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Thread: new to sorc

  1. #1
    Community Member elric69's Avatar
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    Default new to sorc

    Hey im still somewhat new,(my highest toon is level 10) I need some stat and begining advice and how to create a sorc. I plan on using a drow but am curious if I should max the cha. stat or not, and I am curious if I should bother using a feat so that I can use a better weapon? any advice would be apreciated. I definately want a max dammage nuker so to speak, a toon who does the max dammage possible.
    Last edited by Tolero; 03-10-2011 at 11:06 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member twix's Avatar
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    Max cha and put as much into con as possible.Why would you want a weapon when everything should be dead with a fire ball or two ;P

  3. #3
    Founder philo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elric69 View Post
    Hey im still somewhat new,(my highest toon is level 10) I need some stat and begining advice and how to create a sorc. I plan on using a drow but am curious if I should max the cha. stat or not, and I am curious if I should bother using a feat so that I can use a better weapon? any advice would be apreciated. I definately want a max dammage nuker so to speak, a toon who does the max dammage possible.
    Like was mentioned in the above post, max chr and as much con as you can get...for drow that means 20chr 16 con

    For a nuking/damage build you will want maximize and empower feats...and every good sorc has heighten.

    Max +spell dmg enhancements and all of the crit enhancements you can take.

  4. #4
    Community Member unionyes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elric69 View Post
    Hey im still somewhat new,(my highest toon is level 10) I need some stat and begining advice and how to create a sorc. I plan on using a drow but am curious if I should max the cha. stat or not, and I am curious if I should bother using a feat so that I can use a better weapon? any advice would be apreciated. I definately want a max dammage nuker so to speak, a toon who does the max dammage possible.
    My drow sorc has maxed charisma, which is hugely important for manna and spell effectiveness. Don't waste a feat on any weapon proficiency, sorc's don't get that many feats, and you will need them for empower, maximize, and heighten. A crossbow and staff will be all you will need at lower levels, by mid level you will never be swinging at mobs anyhow, just killing them from afar.

    I advise taking max and empower as soon as you can get them, take all the manna enhancements you can, and pick an elemental chain (I took fire/cold, but electric/acid can be effective too, only do repair/force if you are gonna be a wf cleric) and max them out. Take the charisma enhancements and max them as well.

    At level 15, I always have max and empower on, crit for 1000+ with otilukes freezing sphere on fire types, and my firewalls do 2-300 a round. I am sure that there are higher damage numbers out there, but I don't seem to have any problems killing stuff so I am good with my damage.

    Also, always get and wear the highest charisma item you can get your hands on. It increases effectiveness and manna. Build up a collection of penetration and lore items, they will help you land your spells and increase the damage they cause.

    Constitution is important, because once you start doing tons of damage, you will get tons of aggro. You will need to stay alive long enough for your firewall to kill them, or until you can get off a couple of fireballs or freezing spheres. Max it as well, and hang on to the best false life and con items you can get. Once you can cast stoneskin, that will help a lot. My sorc 15 has 22 con (16 + 6 item), never goes anywhere without stoneskin (effectively another 150 hp worth of damage reduction), greater heroism, and false life.

    One thing to be careful of, as a sorc when going to the 'max damage possible', you will pretty much have to focus on one type of elemental damage. Some mobs are resistant or immune to certain types of elemental damage, so always have some wands in your pack, and try to make sure you have all the bases covered as far as spells go. Even though I am fire/ice specced, I have magic missile, melfs acid arrow, pk, fod, and ball lightning, for those (rare) times when the fire and ice just won't cut it.

    Edited to add oh yeah, don't forget to put points in UMD. Your charisma will be so high that you should be able to rez at higher levels. I didn't do this, and now my sorcerer is lacking.
    Last edited by unionyes; 03-04-2008 at 11:45 AM.
    Thelanis; Strngrdanger, Likkerpig, Byrnt, Obgynkenobi, Severancepay, Buffystmarie.

  5. #5
    Community Member Yajerman01's Avatar
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    Default just to add a little fodder

    eventually in the higher levels you will finite your toons abilities. Magical training and improved magical training are helpful in the lower levels but as you get higher and especially when you start playing in the shroud, spell pen will play an important part.

    At that point start looking into Greensteel items to place on your toons weakest item slot. FOr me Bracers were the way to go, so I invested in greensteel bracers and have tier 2 componets added onto them giving me essentially 400 sp. I point this out because at some point youll want to pick up spell pen feats and drop Magic Training and improved magic training.

    The point is, Im maxed on spell pen and have the elemental enhancers maxed out - so if im not blasting Fireballs or Coneof Cold im killing with FOD or PK for the win.

    As the other have said before me - max your CHar out on your drow - otherwise your essential gimping an already powerful race.
    The one and only Aluecian - Congo Bowl I Champions, Team InB4Lock - Survival Builds(NEWEST BUILD IS AT POST #48): Pic of Me, Post# 332

  6. #6
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default sor with umd

    not needed

    bards & rogues raise the dead for when there is no cleric

    get your sor, the pouch of jerky from the dq raid & cast false life constantly & you got self-healing

    a sor would be better served putting all skill-points just into concentration, haggle, jump & diplomacy


    concentration: always want to get that spell off when being struck by the enemy

    haggle: being rich is good, you can never have enough plat

    jump: you can never jump high enough to escape from the enemy (i got the jump spell, what happens when you run out of mana, potions, scrolls &/or clickies & the spell runs out, you going to cry because you cannot make that jump or be able to make it?)

    diplomacy: you can never shed enough aggro off of your squishy self & onto those in your party better able to take the aggro

    or you can put points into UMD, wand-whip yourself with a cmw & cast gh on yourself & maybe on your 3rd scroll (wasting 2 just cost you 13,000 gold) until you get all the necessary uber-equipment raise the dead or use a heal scroll

    that is not spectacular IMO

    i am sure some sor with umd is going to cry now, but it still does not make the aforementioned points any less true

    sorry in advance
    Last edited by CSFurious; 03-07-2008 at 09:50 AM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    not needed

    bards & rogues raise the dead for when there is no cleric

    get your sor, the pouch of jerky from the dq raid & cast false life constantly & you got self-healing

    a sor would be better served putting all skill-points just into concentration, haggle, jump & diplomacy


    concentration: always want to get that spell off

    haggle: being rich is good

    jump: you can never jump high enough to escape from the enemy

    diplomacy: you can never shed enough aggro

    or you can put points into UMD, wand-whip yourself with a cmw & cast gh on yourself & maybe on your 3rd scroll (wasting 2 just cost you 13,000 gold) raise the dead

    that is not spectacular IMO

    i am sure some sor with umd is going to cry now, but it still does not make the aforementioned points any less true

    sorry in advance
    I couldn't disagree more with having haggle and jump on a sorcerer for skills. Jump essentially caps at 40, with each additional point adding so little that it can be considered negligible. Haggle....well you'll have a fine haggle with a good item and high charisma.

    If you're going to roll a toon with haggle, make a bard.

    UMD for a sorc is more useful than either of these. You can do a lot more than cast a ress. You can self heal, you can cast restoration to restore neg levels, and you can even cast heal scrolls if you get enough twinked loot.

    If you're taking jump and haggle on a sorc you might as well take listen and tumble instead.

  8. #8
    Community Member Mhykke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    not needed

    bards & rogues raise the dead for when there is no cleric

    get your sor, the pouch of jerky from the dq raid & cast false life constantly & you got self-healing

    a sor would be better served putting all skill-points just into concentration, haggle, jump & diplomacy


    concentration: always want to get that spell off

    haggle: being rich is good

    jump: you can never jump high enough to escape from the enemy

    diplomacy: you can never shed enough aggro

    or you can put points into UMD, wand-whip yourself with a cmw & cast gh on yourself & maybe on your 3rd scroll (wasting 2 just cost you 13,000 gold) raise the dead

    that is not spectacular IMO

    i am sure some sor with umd is going to cry now, but it still does not make the aforementioned points any less true

    sorry in advance
    I have to disagree on the UMD. Sorcs can get pretty high (especially considering crafting), at least high enough to raise dead w/o failure, and use heal scrolls fairly regularly.

    I'd skip the points into jump. Jump spell, get yourself some featherfall boots of jump +10, and you're at the max effectiveness for jumping in the game, w/o spending a single skill point.

    Put those points into UMD.

  9. #9
    Community Member Vesuvia's Avatar
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    For starters don't be a drow.

    *The highest possible CHA a drow can currently get is 39, compared to a Human's 38 which makes no difference, and the human will have MANY more HP*

    Keep running favor for 32 pt build.


    Max Cha/Con leave the rest at 8, this may seem bad at first but after a +3 tome or +6 item your still lookin at a 17 in your low stats. Where as your "High" stats your lookin at a 28(30 when raged)Con, and up to a 38 Cha at high end.

    Stat on lvls: All cha

    Feats: Maximize, Empower, Heighten, Extend, Force of Personality, Mental Toughness, Improved Mental Toughness

    Skills: +1 UMD, Concentration per lvl (If your taking anything besides these 2 skills REROLL)

    *At high end your going to be able to get to a 42.5 UMD straight sorc without the feat*
    *Obviously wonderful when heal scrolls are a 40 UMD*

    Saves: At high end with boots of the innocent, head of good fortune, greater hero, human versatility, you know the nice buffing stuff =) Your going to be looking at around;

    Fort: 28
    Reflex: 22
    Will: 37

    AC: Um, utterly worthless. If you see ANY sorc that tries to tell you they have 40+ ac and it's good. Tell them to reroll IMMEDIATELY. They are gimped so badly it's unreal, either by not using useful gear to boost there spell casting abilities and instead wearing +AC or they have basically no con or cha due to taking dex. Blur/Displacement + Stoneskin is all you need.

    Enhancements: All fire/cold specs, All sps specs, 2 maximize, 1 empower, 1 human versatility, 1 scroll/wand, 1 elect/acid dmg/crit %, All cha, Human con/cha, 1 Spell Pen

    Honestly, I'm only using firewall/cone of cold really anymore from my fire/cold speccing but it's still well worth it. Alot of buffs, but most frequently using FoD, Mass Suggestion, Disentigrate, with options in Sunburst (Vol runnin!), ball lightning (Alternating with Cone vs MANY devils).
    Last edited by Vesuvia; 03-04-2008 at 12:16 PM.
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  10. #10
    Community Member Harncw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    not needed

    bards & rogues raise the dead for when there is no cleric

    get your sor, the pouch of jerky from the dq raid & cast false life constantly & you got self-healing

    a sor would be better served putting all skill-points just into concentration, haggle, jump & diplomacy


    concentration: always want to get that spell off

    haggle: being rich is good

    jump: you can never jump high enough to escape from the enemy

    diplomacy: you can never shed enough aggro

    or you can put points into UMD, wand-whip yourself with a cmw & cast gh on yourself & maybe on your 3rd scroll (wasting 2 just cost you 13,000 gold) raise the dead

    that is not spectacular IMO

    i am sure some sor with umd is going to cry now, but it still does not make the aforementioned points any less true

    sorry in advance
    I disagree about maxing your jump, jump is a lvl 1 spell. and the clerics will love you for carrying it. Also it supposedly caps out at some point, and casters that jump around like wild injuns are so mod 5!

    I also disagree about maxing your haggle, it changes what like 5%? so you would have 105kpp instead of 100kpp? 1,050,000 pp instead off 1,000,000? Not too mention you have a high cha and that is the modifer for haggle...

    And my sorc hits a raise dead scroll on a 1, and heals about 50/50... keep in mind that some people can do better.
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  11. #11
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default add balance or hiding then

    my point is that it is not necessary

    is it cool to wand-whip yourself & use a raise dead scroll? i guess so from the defense of sor-umd so far

    anyway, i got a level 16 sor & i never regretted not having umd

    & if i ever roll another sor, i am not putting any skill points into umd

    i agree with jump capping out at 40, but haggle can never be high enough IMO especially for casual players as they need all the plat they can get or save

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    I couldn't disagree more with having haggle and jump on a sorcerer for skills. Jump essentially caps at 40, with each additional point adding so little that it can be considered negligible. Haggle....well you'll have a fine haggle with a good item and high charisma.

    If you're going to roll a toon with haggle, make a bard.

    UMD for a sorc is more useful than either of these. You can do a lot more than cast a ress. You can self heal, you can cast restoration to restore neg levels, and you can even cast heal scrolls if you get enough twinked loot.

    If you're taking jump and haggle on a sorc you might as well take listen and tumble instead.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    my point is that it is not necessary

    is it cool to wand-whip yourself & use a raise dead scroll? i guess so from the defense of sor-umd so far

    anyway, i got a level 16 sor & i never regretted not having umd

    & if i ever roll another sor, i am not putting any skill points into umd

    i agree with jump capping out at 40, but haggle can never be high enough IMO especially for casual players as they need all the plat they can get or save
    Clerics must love you

  13. #13
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default i need them

    my sor has 189 hitpoints unbuffed & needs a cleric/bard bad sometimes (i need to get that minos legen still)

    i believe in letting everyone have a role in the party, i.e., i kill & control stuff & the cleric/bard heals me

    idk maybe if i roll a human sor i will put points into umd for soloing purposes, but i doubt it as i have too many characters right now as it is


    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post
    Clerics must love you
    Last edited by CSFurious; 03-04-2008 at 12:38 PM.

  14. #14
    Community Member Vesuvia's Avatar
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    Default immediately.

    Haggle?!?! If you NEVER take any points into haggle you can still get it into the 40+ easily.

    You could have 331 +36 hp (rage, false life, greater hero'd) max human sorc, without EVER taking the toughness feat..
    and that's not to say you'll still be able to have well over 2600+ sps

    Seriously be self sufficient, nobody wants to baby a squishy sorc. Be a power house.

    Just the other day was in pt 4 shroud, our 3 clerics and many others died..when he was at 60% life. The remaining 2 fighters, 1 ranger and 1 paladin along with my Sorc STILL beat him with me switching to healing after killing gnolls.
    Last edited by Vesuvia; 03-04-2008 at 12:31 PM.
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  15. #15
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default thanks for the advice

    not really, but i am trying to be more polite

    anyway, i am real glad you can wand-whip yourself & use raise dead scrolls, must come in handy 5% of the time

    i just cast stoneskin, blur/displacement, haste & jump & start casting, i think i die less than 5% of the time while adventuring with that character

    also, i am sure that the OP who is likely a pretty new player will be able to get his build just like yours in about 2 years, i.e., about the time that you got yours together

    as to being non-squishy & self-sufficent, just roll a wf sor or wizard

    also, clerics in PUGS are babysitters in this game, they might not like that, but they are

    i do not need a baby-sitter when i can enchant the entire dungeon
    Quote Originally Posted by Vesuvia View Post immediately.

    Haggle?!?! If you NEVER take any points into haggle you can still get it into the 40+ easily.

    You could have 331 hp max human sorc, without EVER taking the toughness feat..
    and that's not to say you'll still be able to have well over 2600+ sps
    Last edited by CSFurious; 03-07-2008 at 09:51 AM.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    my sor has 189 hitpoints unbuffed & needs a cleric/bard bad
    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    i do not need a baby-sitter when i can enchant the entire dungeon

  17. #17
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default fixed it

    i do not charm undead with this build & therefore rely on aoe spells & might take damage

    i also rely on the finger for self-protection & we all know how that works against the undead

    also, i need clerics bad for dv's

    honestly, the pouch of jerky, false life & gh work really well in combination with respect to keeping a sor alive

    Quote Originally Posted by Aspenor View Post

  18. #18
    Community Member Vesuvia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    anyway, i am real glad you can wand-whip yourself & use raise dead scrolls, must come in handy 5% of the time
    Who carries wands?

    I always have a minimum of 400 heal scrolls 400 CSW pots and 100 resurrect scrolls.

    No it doesnt take 2 years to build a character like mine either. Just build it and get in them raids and start gathering proper gear.

    BTW, pouch of jerky sucks. Really should be wearing Head of Good Fortune for stacking +2 saves/skills. If you want a slow ticking hp item get a Jungle cloak or two, and honestly if you want GFL (Greater False Life) item, get the Belt of Brute Strength from Titan. +6 str 30+ hp is way nicer =)
    Last edited by Vesuvia; 03-04-2008 at 12:49 PM.
    ~Death will be swift~
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  19. #19
    Community Member Vesuvia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    also, clerics are babysitters in this game, they might not like that, but they are
    No they aren't.
    ~Death will be swift~
    Vesuvia Hellfyre - THAC0

  20. #20
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    A smart cleric would rather carry soul stones than babysit.

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