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  1. #81
    Founder Paragon's Avatar
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    One suggestion on the spawns...

    They clearly go in patterns. I think it would be better if the devil and loot spawns happened in each spot across all instances at the same time, as this would eliminate the need for instance jumping and give everyone a fairer chance at getting some loot.

    Just my opinion on the matter.
    Unofficial Dark Wizard of The Hand of the Black Tower

  2. #82
    Community Member Syrbryce's Avatar
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    Hey guys I enjoyed the heck outtta tonights event. The lag nonwithstanding, but there were spawns on the top of the mario brothers tribute, at the top of the spire, on the bridge to the bank, even a couple of Bezikira wound up stuck inside a second story building.

    Fun times! Especially instance jumping into a mob of 12 devils and pack of bats. Got one cone of cold off before it was munch on the sorc time. Hehe!

    Haven't tabbed up the loot stuff yet, but it was 3 large ingredient bags, one large collectible bag, multiple wands of +1 search, +1 umd, eternal titan wands, and 1200 tasty hams!
    Order of the Silver Dragons
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  3. #83
    Founder DJNsomniac's Avatar
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    I did find it amusing that the whole live event text went up then for about 2 hours people kept trying to get to the top of stormreach to find out the guy says "come back tomorrow, heres a buff" I just thought it was kind of stupid.

    I look forward to next week and the stuff that happens throughout this week, I just thought tonight was not communicated well at all and could of been handeled better.

    Still love the game though,

    Just my 2 cents.

    P.S. for people saying posters like myself are under 15, I'm 26 years old.
    Regell, Regoll, Regel, Reeegel, Regol, Regolle (notice a theme?)
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  4. #84
    Community Member Nemonon's Avatar
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    i thought veheer was the new teleporter.........i told him what i thought of stormreach and he sent me to the gianthold..........i thought it was nice of him to give me a ride to where the real action was. = )

    oh and i vote to abandon the market to the devils and have everyone check back in on friday to see how many devils spawned. then tell turbine we made our own event.......and to take notes.
    Last edited by Nemonon; 03-03-2008 at 03:28 AM.

  5. 03-03-2008, 03:56 AM

    request of OP

  6. #85
    Founder caj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    He said "come back tomorrow"...which ****ed off just about everyone who made it there.
    Yea.. that did it for many of us after waiting all Sunday morning and afternoon... wow... the big event! The spawning of the devils and their minions SHOULD have been what happened all day rather than 1-3 hours spawns. The Market Place should be a very dangerous place. Players should have to look over their shoulders for fear of being 'ganked' by unseen killers. Instead... well.. wasted hours of "real life time" (2:00am to 9:45pm) then this Mario Brothers Jump up and see me on my tower and "Comeback Later or... in your face again haha".

    IMO - The last few minutes before the "Devil Gates and Invasion subsided" was how it should have been - Chaos and Insane. Player Characters need to have a challenge, fear and the real possibility of being killed.

    Seriously Turbine... I love you try Events.. I love you care about trying to do something for you players/customers.. but "holy Charlie Foxtrot Batman" what happened to planning/thinking something through? You need to again have two part communication with your players/customers... one the 5 "W"'s and then the beautiful storyline we all like. The miscommunication during his event lead to many players standing around for hours upon hours... and leaving them frustrated.
    Last edited by caj; 03-03-2008 at 06:42 AM.

  7. #86
    Community Member Trollhammer's Avatar
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    Default Meh..

    We had 20 instances on Ghandalla(SP)..on one of them we had a caster Charming the spawned devils...Buff the bejezzes out of them and when they broke the charm, Let's just say..much more challenging...Give us a Pit fiend with a Million HP's...turn 1/2 the level 16's standing around into soul stones through sheer destructive power...(Something that might take a 1/2 hour to kill with many deaths) that would give us something to Talk about...yeah buddy!
    Last edited by Trollhammer; 03-03-2008 at 09:24 AM.
    Remember, you are not a freak, they call it mental illness because it really is a disease.....Waterboy 09-12-07

  8. #87
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    I have not read this whole thread but just want to post a general response to all the negative vibes in here. The devs have pretty much given us the schedule for this thing. They told us the party was sunday. Sir Lawrence told us it was at 2:00 PM. Tolero (I think) told us it would be all day but would culminate in the evening. And now we know the 9:45 schedule that the demons follow. There have been plenty of clues both in-game and on the forums about when stuff was gonna unfold. I just don't see why anyone is angry or irritated about this event so far. If you logged in at Midnight Sat (which a lot of folks a Ghallanda did), then you just didn't read enough in here. I'm not saying everyone SHOULD have known the schedule, but for those who really wanted to know, the information was there.

    And trust me, if I can figure this stuff out, I know the rest of you can!!

    On another note, just want to say THANKS to the Turbine crew for the anniversary gig so far. I have had a blast and have enjoyed the suspense as it all unfolds. Saturday night I had 2 players convinced that I was responsible for the graffiti. They really wanted to know how I did it. When I finally told them I thought we would be attacked on Sunday, they wanted to know "by who?!??!" I told them it would be someone with orange spray paint.

    And last night was awesome. 20 instances of the Mktplace on Ghallanda. Been a while since that happened. Everyone was having a ball jumping (and falling), fighting devils, bats, etc... My guildies (both of them lol) and our allies had a ball alternately buffing each other anfd then distracting each other with fireballs etc. while jumping up to the platform. Innovindil, if you read this, thanks for Niac-ing those devils who appeared on my jumping stones! My Niac's never lands for some reason....

    Anyway Devs, Thanks again and can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings!
    Maveriq Wiley... Benefaqtor... Spyqe... Masqot Von Chaedence...

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  9. #88
    Founder caj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wamjratl1 View Post
    I have not read this whole thread but just want to post a general response to all the negative vibes in here. The devs have pretty much given us the schedule for this thing. They told us the party was sunday. Sir Lawrence told us it was at 2:00 PM. Tolero (I think) told us it would be all day but would culminate in the evening. And now we know the 9:45 schedule that the demons follow. There have been plenty of clues both in-game and on the forums about when stuff was gonna unfold. I just don't see why anyone is angry or irritated about this event so far. If you logged in at Midnight Sat (which a lot of folks a Ghallanda did), then you just didn't read enough in here. I'm not saying everyone SHOULD have known the schedule, but for those who really wanted to know, the information was there.d have enjoyed the suspense as it all unfolds.
    The "schedule" was not posted until later Sunday afternoon after player complaints and frustration. The posting at 1:35am on Sunday (frontpage/logon) said basically here is comes... but again nothing of substance. The start time was 2am not 2pm... even after 2pm there was the same 1-3 hours spawns. The Veheer and his fellow Twelve tried to justify the event as a movie and supense fully building. Again.. no information or consideration/understanding of Real Life or wasted time. The announcement of 9:45pm came later that afternoon with things will "become apparent and happen". Mind you, there is no conspiracy or deliberateness to this in my opinion. Just a case of not thinking things through when concerning you customer base. We all are not "Ubermunchkins" that can spent hours online wasting time... comunicate effectively and we can manage our time. So the "negativity" is constructive (and yes unconstructive I've seen) criticism fully waranted and justified.

    So please read the thread to see the timeline of events...
    Last edited by caj; 03-03-2008 at 10:17 AM.

  10. #89


    Quote Originally Posted by sda3 View Post
    You must not have stayed around very long. In the last hour alone i have seen 6 devil spawns with about a dozen each and numerous loot drops. Mostly low level sscepters, but hey the large bags are nice.
    Stayed until 1050 and at 1050 there were no spawns happening.

  11. #90
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    show me an official announcement saying it is a week long event

    this is the anouncement

    How about Here?

    No mention of it going on all week, just talks about Sunday, and says more details will be available

    Here is Tolero from yesterday

    and this

    So nothing about the big event being next week just all about today and that we shoudl ook forward to today and that there would be things going on all day, random spawns every hour of 2 or 3 devils is not activities going on all day
    And Here

    Sir Lawrence
    Live Events Join Date: Oct 2006

    Now now, calm yourselves good citizens. The sightings are most assuredly just lightening from the storm.

    Those who can't make it to the kick off of the festival on the 2nd, I assure you that the 2nd is only the beginning of the festivities for the week.
    Event Representative of the Coin Lords to the Citizens of Stormreach!

    Remember to have your kobold spayed or neutered.

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    Originally Posted by Jaywade
    time and place Sir lawrence?????
    Well the festival will be going on all day on the 2nd, but the evening is typically when most patrons find time to stop by. It might be the best time around then since there will be so many more party goers then. But even if you miss the start of the party, the rest of the week will still have festive activities

    Edit: Oh and uh, vast & mysterious >> *runs away*
    Maveriq Wiley... Benefaqtor... Spyqe... Masqot Von Chaedence...

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  12. #91
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    I think they are going for a Ghostbusters II (or was it III?) plot. All the negative energy from the forums is flowing into the sewers beneath Stormreach in the form of ectoplasmic goo, by Saturday all the forum negativity will have reached an apex, and all the sewers will overflow forming one giant gelatonous invicible cube killing us all and destroying stormreach forever. The thing will have infinite hit points, a +75 fort save and roll loaded dice - stormreach is doomed!

  13. #92
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caj View Post
    The "schedule" was not posted until later Sunday afternoon after player complaints and frustration. The posting at 1:35am on Sunday (frontpage/logon) said basically here is comes... but again nothing of substance. The start time was 2am not 2pm... even after 2pm there was the same 1-3 hours spawns. The Veheer and his fellow Twelve tried to justify the event as a movie and supense fully building. Again.. no information or consideration/understanding of Real Life or wasted time. The announcement of 9:45pm came later that afternoon with things will "become apparent and happen". Mind you, there is no conspiracy or deliberateness to this in my opinion. Just a case of not thinking things through when concerning you customer base. We all are not "Ubermunchkins" that can spent hours online wasting time... comunicate effectively and we can manage our time. So the "negativity" is constructive (and yes unconstructive I've seen) criticism fully waranted and justified.

    So please read the thread to see the timeline of events...

    I don't have the time to stay online and wait for something to happen either. That's why i read the forums here (and again, I don't expect everyone to do that 0 only those who really want to know the scoop) and based on what i read, I knew that the event would be starting on Sunday. i thought i read 2 PM but guess i was wrong and now i can't find the thread. But I also knew it would go on all day and would culminate in the evening. I did not log in to the game or forums from Sat PM until Sun evenining cuz i knew i wouldn't miss anything. I also knew it was a week long event. As seen here....

    Turbine Community Team Join Date: Sep 2007

    Originally Posted by Jaywade
    time and place Sir lawrence?????
    Well the festival will be going on all day on the 2nd, but the evening is typically when most patrons find time to stop by. It might be the best time around then since there will be so many more party goers then. But even if you miss the start of the party, the rest of the week will still have festive activities

    Edit: Oh and uh, vast & mysterious >> *runs away*

    I am not an "Ubermunchkin" either. The people I was responding to are the ones who complained about being online from 2 AM until 11PM Sunday. Apparently they have the time to waste.... A quick look through the Dev tracker would have saved hours of precious time.
    Maveriq Wiley... Benefaqtor... Spyqe... Masqot Von Chaedence...

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  14. #93
    Community Member SciFiCowboy's Avatar
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    Default Let us have AOE in the Marketplace Events

    Let's have some fun and allow AOE. I'd have so much fun greasing the floating blocks for hours of mindless entertainment watching people jump and slip. If I could get up there from someone else greasing the blocks under me. Laugh it off and try again. LOL.

    I agree it was a "should I do that shroud run or hang out?" then out of time, oh well, killed a few devils, got lots of buffs, I want to see Titan Jr walk through a portal, or Velah's Mom pop in for a real challenge. Pttttt, Bearded Devils, FOD, *yawn, FOD, Yawn.

    Maybe the Pit Fiend can teleport us to some plane and beat us up there.
    Mortanius lvl 16 Halfling Bard Mortx lvl 16 Hafling Cleric Lypsync Human Warchanter Drmort Dwarf Cleric Lvl 4 Mortalicious Elf Ranger Lvl 8

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  15. #94
    Community Member SidBadguy's Avatar
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    There was loot?? I musta banashed like 50 of those guys and I never saw it a chest or somthing?

    Oh and I would have been the first to the tower on instance 9 of the market on Thelanis but I fell off on the last jump from lag and Mystic Theurge beat me. But just fyi the spell that really makes it hard to get up those stones is haste so leave it off. And sunbursts make it real hard to see.

  16. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by wamjratl1 View Post
    And Here

    Sir Lawrence
    Live Events Join Date: Oct 2006

    Now now, calm yourselves good citizens. The sightings are most assuredly just lightening from the storm.

    Those who can't make it to the kick off of the festival on the 2nd, I assure you that the 2nd is only the beginning of the festivities for the week.
    Event Representative of the Coin Lords to the Citizens of Stormreach!

    Remember to have your kobold spayed or neutered.

    Or Even Here:

    Turbine Community Team Join Date: Sep 2007

    Originally Posted by Jaywade
    time and place Sir lawrence?????
    Well the festival will be going on all day on the 2nd, but the evening is typically when most patrons find time to stop by. It might be the best time around then since there will be so many more party goers then. But even if you miss the start of the party, the rest of the week will still have festive activities

    Edit: Oh and uh, vast & mysterious >> *runs away*
    the official announcements themsleves say nothing about all week

    And Tolero's post points to Sunday as having events happening all day long with the big party as the big event for the day. Not, well Sunday we are hardly going to do anything, but Monday there will be a little more, then Tuesday it will last about 15 seconds longer etc etc, but guess what we really meant the big stuff to happen next Saturday surprise!!!!

    All official communication and expectations were set very high for something to happen on Sunday, we had a whole raid party ready standing at the airship spire to repel invaders, as the guy from the 12 said they woudl be invading at 9:45 exactly. Well 9:45pm came and about 30-40 things spawned over 15 minutes. Do you know how long 30 mobs lasted with literally hundreds of people standing there waiting. And then we see the stairs, and its a contest to see who can get there first, all so we can have him tell us to come back tomorrow.

    I think someone else said it best we should have known better than to expect it to be nothing more than another RP event, especially since Tolero was truly excited about it.

    Now that I understand the plan so to speak I have adjusted my expectations way down
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  17. #96
    Community Member wamjratl1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    the official announcements themsleves say nothing about all week

    And Tolero's post points to Sunday as having events happening all day long with the big party as the big event for the day. Not, well Sunday we are hardly going to do anything, but Monday there will be a little more, then Tuesday it will last about 15 seconds longer etc etc, but guess what we really meant the big stuff to happen next Saturday surprise!!!!

    All official communication and expectations were set very high for something to happen on Sunday, we had a whole raid party ready standing at the airship spire to repel invaders, as the guy from the 12 said they woudl be invading at 9:45 exactly. Well 9:45pm came and about 30-40 things spawned over 15 minutes. Do you know how long 30 mobs lasted with literally hundreds of people standing there waiting. And then we see the stairs, and its a contest to see who can get there first, all so we can have him tell us to come back tomorrow.

    I think someone else said it best we should have known better than to expect it to be nothing more than another RP event, especially since Tolero was truly excited about it.

    Now that I understand the plan so to speak I have adjusted my expectations way down
    I understand your point. I guess it just goes to your last statement about expectations. I didn't know really what to expect so didn't get TOO excited about it. I still thought it was very cool and fun and the guys I was with had a good time with it. Hopefully, at some point this week (Saturday?!??!) we will get the full-scale invasion we have hoped for. I do hope everyone (regardless of what they think so far) enjoys whatever has been planned for the rest of the week. If it's not what we expected or really wanted, hopefully we can find a way to have a good time anyway!

    PS and i was a but miffed when i heard that the dude at the top just tells you to come back tomorrow but I also thought it was kind of funny. But that's my sense of humor... I tell you what will really p*** me off is if i'm not on that platform when i log in next (since i logged out there). it took FOREVER for my no-twitch-skills-havin' behind to jump up there.
    Last edited by wamjratl1; 03-03-2008 at 01:54 PM.
    Maveriq Wiley... Benefaqtor... Spyqe... Masqot Von Chaedence...

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  18. #97
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    Better, but still disappointing.
    We were led to believe that lots of stuff would be happening all day Sunday 2Mar. That is why I'm disappointed.

    But I would also like to express my concerns for the nighttime events that happened.

    Creatures would spawn about ten minutes apart.....and only stay alive about 20seconds after the high lvl toons got to them.
    Then we had to wait another 20min to have a shot at anything.

    I was "lucky" enough to be almost the first on the scene to two spawnings........but I got so much lag, and there were so many baddies, that I didn't stand a chance.....I might have died without the lag....but I will never know, because the lag was so bad when they spawned that I could not fight back!

    What I would have like to see, was baddies spawn a few at a time very very often.......give my coputer achance to adjust to them on my screen before I had to engage them.......and to be enough of them to still be around when I finally did get to engage them.

    The spawn rate is still way way too slow.
    And the bigger didn't last much longer than the smaller one.....but caused a huge amount of lag for me, and meant certain death if I was close enough to get their agro.......and if I was not close enough to have agro when they first spawned, it meant they were dead before I could close enough to join the fight.

    Please, please please make an adjustment that can let everyone have a piece of the action!

    Few baddies per mob.....multiple spawns points at the same spawns very often!......2min apart maybe.

    That way there will still be something for me to fight after my lag wears off......plz!
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

  19. #98
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veheer View Post
    Anyone who spots anything amiss throughout this week should continue to give us reports from the field, so we can work together to try and stop them!
    I spotted something-- it turns out that the devils are unbelievably stupid. They announce when they're going to appear five minutes in advance with a big portal in the middle of a public area, and then they come out just a few at a time. Based on the general lack of damage they've done, I'm pretty sure they're trying to surrender when they come out of the portals. In fact, we need to watch our butts; there's a good chance Stormreach is committing a war crime by sanctioning their murder.

  20. #99
    Community Member Dymond's Avatar
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    Well I wasn't a big fan of the 'super mario' stuff myself but to be sitting on one of those columns when not 1, not 2, but 3 bearded devils all popped on in front of me scared the **** outta me. Lucky they weren't balanced very well and few swats of my sword sent them sailing down below. But I say we cut Turbine some slack for trying to go above and beyond for us players.
    Sarlona: Dymondd Sar Tennith: lvl 15 Human Paladin/Fighter - Rusty Pick Guild
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  21. #100
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    I think "Turbine and the DDO Developers" are on something. I am wasting more time trying to climb that "Dumb stair". You think we got nothing better to do, well I can only say I hope the "Bloody" reward is worth it. But then, their more than likely no reward.

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