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Thread: new to sorc

  1. #121
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deragoth View Post
    UMD, and Concentration are the most important. Diplomacy would be nice to have... if you're not a noob like me and only took a 10 intelligence.

    Hey, are you guys with the +36 UMD taking Skill Focus? I've been thinking about picking this feat up...
    No to skill focus unless you want to take it early and respec out of it later. As I have stated before - you only need a few items.

    Head of Good Fortune
    Seven Fingered Gloves
    Great Commander + CHA item (yes, I know it will take some time but start on it anyway)
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  2. #122
    Community Member Deragoth's Avatar
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    Ahh yes, forgot about the gloves... maybe because I've been trying to pull them for over a year and I STILL HAVEN'T GOT THEM. Stupid gloves.
    Vilified -Depraven - Frontloader - Primacy
    aka Villainous
    - Pre-June'08.

  3. #123
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    An important point of note...

    Any sorc admitting to not having UMD would find themselves ostracized eventually, unless they only play with a small group of people. Admit to enough parties that can't heal yourself and can't ress the cleric as a sorc and you will find your sorc unwanted.

    It's just the reality of the state of the game. It's the difference between being loved by healers, and being hated by them.
    I admit my UMD is sub-par. I play in guild as well as numerous PUGs. I used to put points into it, but have never had to go past two rez rings so I started to reconsider the benefit.

    100+ CSW Pots - Check
    2 Ancestor Rings - Check
    180+ HP - Check

    I always have money for lots of pots and carry no less than 100 at any point. Are heal scrolls more efficient? Sure, but sorcs are more than likely spewing money from every orifice anyway. I know mine is pretty well to do and I try to be self sufficient so the cleric is not baby sitting me. In fact I will often tell them lay off the healing and I'll pot up until I get really low. Save the mana for the Melees.

    I don't understand why all the pigeon holing goes on. It's pretty bizarre why people seem to think you need to build a character from Template A+. I've just seen too many different characters. Some you say, Re-Roll, do not pass level 3. Others you send a tell and ask how they just did what they did when everyone else is failing.

    Never had anybody ask how big my UMD was, but they did want to whip out my big 10"....Wand of Fireballs.

  4. #124
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heladron View Post
    I admit my UMD is sub-par. I play in guild as well as numerous PUGs. I used to put points into it, but have never had to go past two rez rings so I started to reconsider the benefit.

    100+ CSW Pots - Check
    2 Ancestor Rings - Check
    180+ HP - Check

    I always have money for lots of pots and carry no less than 100 at any point. Are heal scrolls more efficient? Sure, but sorcs are more than likely spewing money from every orifice anyway. I know mine is pretty well to do and I try to be self sufficient so the cleric is not baby sitting me. In fact I will often tell them lay off the healing and I'll pot up until I get really low. Save the mana for the Melees.

    I don't understand why all the pigeon holing goes on. It's pretty bizarre why people seem to think you need to build a character from Template A+. I've just seen too many different characters. Some you say, Re-Roll, do not pass level 3. Others you send a tell and ask how they just did what they did when everyone else is failing.

    Never had anybody ask how big my UMD was, but they did want to whip out my big 10"....Wand of Fireballs.

    IMO the heal scrolls are as much for other party members as for you. Like your ancestor rings are.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  5. #125
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heladron View Post
    Never had anybody ask how big my UMD was, but they did want to whip out my big 10"....Wand of Fireballs.
    LMAO. Ya, people talk about firewall but you throw a few empowered potency fireballs in there and everybodys going "oh.. well.. that was easy" lol .... record of my favorite blues.

  6. #126
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    IMO the heal scrolls are as much for other party members as for you. Like your ancestor rings are.
    In the end I guess some of it comes down to play style. Personally, I've never been in a situation where I've needed to use a heal scroll on a party member, as a sorcerer. I have use wands in clever ways to get a cleric back from near death. Sometimes a hit from a Bears endurance will do the trick and then the party is back in action. Stuff like that. A well timed rage can help like that also. Plus those clever saves are so much more fun than a stock heal.

    I just don't think a sorcerers should be ostracized for not putting points into a non-class skill because the general population feels they should have to. That's all. I personally gave up putting points into it at level 11 or 12. It was just something I wasn't finding myself using in the parties I run in, but maybe it'll come in handy one day.

  7. #127
    Community Member Kamboe's Avatar
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    Default My 2 Copper..

    Order of Stat Importance:

    UMD on my sorc is very important to me, i got the 7 fingered gloves, SF UMD, and Head...which puts me to a 35.5(i think),
    usin a Heal Scroll on a 5 isnt bad....when i get my Wiz 6 Cha Skill goggles i will get to a 38.5(Medium upgrade)

    With 267 hp, Heal scrolls make soloing stuff like SR very easy...
    THE Hand of the Black Tower Member
    Kamboe ~ 16.9 Drow Sorc 35 Cha 2195 Sp [=+=] Inflict ~ 16.9 Dwarf Cleric 418 Hp 1535 Mana
    Camboe ~ 16.9 Bard/Fighter 32 Str [=+=] Minimum ~ 16.9 Halfling Ftr 384 Hp

  8. #128
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Sure, you don't have to have UMD, it's your choice, but I just don't get the opposition to throwing a heal or res scroll around.

    Why is it bad if the sorc can raise someone w/ a scroll, or throw a heal around here and there? Makes quests go by faster, makes soloing's fine if you don't want UMD, but why the UMD hate? I don't get it.

  9. #129
    Community Member Lizardgrad89's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamboe View Post
    Order of Stat Importance:

    UMD on my sorc is very important to me, i got the 7 fingered gloves, SF UMD, and Head...which puts me to a 35.5(i think),
    usin a Heal Scroll on a 5 isnt bad....when i get my Wiz 6 Cha Skill goggles i will get to a 38.5(Medium upgrade)

    With 267 hp, Heal scrolls make soloing stuff like SR very easy...
    If you take the force of personality feat you can drop wis to the bottom.

  10. #130
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default i do not consider it my role

    when i play my sor, i mainly charm & instakill; i also use all of the good fire/cold spells

    i also cast haste constantly & will usually hand out blur & stoneskin & some resists

    i have never been in a quest where i had to use either a raise dead or heal scroll on another party member, i am lucky, i play in balanced groups with good players & i do not like soloing because i enjoy others

    i chug potions & keep myself alive with my buffs, twitch skills & metagaming

    if i wanted to use heal scrolls i would play my bards or roll up a cleric, it is just a playstyle issue

    my hate/resentment comes from the players who say that any sor who does not have umd is gimped

    IMO if a sor is in a balanced party of good players with metagaming, there is never any need to use a umd scroll as a poster previously eloquently stated

    as long as i contribute to the group, no one should judge where my skill points were spent especially on a non-class skill

    anyway, i will just play my bards for a while as i enjoy playing them the most

    i have also been ignoring my dragonmarked halfling wizard, with the xp bonus, it might be a good time to play him & thankfully i will not be required to use umd scrolls on other party members with him at end-game

    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post

    Sure, you don't have to have UMD, it's your choice, but I just don't get the opposition to throwing a heal or res scroll around.

    Why is it bad if the sorc can raise someone w/ a scroll, or throw a heal around here and there? Makes quests go by faster, makes soloing's fine if you don't want UMD, but why the UMD hate? I don't get it.
    Last edited by CSFurious; 03-05-2008 at 05:09 PM.

  11. #131
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    when i play my sor, i mainly charm & instakill; i also use all of the good fire/cold spells

    i also cast haste constantly & will usually hand out blur & stoneskin & some resists

    i have never been in a quest where i had to use either a raise dead or heal scroll on another party member, i am lucky, i play in balanced groups with good players & i do not like soloing because i enjoy others

    i chug potions & keep myself alive with my buffs, twitch skills & metagaming

    if i wanted to use heal scrolls i would play my bards or roll up a cleric, it is just a playstyle issue

    my hate/resentment comes from the players who say that any sor who does not have umd is gimped

    IMO if a sor is in a balanced party of good players with metagaming, there is never any need to use a umd scroll as a poster previously eloquently stated

    as long as i contribute to the group, no one should judge where my skill points were spent especially on a non-class skill

    anyway, i will just play my bards for a while as i enjoy playing them the most

    i have also been ignoring my dragonmarked halfling wizard, with the xp bonus, it might be a good time to play him & thankfully i will not be required to use umd scrolls on other party members with him at end-game

    I know what you're saying about role and all that. But if you can optimize your role, and not detract the least bit from it, while helping out w/ others' "roles", isn't that even better?

    If everyone in the party could not only do what their primary "role" is, but have additional ways in which to contribute, where's the harm in that? I mean, I love my barbarian, but if someone offered me a way for him to toss heals around on himself or others that didn't take away from his build at all, I'd think it was a good thing.

  12. #132
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    i forgot you are the battle cleric who plays drunk

    Funny thing is i can run circles around your toons completely smashed .Drunk ftw

  13. #133
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    I know what you're saying about role and all that. But if you can optimize your role, and not detract the least bit from it, while helping out w/ others' "roles", isn't that even better?

    If everyone in the party could not only do what their primary "role" is, but have additional ways in which to contribute, where's the harm in that? I mean, I love my barbarian, but if someone offered me a way for him to toss heals around on himself or others that didn't take away from his build at all, I'd think it was a good thing.

    The main contention now (forget about the question that started this, everyone else has and I'm sure that by now the OP has cancelled his account because we are all a little crazy around here) is whose way is the best way. And by best, they mean only. And by only, they mean everyone that hasn't done it that way may as well reroll. And by reroll, they mean that if you don't they will never run with you.

    There seems to be two camps now. UMD = ubergreat sorc, and UMD = totally gimped sorc.

    I would love to see both sides square off against each other in PVP, although the UMD specced would probably win because they can heal each other......................
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  14. #134
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default you play 12 hours a day

    if i cat-assed 12 hours a day like you, it would be hard not to be better & i would have to be drunk as well to not be bored out of my mind

    Quote Originally Posted by twix View Post
    Funny thing is i can run circles around your toons completely smashed .Drunk ftw
    Last edited by CSFurious; 03-06-2008 at 10:25 AM.

  15. #135
    Community Member Merkinsal's Avatar
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    Default brass tacks or green steel tacks, your choice

    Quote Originally Posted by Mhykke View Post
    I know what you're saying about role and all that. But if you can optimize your role, and not detract the least bit from it, while helping out w/ others' "roles", isn't that even better?
    I dont know so I'm asking, "What is given up?" Could someone please show the stats on 7 fingered gloves and the Head thing people use for UMD? Then I'll have a better idea of what I will have given up and gained. Also of course there is too the SF UMD that is instead of another FEAT(cough).

    Just as a point that may be pointless. I don't jump in firewalls as some apparently do, as was mentioned earlier. I don't even just jump over the firewalls. I jump over the solid fog cloud that the firewall is in. I am new so please correct me. We were in the final fight at the Crucible (lowbeeeeee I know). The leader says to the cleric, "All you need to do is keep (sorc) alive, thats all, just keep him alive." and to me lol, " I want firewalls, lots of firewalls". The cleric had nothing to do. Nobody got close. I could see them coming a mile away and just jumped to the other side of my two solid fog clouds and 6 firewalls. Bada bing bada boom, two jumps and it was all over. I never see other sorcs do that. Am I unusual? Is this something other sorcs just can't do? I didn't put that much enhancement into jump, or did I? I truly don't know because I'm at work. Boy did I have agro. Cleric was safe. I was having a wonderful time. Good times!

  16. #136
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    if i cat-assed 12 hours day like you, it would be hard not to be better & i would have to be drunk as well to not be bored out of mind
    Rofl i work at night and play maybe 4 hours a day when i get out.once again dont post about things you dont know.Go reroll practice a bit and then comment and maybe someone will take you serious.

  17. #137
    Founder philo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    seriously, unless you play 4 to 7 hours per day +2 con tomes do not drop from the sky & neither does all that other gear either especially when you spend your time playing multiple characters
    +2 tomes drop from end rewards from any vale quest on normal...any new mod 6 content. Its very possible to trade for/buy one. Not to mention we now have 20th raid rewards in game. Just because you are gimp doesnt mean even some casual players do not have these. You might actually have to try to attain one instead of waiting for one to fall from the sky=X. But then there is no reason to have a +2 con tome in order to hit 200 hp anyway /shrug

    The only "other gear" listed was a 6 con item, greater false life belt and a minos legion. If you are unable to attain these items you are doing something wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    anyway, the easiest way is to make a human sor because you can easily have starting chr of 18 & con of 16

    when a +2 con tome drops from the sky, you can have a con of 24 with a +6 item on your brand-new human sor
    Actually, my sorc starting stats were 18 chr and 18 con. Human sorcs can hit 28 con without any greensteel items and without gimping themselves. Not 24 like you seem to think. But then I dont expect you to have a clue.

    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    this week would actually be a great week to re-roll as there is +25 bonus & you could probably get to level 12 or 14 by Sunday if you took off a few days from work or decided not to sleep that much
    Oh ya, I almost forgot about that. Good idea. Get cracking, chop chop

    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    the above is satire, & i think your sor is fine as is as i believe in freewill & also sticking it to the man, i.e., players who know everything
    You classify players who know more then you as "the man" lol?

    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    additionally, i have decided that, for the time being, if current end-game requires a sor to throw around heal scrolls in the shroud that i will not be playing any sor because that is not my idea of fun
    While I could if I wanted to... I dont even carry heal scrolls...or rez scrolls anymore actually. I have a few rings and cure serious wands are more then enough to heal yourself unless you screw up. I dont like healing/buffing people /shrug. Thats not what my character was built for.

    You obviously havnt spent much time in the shroud. It is one of the most fun raids.

    Every time you post you make it quite obvious that you arent very knowledgeable about the game. Maybe you should refrain from giving others advice in the future.
    Last edited by philo; 03-05-2008 at 10:21 PM.

  18. #138
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Every time you post you make it quite obvious that you arent very knowledgeable about the game. Maybe you should refrain from giving others advice in the future.

    So true.

  19. #139
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    I've never come across the attitude that a sorcerer should have UMD, and I'm surprised some people feel so strongly about it that non-UMD sorcs should "reroll".

    While I agree it's great if a sorc has UMD and can bring back a cleric in a dire situation, it's not their role and IMO it's silly to expect that of the sorc. It sure is great if they can, but it strikes me as odd to *expect* sorcs to be rezzing people.

    Though he didn't put his stance very diplomatically, I certainly agree with CSFurious that any guild that wanted to dictate how I should build *my* character, I wouldn't want to be a part of.
    Last edited by Samy; 03-06-2008 at 04:17 AM.
    Argonnessen: Mayling (Hum Ftr6), Miala (Elf Rog5), Zaira (Hum Clr4), Nimetta (Hfl Wiz9), Presli (Hel Brd2)
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  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samy View Post
    I've never come across the attitude that a sorcerer should have UMD, and I'm surprised some people feel so strongly about it that non-UMD sorcs should "reroll".

    While I agree it's great if a sorc has UMD and can bring back a cleric in a dire situation, it's not their role and IMO it's silly to expect that of the sorc. It sure is great if they can, but it strikes me as odd to *expect* sorcs to be rezzing people.

    Though he didn't put his stance very diplomatically, I certainly agree with CSFurious that any guild that wanted to dictate how I should build *my* character, I wouldn't want to be a part of.
    It's not a matter of dictation, it's a matter of playstyle.

    Everybody is expected to be self sufficient. We often have no cleric. We often run with 2 or 3 people.

    And everybody in said guild is interested in having the MOST useful and MOST versatile character possible. It's a no-brainer, with 34-38 charisma, you **** well better have UMD. It makes no sense not to, other than "it's not my role" which is about as lame an excuse as I have ever heard.

    It's not my ROGUE'S role to cast heal scrolls and reconstructs via UMD either, but I do it all the time.

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