It's not a loot roll.
If it was, someone would have got one already. Consider that some ppl have beat the raid over 20 times already (I'm at around that number and I only have 3 characters flagged... others with more are over it) times 12 end rewards.. Times X shroud groups, Times X servers..
Yea thats several thousand end rewards with no cleansing item reported. It doesn't exist as a "lucky" drop.
Most like the 20th reward thing..
Re greensteel items for sorc:
My sorc has the air guard bracers, Etereal escalation air x3. There nice. Also same in positive, cept just x2, for the true rez clicky.
Will get some kind of +2 Cha dagger, wont bother with the +6/+1 as i don't need them (already 36 cha) but ill figure out some nice combo. Might just go with some positive healing bonus or fire absorption and get no tier3 bonus.. Or maybe save up enough to do a double supreme shard upgrade, dunno yet.