Greetings! We here at The Forsworn are looking for other like minded guilds to ally with for RP raids, server roleplaying events, and of course to just raise awareness that Sarlona is still a roleplaing server. If you have a guild that enjoys roleplaying stand up and be counted! If you are new to the game, new to Sarlona, or just curious about the roleplaying side of the game feel free to check us out at the link provided. Who are we really? Well thats one thing best summed up by our leader Taurnil Saralonde ~

Who are we you ask? That is a tough question indeed...we are many things, but in the end we are one...

We are a group of individuals who have decided that there is strength in numbers. We have individual goals and desires but realize it is easier to attain those by surrounding yourself with capable companions, as Stormreach is a very dangerous place for those who are unprepared...

We hail from all sorts of backgrounds, professions, races, regions, and beliefs...we have all decided that what we want we did not previously have. We have thus forsworn something in order to leave it behind and try to build a better home here. Some of our members are old friends, whilst some are newly acquainted. Some are brave and boisterous, whilst others are quiet and controlled. Some are vigilant and righteous, whilst others have their intentions questioned. No matter the circumstances, once you have shown you are a loyal companion to The Forsworn, you will be welcomed with open arms, and most importantly open minds...

((Out of Character))
We are group of people made up of a diverse back ground in play styles ranging from Light to Heavy RP. No one is required to reach a "certain" level of roleplaying abilities, we only ask that you respect each other and try to enjoy the game for what it is...and above all else remember it is a game! We have hopes of making this one of the best RP guilds on the Sarlona Server, active not only within our guild, but active with the entire RP community. We are fairly new, so it will take time to accomplish this...but we are dedicated to this cause and have a strong core of individuals to make it happen!

I hope to see you soon, until then...Good Hunting!
Good gaming to you all.
~ Dailus (Officer of the Forsworn)