I just pulled this and not sure I want to build a toon around it right now....Sooooo, I'm not really sure but I think its a fair trade for a W/P rapier. The Xbow is min lvl 10 and has no RR.
PM here or on Elbow in game....thx![]()
I just pulled this and not sure I want to build a toon around it right now....Sooooo, I'm not really sure but I think its a fair trade for a W/P rapier. The Xbow is min lvl 10 and has no RR.
PM here or on Elbow in game....thx![]()
Last edited by Cramski; 03-03-2008 at 02:41 AM.
PESTILENCE officerLewsinda19sorc/1bard Suneeky*13rog/6rng/1mnkKillm20barbKatauna18rng/2mnkPaighn12barb/6rng/2ftrBurnyup20scorcMorpheen20clericPiggee18barb/2ftrWallter13rog/6rng/1mnkManndingo20ftr
See I go and log off early and you get a great pull, congrats!
Eldun, Eldette, Eldunica, Elduminum, Eldookin, Eldojo, Eldeberries, DarkEldun, DrEldun, Kristinka, Woodpile
Officer of Pestilence. Looting's our business and business was good until the Dev's ruined the game by making everything exclusive, bound to account, and ridiculously trivial.
PM sent
Poptarte Nurseya Icesome Sharwyne Firesome Hobidoc Shaye Tazzette Tenderfoote Lyrah
Trade List: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=115968
If its that great give him a W/P rapier
He is a guildee of yours afterall, It will go to good use![]()
I'm sure he would if he had an extra![]()
PESTILENCE officerLewsinda19sorc/1bard Suneeky*13rog/6rng/1mnkKillm20barbKatauna18rng/2mnkPaighn12barb/6rng/2ftrBurnyup20scorcMorpheen20clericPiggee18barb/2ftrWallter13rog/6rng/1mnkManndingo20ftr
Im sure they have an extra somewhere under the table![]()
I have a bunch of other stuff to trade in addition to this if you have a rapier. I would trade it straight across for a short sword.
PESTILENCE officerLewsinda19sorc/1bard Suneeky*13rog/6rng/1mnkKillm20barbKatauna18rng/2mnkPaighn12barb/6rng/2ftrBurnyup20scorcMorpheen20clericPiggee18barb/2ftrWallter13rog/6rng/1mnkManndingo20ftr
I got 2 for you right here elbow.....
Ignore my PM, FEEL MY WRATH!