Bored at work, was wondering what you guys are gonna craft with the green steel items.
I have my P-E-E/P-E-E/P-E-E goggles (wiz VI, true res, +50 +100 sp) up to tier 2, and I recently crafted a green steel dagger that I'm planning on taking A-E-E/A-E-E/A-E-E for +9 to charisma, and the air guard effect. I plan on mainhanding the dagger (I chose a dagger for looks, only) and offhanding skyver as I meander about to maximize SP, and I'll use the green steel dagger for casting instakills, etc.
I will swap to superior potency vi for nuking when massive charisma won't be quite as useful.
Next plan is for some kind of gloves, not sure what kind yet. I'll have to get an essence of cleansing before I make them.