You hit the nail on the head. It's directed at all the people complaining. This thread started out lively and turned into an all out brawl; the way a large portion of posts on this forum turn out.
So it doesn't affect me? Then why do I feel so passionate? I feel like I've come to party and found all you complainers squatting over the punch bowl pinching a loaf in it?
You and all the other complainers are probably all really nice people, but I don't care. Now we're all guilty of turning a fun event into a brawl and I'm feeling pretty dumb for being pulled in. When I see people attacking the creators of a game for trying their best to entertain us in new ways, asking for time lines and other weird stuff I get riled up.
I think you must have been reading some other post. I don't recall saying you had issues, but I'll be happy to reconsider if it would help the argument along. I was just calling it like I saw it. People asking for a time line, for a video game, is just plain bizarre as far as I see it. Sure we're all paying and playing. If at any point we're not entertained we should pack up the game and cancel our subscription and move on.
My only regret is that I came to this post and saw punches being thrown and I can't help but start "punching" those who are "attacking" the ones who give us our fix for some entertainment.
If I worked at Turbine I'd probably be saying, "I write a video game for a bunch of whiners. There are some out there that think we do a good job, but mostly everyone else is a whiner. I hope this game fails so I can go do something else to pay my bills. It's just not worth putting in the effort anymore since it's always lose lose."