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  1. #1
    Producer Tolero's Avatar
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    Arrow Tell The DDO Community Team! (#10)

    Good Morning! It's that time again...

    Thanks to everyone who provided insight on the thread name! A lot of the feed back indicated that you were looking for something official sounding - so the purpose is clear - but personable as well. From here on out, you'll be looking for "Tell The DDO Community Team" each week for the weekly questions. This way, it doesn't matter which one of us is posting it - myself, Quarion, Deum, Patience, Saffron... you know where to go for the weekly thread. We'll continue to keep the same schedule, so let's get started!

    How it works:
    I'll be asking you questions, and here in my thread, you tell me: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand. If you missed the previous week's questions, they'll be listed below and you can answer them here too. Thank you so much to everyone for offering their answers!

    Ground Rules:
    Before we get started, let's lay down three ground rules if you're going to participate in the thread. These ground rules also have a few samples to help clarify participation:

    #1 - The single most important rule to remember while participating in this thread is:
    No personal attacks.
    If you disagree with the opinion of another participant, that's fine, but no one can make anyone agree to their opinion. Thus, please refrain from commenting on the personal qualities of others who offer their responses to the question(s). Personal attacks go against forum guidelines. Questions asked will be subjective, and some users will have a lot related to their opinion, while others may only define things in short phrases. All forms are acceptable.
    Hypothetical Example:
    Tolero "Do you like ice cream?"
    Player 1 "I hate ice cream because it's too tough to scoop"
    Acceptable "I like it. It's not that bad to scoop once you let it sit on the counter for a little bit before you try to dip it Player 1."
    Acceptable "I like it but I have the same problem as Player 1. What brand is it Player 1?"
    Acceptable "I don't think it's too hard, I never have any problem with it. I like ice cream."
    Unacceptable "That's cause you're a noob..."
    Unacceptable "You don't have enough experience with scooping to be talking about how difficult it is"
    Unacceptable "How about you back that opinion up with some numbers. If you can't prove it don't bring it here"

    Everyone has the right to offer their response to the question(s), whether they have scientific data to back up their feelings, or they simply just "feel" a certain way towards the question(s).

    #2 - Participate as well as discuss.
    If you would like to join in the discussion, please be sure to offer your response to the questions as well, in addition to your conversation with any other thread participants
    Hypothetical Example:
    Tolero "What's your favorite color?"
    Player 1 "Blue"
    Player 2 "Green"
    Acceptable "Purple... hey Player 2, how come you like Green?"
    Unacceptable "hey Player 2 how come you like Green?"

    Please be sure to take the time to offer your own opinion of the question(s) before you engage in a discussion about other people's opinions in the thread.

    #3 - Don't recycle the above hypothetical examples in your responses as it spams the thread.
    -------------------------- Let's Get Started! --------------------------

    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:
    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. I hate trying to figure this stuff out by myself."
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    • "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)
    Talking about game design and logic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    First time through the pit.
    • NEW – Tip #52 no longer mistakenly says that the Jump skill reduces falling damage. The appropriate skill is, in fact, tumble.

  3. #3
    Community Member Jaywade's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    "I try to find a group as fast as possible. I hate trying to figure this stuff out by myself."
    "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"
    "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc) finding info...that was till this latest even and I somehow found myself doing some light RP'ing

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    for me the first time me and a few shortmaned the dragon taking the dragon down w/ only 6 for the first time was awesome, and while many hav edone the same the first time for me was really special...I still think other than the flagging mech for dragon it is still IMO the best's looks and feels like a raid
    In Game- Hsc, Malcis, ESD, Narsfilth, Nashnarlar, Axeslar, Darksilence, Nullnvoid, Norvex, Takanobu, Warzerk, Harshnarlar, Antibio, Zintarnarlar, Zorest, Axenroses and Intherear Originally Posted by kaidendager "I find a larger flaw with gathering data from dissatisfied customers and forcing proposed changes on a satisfied player base"

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    Question # 2 from last week:

    The evil NPC makes me spend 45 minutes transfering items between characters so I can delete one, and equip my reroll. All the while he taunts me by reminding me I could have been in Tangleroot instead. I dunno why they dont let you send a bag full of stuff like you could in Asherons Call.

    Alternatively the NPC casts a spell of "Blindness Via Auction House". That color scheme is bound to ruin my 20/20 pretty soon.
    Last edited by geezee; 03-03-2008 at 11:52 AM.

  5. #5
    Community Member Gornn's Avatar
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    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?

    "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"

    Question 2

    Check stuff out, see if there are any good items I can use for trades, etc...

    Question 3

    When I first starting playing DDO and was exploring I was somewhat disappointed. I had just been doing stuff in the harbor and it was all kind of the same, go into basements, kill stuff...etc. Where was the outside stuff that I was used to? Isn't there anything else to do?

    I had such high expectations being a longtime D&D player.But I kept playing.

    My most memorable moment was the first time I failed a save vs glitterdust.

    You may think that sounds ridiculous but...and I remember this quite vividly "So that's what glitterdust feels like" I said to myself as my screen got whited out.

    And from that point on, it was all over for me. DDO ftw.

    One spell took me from being on the precipice of disinterest to complete unadulterated addiction.
    Gornn 3:16 says: Gornn just hugged yo' @$$!
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    "It's only elitist if you're not actually better than everyone else."

  6. #6
    Community Member cappuccino's Avatar
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    Question 1When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"

    Question 2:When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    from home, news from work (cause I can't log in) developer ideas, helping newbies with questions, and of course socalizing

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?[/QUOTE]

    Has to be hands down the old "Tipsy Tempest Spine" Runs.....of course there was that one time Sir Lawrence asked a party of us to do a naked Tangleroot run (even without our enhancements!).
    Unguilded on Thelanis Pempernel, Melyanna, Greyiira, Valienor, Pempernal, Pempernil, Pempersensai, Pempnoir, Paw, Zilvira, Celebrimbor
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  7. #7
    Founder & Hero DagazUlf's Avatar
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    Answer 1
    None of the above. Groups are good, solo is good. Whatever is going with the guild is usually my inclination.

    Answer 2
    Developer News and any unique news tidbits that affect the game.

    Answer 3
    Any of those moments where the entire party barely scraped through some fantastic battle. Love that.
    "The sword itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with swords."

  8. #8


    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?

    * "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)
    All of the examples above.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    Running Water Works for the first time. I thought to myself, "Wow, this IS D&D."
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  9. #9
    Founder Gengulphus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    If you missed last week's questions, you're welcome to answer them now in addition to this week's:[/center]
    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you? (Keep answers within forum guidelines please)

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?

    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. I hate trying to figure this stuff out by myself."
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    • "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?

    Last week's questions:

    1. I'd thank the Turbine rep for the huge increase in communication between the Devs and players; for monks; for crafting; for the super-cool 2nd anniversary live events!!!

    2. Evil NPC, worst thing: make me spend the rest of my days defending Coyle!

    3. Most: DDO Development Discussion; Least: PnP Discussion (though now that I mention it, I resolve to check that out more since I'm an avid D&D PnP player!)

    4. 2008: Monks; lvl 20 cap; getting my alts capped; getting dragonscale armor; crafting a sweet MOD 6 raid weapon.

    This week's questions:

    1. "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."

    2. Visiting forums: news from developers.

    3. When I was invited to join the Keepers of the Arcane guild (on the now-defunct Aundair) during Head Start two years ago! It's an awesome group of folks!
    Keepers of the Arcane Khyber Server (formerly Aundair)
    Gengulphus lvl 16.2 paladin -- Phanurius lvl 9 cleric -- Vincens lvl 5 wizard
    Dahnte Alighieri lvl 3 bard -- Albertus Magnus lvl 3 paladin -- Dysmas Sunset lvl 3 rogue
    Tancro Stone lvl 6 fighter -- Huubert of Liege lvl 4 ranger

  10. #10
    Community Member xynxie's Avatar
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    1) I generally try it on my own first to get a feel for the map....most groups zerg thru cause they know the thing first making me dizzy...and saves me at the ageof 43 of getting cussed at by some person for not keeping up....bad thing about being new in this game....once i get my 32 pt builds I plan on making pugs that invite just noobs to walk em thru....I enjoy that

    2)Forums are a place for me to look up builds and how things work through others experience.....but mostly I spend time laughing at the so called simple changes and wants folks have...lightens the day

    3) The short time I hd been playing....maybe 2 bro mike that got me in this game and had made a warforged barb(tis what I had to...he was showing me how to build)....anyway....we ran STK on to the end....massive room...and he says we are about to get our buts whipped....but I had to show ya this boss...make a long story and fght short....we won....he couldnt believe it....I didnt know any better, so I didnt get his disbelief....but that boss and fight hooked me.

  11. #11
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?

    None of 'em match, but this is closest:
    * "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    I want to laugh, first of all, and I want to learn something new about the game, see screenshots, etc.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?

    I have to say my favorite moment is still the first time I zoned into the Plane of Night. Boring answer, I know.
    <|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
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  12. #12
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    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. I hate trying to figure this stuff out by myself."
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    • "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"
    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc) News from the developers. I check the dev tracker regularly, even while at work.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment? Actually it was the first day I played. I was doing the goodblade quests with couple others a dwarf named Granitar, and a elf named Vesper Longfeathers and they were roleplaying. I was like holy @$#@#@$ a mmo where people role play! I have played a few other mmo's and the rp was nil to say the least. I was overjoyed to see it on my first day (March 1st 2006).

    Members of The Forsworn ~ A Roleplaying guild on Sarlona
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  13. #13
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Question 1

    I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!

    Question 2
    News, marketplace, and input into the game.

    Question 3
    Soloing invaders for the first time.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  14. #14
    Community Member In_Like_Flynn's Avatar
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    Last week's questions:

    Question 1
    If you could thank a Turbine representative for something, what would that something be?
    To each in-game DM that's assisted me - thanks for the quick response!

    Question 2
    You are captured by an evil NPC. He informs you that he has discovered the ultimate torment for his prisoners. What is the worst thing he could do to you?
    I don't know. Sorry.

    Question 3
    Which forum sections do you find you visit the most? Which forum sections do you find you visit the least? (Visit does not necessarily mean that you post in them, it can be simply reading them)
    Most: Developer and General forums. Least: Server-specific forums.

    Question 4
    What are your aspirations for DDO for 2008?
    I'm going to stop rolling new builds and focus on my Main Four. I've been in since day one and have only done the dragon three times and no other raids. I'd like to try those raids, if I can find anyone still doing them.

    This week's questions:

    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)
    News. Latest bugs and issues to watch out for. Read ideas for improving the game.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    The minutes after creating my very first character, running through the first few dungeons and realizing that this is exactly how I imagined it. Perfection. Euphoria. 28 years of Pen & Paper and there it was, in front of me, in "3D". I got the shivers. Great moment.
    H A R A H A R A - H A R A M A K I - H A R A S E K U
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  15. #15
    Community Member Rkik_Dnec's Avatar
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    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?

    * "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    * "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    * "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"

    Those three, depending on mood and game.

    I like running stuff solo because I'm somewhat shy/anti-social. Plus I am a slow typist, so without voice chat I tend to have a tough time communicating quickly. Also, many MMOs really don't have a huge benefit to grouping except in limited cases. For example, WoW. When I played that I had no real interest in grouping because I could basically do everything on my own and it was more relaxing to just play at my own pace. That was also a negative, though, because without that interaction with others, the game became boring after a short time. DDO has a bit of both, but there is much greater focus on the group aspect, so I find myself wanting to group more. This also helps keep the game interesting, because even though I may be doing the same quests repeatedly, the interactions between the players are always different.

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    At work can't log in is the biggest reason. News from developers is second. I also spend some time in the various class forums, as I like to speculate on various builds.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?

    The best one in recent memory would be running Durk's Got a Secret for the umpteenth time on my lower level cleric. I was in a group with some fairly new players, and we had managed to get a Muck spawn. Well I got lucky and pulled a Muckbane, and being as it was the second muckbane for this character in as many days, I asked if anyone in the group had never pulled one. Sure enough, someone hadn't, so I handed it off to him. I'm sure it made his day.
    Kurndor (Cleric), Kaeg (Fighter), and Okkuu (Barbarian) | Sarlona
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  16. #16
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?

    * "I try to find a group as fast as possible. I hate trying to figure this stuff out by myself."
    * "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    * "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    * "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"
    * "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)
    • Looking for interesting topics
    • Arguing for the challenge, for the fun and for the learning experience
    • To see whose complaining about the game today

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    Pulling my first Vorpal Longsword from one of the Reaver chests. It only took just shy of two years, but it felt pretty great. Then to make it sweeter I triple vorpal'd. It was three devils in the Vale. Three 20's in a row. It was in that one pit where the named bearded Devil shows up, by the big tree. I'll never forget how fun that was and how amazing.

  17. #17
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    This week's question(s) are:

    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    I like to take my time and actually experience the game and dungeons first before hooking up with people. Main reasons are by the time a game has gone live the beta players have already done all the low quests, if you are late getting the game (either by a few weeks, months, years, etc.) the bulk of the players know the stuff and just want to run through on their way to higher end things. This kind of ruins the experience for me as a new player. It prevents me from the wonderous joy of discovery that they got to have when they started. So, for sure I prefer first time experience to be nice and slow, thus often solo.

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    News from the Devs mostly. I come in while I am at work to catch up on stuff, see builds, etc. but really mainly try and see what is going on in the game itself, what is planned, etc.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?

    I dont know, there are so many things that hit high notes for me. I guess 4 things that jump to mind with DDO.

    1) First time I ever logged in. The game looked awesome, and combat was a hoot. I tried to do every single quest on the newbie Isle. I think I took the first day and kept deleting and creating characters just to see how they felt. Never left the starter isle.

    2) When I pulled my first every glowy weapon. Baudry Cartamon's quest The Sword of Pain. I felt great having a sweet glowy sword to run around with. Funny thing though, I have not gotten that again, was a fluke I guess.

    3) Doing Proof is in the Poison and having the barbarian of the group jump down as I was on the bridge looking for traps. I heard "Hey, what does this lever do?" right before I died. (I think maybe one or two of us had done the quest before, and then only once).

    4) Gary Gygaxx doing the DM voice for Delera's tomb. It brought out the inner geek. Any chance of getting Mr. Baker to do one?
    This space for Rent

  18. #18
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)
    Mostly at work and can't log in but when I do I look for news from developers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    Tie. First Velah kill and guiding a group through VoN 3 as my first time in the "guide" role.
    Thelanis characters: Ashelynne, Dixx, Gunghir, Khalmyr, Nebulla, Schyv, Staunch

  19. #19
    Founder Hambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tolero View Post
    This week's question(s) are:
    Question 1
    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. I hate trying to figure this stuff out by myself."
    • "I try to find a group as fast as possible. The more the merrier!"
    • "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated."
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"
    • "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I'm too shy to deal with other people"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?
    1). "I try to run some things on my own at first, then I try to rustle up a group once I've investigated." (Explanation: I don't have a new character inducted into my guild until it's proven itself by soloing to at least level 3)

    2). a. Dev notes. b. bug reports/solutions c. De-railing, with judicious use of quotes, the idea that anything has been "promised" to us by a certain date.

    3). a. Hitting 400 favor (actually had over 400 when favor and Drow were introduced) b. Hitting 1750 favor with first Drow
    Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)
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  20. #20
    Community Member villainsimple's Avatar
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    When playing any multi-player game, which of the following best describes you?

    "I try to go it alone as much as possible. I can't stand other people"

    Question 2
    When you visit community forums, what is your primary interest in doing so? (examples: news from developers, socializing with server mates, at work and can't log in, etc)

    Determine the direction of the game, and get news on issues that matter (such as the very needed rebalancing of dwarves), not fluff.

    Question 3
    What is your most happy and/or memorable in-game moment?

    I've never enjoyed the game as much as when I've played permadeath play.

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