramonwolf, Capped Ftr, W T H, Capped 12/6/2 Ranger/Fighter/Monk. Taniswolf 17 Monk C2Q6600@3.0 8GB DDR2 250GB/Win7U 64bit, 80GB/VistaU 64bit eVGA GXT260OC eVGA 780i FTW 24" widescreen HD HDCP
Thanks Gary for giving me a way to let my imagination run free and 30 years of great memories.
even some of the webcomic guys are paying tribute, as seen here....
Sad news indeed. Hail to the (original) DM.
Personally, I'd like to see a statue in the market place.
Penny Arcade too:
Agreed - a statue indeed. Will there be a memorial service at Deleras?
The world is a little darker today.
Thank you to the man who inspired countless others including myself into believing that our imaginations were the only thing we needed to express ourselves in environments beyond description fighting monsters and demons, liches and dragons for the betterment of those around us.....
The DM has gone before us to make ready the next great setting....just remember rule number 1, The DM is always right.
Thank you Gary, your works have influenced my life and my creativity beyond any other. I look forward to your table in the next campaign.
Happy Hunting.
And yes, i am a firm supporter to a monument in the marketplace for Gary.