I play a Human Rogue -- level 5 currently -- and I try to be well rounded in choosing my skill points as I level up. I feel it is best to be a kind of Utility Rogue to benefit the groups I pug with and my Guild mates, so like my Disable Device is 13 where my UMD is only 7. When I try to use a wand or scroll nothing much ever happens, and I notice it often says UMD of usually 20 or 24 under the item description.


I have goggles and other items that boost my Spot and Search and Disable Device and things, but I've never come across anything for a Rogue to help him be more viable earlier with aid in the UMD skill.

Do things that help UMD drop ever? Quest rewards?

Also, if not, what is the average level of a Rogue when they can begin to use these things to heal others or cast web from a wand for crowd control, ect.? Am I just impatient?

