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Thread: new to sorc

  1. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    It's not a matter of dictation, it's a matter of playstyle.
    I don't care what you call it. If it's a "build your character like this or we kick you out of the guild", then I don't want to be in a guild like that. Period. I don't care whether you call it dictation, playstyle, or foobar. The name you give to that behavior is immaterial. It's reprehensible to me, whatever the pet name you like to give it.
    Argonnessen: Mayling (Hum Ftr6), Miala (Elf Rog5), Zaira (Hum Clr4), Nimetta (Hfl Wiz9), Presli (Hel Brd2)
    Lhazaar: Tuuli (Hum Bbn1/Sor2), Pazenger (Hum Pal3)

  2. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samy View Post
    I don't care what you call it. If it's a "build your character like this or we kick you out of the guild", then I don't want to be in a guild like that. Period. I don't care whether you call it dictation, playstyle, or foobar. The name you give to that behavior is immaterial. It's reprehensible to me, whatever the pet name you like to give it.

    You obviously don't understand.

    Trying to explain the good-naturedness of my guild is obviously not going to stick in your mind, because you just want to believe that you're being repressed.

    The ONLY way somebody in my guild would make a sorc without UMD is by mistake. And if it happened, they would be the brunt of a joke for 24 hours, get called a noob a few times, then they would reroll and be supplied with twink tomes and items to powerlevel up to catch up with the rest of us.

    But in all reality, suffice to say that nobody in my guild is noobtastic enough to roll a sorc without UMD. It takes a certain amount level of play to even be considered for the guild, and one of the most important factors is being able to take care of yourself if you can. Sorcs can take care of themselves if built properly, thus it is expected.

    And yes we are snobs, deal with it.

  3. #143
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post

    You obviously don't understand.

    Trying to explain the good-naturedness of my guild is obviously not going to stick in your mind, because you just want to believe that you're being repressed.

    The ONLY way somebody in my guild would make a sorc without UMD is by mistake. And if it happened, they would be the brunt of a joke for 24 hours, get called a noob a few times, then they would reroll and be supplied with twink tomes and items to powerlevel up to catch up with the rest of us.

    But in all reality, suffice to say that nobody in my guild is noobtastic enough to roll a sorc without UMD. It takes a certain amount level of play to even be considered for the guild, and one of the most important factors is being able to take care of yourself if you can. Sorcs can take care of themselves if built properly, thus it is expected.

    And yes we are snobs, deal with it.
    Can somebody tell me the name of this guild, and what server they are on? I may have missed it, or the name may have disappeared during one of the flames prior. I just want to know who they are so that I may humbly learn at their feet. Maybe they can put me on their 'farm team' guild until I am one day, Vulkoorim willing, good enough to play with them. Not. (But I would like to know who they are, they are being presented in a certain way so I would like to know who they are.)
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  4. #144
    Community Member Taerdra's Avatar
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    Mine or more properly the guild I belong to is an open guild... but I really don't understand why people get annoyed by others who want to play with people they enjoy playing with (whether noobs, experts, whatever). This is a game for fun, so you should be able to play with whom you want and not have to play with those you don't. It's not a big deal, and I don't see why people get insulted by that...

    In terms of the debate, this can be summed up briefly by:
    1) UMD is very very helpful, especially if you want to be self-sufficient.
    2) CON is the second primary stat you want. DEX would be, but rays don't work as in PnP here.
    3) HPs are important on every character including the Sorceror.

    I think new players would be good to heed those points. How much you heed the rest is up to you.

  5. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by twix View Post
    Funny thing is i can run circles around your toons completely smashed .Drunk ftw
    Quote Originally Posted by unionyes View Post
    Can somebody tell me the name of this guild, and what server they are on? I may have missed it, or the name may have disappeared during one of the flames prior. I just want to know who they are so that I may humbly learn at their feet. Maybe they can put me on their 'farm team' guild until I am one day, Vulkoorim willing, good enough to play with them. Not. (But I would like to know who they are, they are being presented in a certain way so I would like to know who they are.)
    See the signature of Twix. That's the guild I'm talking about.

    I am in two guilds technically, and keep them out of my sig. It's pretty enough.

  6. #146
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    You'd think we were killing puppies when we talk about UMD being a fairly obvious choice for a high charisma character. It's an incredible skill to have available. If you don't want to take it, that's fine, you don't need it to be a good or effective player... But it can be an amazing boon to many classes.

    Not taking it because "healing/rezzing/BBQing" isn't my job is just plain silly. What about race-restricted items? That alone seems worth it. However, expecting people that see the value of UMD to agree with a choice of not taking it is a bit of a stretch.
    Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
    aka Villainous
    - Pre-June'08.

  7. #147
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deragoth View Post
    expecting people that see the value of UMD to agree with a choice of not taking it is a bit of a stretch.
    Or vise versa, but that's not the point. ***, that's a sane, completely sensible statement. Who do you think you are, coming into this thread making sense? And being agreeable, whats with that?

  8. #148
    Community Member transtemporal's Avatar
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    Heh, on the UMD thing, at first I wondered about it too. Being a cross-class skill and even with a high cha, I didn't see why how I could get it up to the level where I could reliably use CSW without failing, but now... its the best thing since sliced cheese. It means I can help out the healing effort (albeit slightly) and I can heal myself.
    Some toons with Cow in the name, and some without.

  9. #149
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merkinsal View Post
    Or vise versa, but that's not the point. ***, that's a sane, completely sensible statement. Who do you think you are, coming into this thread making sense? And being agreeable, whats with that?
    No kidding. I thought this thread was the 'My Way Or The Highway' thread.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  10. #150
    Community Member alchilito's Avatar
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    Default my 2 cp

    I have found UMD to be the single most useful skill to put into my characters. Simply being able to use any item in the game regardless of race requirement makes it worth for me, and I am sure as the level caps increase more good stuff will come out of it.


  11. #151
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unionyes View Post
    No kidding. I thought this thread was the 'My Way Or The Highway' thread.
    Ya, most insightful isn't it? In my short time I have never seen a thread generate so much response and so I have been compelled to pay more attention to it than any other thread I have ever read. I am very conscious of the fact there are some "concepts (whatever)" that are clearly superior. I did not have the slightest idea UMD was anywhere such a thing that a premier guild would put such emphasis on. The fact that Transtemporal, Aspenor, and others, and their guilds, feel so strongly about this gives me pause, as it should any sane person (although I may be insane in other respects lol). That's not to say there aren't aspects of the game, nuances, that may escape them. (Sorry guys but I'm not about to start genuflecting yet). For me, it make sense to take advantage of the fact I have the highest charisma of any character in the game and go with UMD. The fact that no one has been able to give me a better alternative for the use of my enhancements tips the balance for me. But no, I'm not about to reroll my lvl 14 Sorc, my first character, because hes uber and a great addition to any party and my guild is ok with that. One day, however, I'll reroll a 32 point build, and he'll have UMD. At some point I think I'll find something those guys haven't thought of, but that isn't today.

  12. #152
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    Quote Originally Posted by philo View Post
    Like was mentioned in the above post, max chr and as much con as you can get...for drow that means 20chr 16 con

    For a nuking/damage build you will want maximize and empower feats...and every good sorc has heighten.

    Max +spell dmg enhancements and all of the crit enhancements you can take.
    Trying but get only 14 in con and 2 points left when building one. Is there something i miss ?

  13. #153
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruselticks View Post
    Trying but get only 14 in con and 2 points left when building one. Is there something i miss ?
    32 pt builds?

    Edit. 14 con is fine btw. with a +6 item you will be over 200 hp.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  14. #154
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruselticks View Post
    Trying but get only 14 in con and 2 points left when building one. Is there something i miss ?
    Lots of times builds that experienced players throw out there include eating a +1 tome or two at level 1, or else assume a 32 point build.

    Just do the best you can with what you have. I am sure you will love your sorcerer, however he turns out.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  15. #155
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    Dont have 1750 yet, but not so far. Do i should wait to build a human with 18 con 18 char and get the free feat.
    Or the drow with 14 con 20 char (and 2 points in intel to get one more skill, lets say spot or jump) is more suited ?

    Both build will have concentration and UMD.

  16. #156
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruselticks View Post
    Dont have 1750 yet, but not so far. Do i should wait to build a human with 18 con 18 char and get the free feat.
    Or the drow with 14 con 20 char (and 2 points in intel to get one more skill, lets say spot or jump) is more suited ?

    Both build will have concentration and UMD.
    Either one actually. These days the extra feat is nice with many people taking two feats for spell pen. Extra DC and sp on the drow is nice also. At this point its a personal choice. Personally I'd go drow and then when you get him 1750 if you want to roll another caster - try human then.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  17. #157
    Community Member Desteria's Avatar
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    YOu can get UMD to the point where you dotn fail heal scrolls ever actuyl can get it higher..
    I have +40 umd on my pure 28pt human sorc with out any bost, I could add +3 more to that, maby 2 mroe on top of that for a feat (not sure if they put it in ddo i never looked). Adn could add +5 from human versitility if i wanted to wast AP's fro a temp bost.

    why is this very very very usfull, well a Godo HP tank can basicaly be kept up with heals scrolsl on part 4/5 of the shroud onyl falling behind slowly, so the odd mass cure spell or real heal from a cleric catches them up, this means once you burn your tank on part 5 you can play cleric for a tank rather then sit around, also 2 umd people can easly kepe a tank up working together, this makes thous cleric light run a lot easyer take 2 clerics 2 casters with UMD and a bard all fo a sudden you cna have a lot of DPS peopel and keep them all healed

    yes untill your umd get high it slow healing but beign able to pop Heal scrolls on your self yum yum.
    Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
    Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5
    Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20
    Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3

  18. #158
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default weak noobsauce

    i have reflected over the past week & determined that i was weak noobsauce when i rolled my sor

    my only defense was that i had been playing the game for about 6 months when i rolled that sor

    i love her but everyone needs a mule

    she does not have enough hitpoints & every sor should have some umd for something to do when the mana runs out

    i am going to use a 32-point human sor for my next reroll project

    i am good at power-leveling now (just took a bard on khyber from 1 to 15 in less than a month) & if i dedicate myself will be in the shroud in about 30 days

    but, if any of you tanks think that i am spamming heal scrolls on you without payment, let's just say that the squelch list & me are good friends


  19. #159
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    i have reflected over the past week & determined that i was weak noobsauce when i rolled my sor

    my only defense was that i had been playing the game for about 6 months when i rolled that sor

    i love her but everyone needs a mule

    she does not have enough hitpoints & every sor should have some umd for something to do when the mana runs out

    i am going to use a 32-point human sor for my next reroll project

    i am good at power-leveling now (just took a bard on khyber from 1 to 15 in less than a month) & if i dedicate myself will be in the shroud in about 30 days

    but, if any of you tanks think that i am spamming heal scrolls on you without payment, let's just say that the squelch list & me are good friends


    All that aggravation and arguing ......

    Good luck with the new Sorc.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  20. #160
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default when i am wrong, i will admit it

    it just takes me a while sometimes as is evidenced in this lengthy thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    All that aggravation and arguing ......

    Good luck with the new Sorc.

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