+3 crippling greatclub of enfeebling
+1 crippling scimitar of smiting
+2 paralyzing scimitar of parrying rr WF
+2 paralyzing bastard sword rr human
+1 holy burst khopesh of pure good
+3 superior potency V heavy mace
+1 banishing light crossbow
+2 axiomatic burst bastard sword of tendon slice 2%
clever goggles (4) of heroism (1 clicky)
clever goggles (6) of expeditious retreat
wis (1) helm of wiz VI (only taking platt)
+2 transmuting darkwood light crossbow of backstabbing(+1)
con 5 belt of bears endurance
+3 thundering greataxe of shatter
+3 cursespewing falchion of backstabbing(+1)
+1 crippling light hammer of shatter
greater fire resistance cloak
dex 3 gloves of crushing despair
charisma 4 ring of intimidate 3
+4 wooden buckler of fire resistance
+4 ghost touch adamantine heavy mace of chaotic outsider bane
+2 cursespewing battleaxe of backstabbing(+1)
+2 true chaos bastard sword of everbright
lesser nullification II healm of steady spellcasting +11
+2 weakening longsword of enfeebling
+3 superior potency VI quarterstaff
+2 blueshine full plate of power VI
+2 acid short sword of shatter(+6)
disease immunity necklace of haggle(+11)
+3 fire guard full plate of wizardry II
strength 6 bracers of heal 3
strength 6 bracers of repair 3
+2 transmuting khopesh of vertigo(+8)
+1 weakening longsword of smiting rr human
+5 dwarven axe of parrying
+3 true chaos short sword of everbright
+1 lesser ice guard full plate of the magi
charisma 5 helm of steady spellcasting(+3)
wisdom 5 necklace of performing(+3)
con 2 belt of improved false life
collapsed portable hole
dex 4 boots of balance(+3)
proof against poison ring of bluffing(+10)
+5 light steel shield of light fortification
+3 seeker repeating light crossbow of shattermantle
deathblock robe of moderate fortification
items want:
Elemental, Bursting, Alignment, etc longbows of greater bane
+2 tomes
plat (want mostly)
planar gird
wis +6 necklace
str +6 gloves
con +6 belt
dex +6 boots
cha +6 cloak
tome pages
w/p rapiers
tome pages