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  1. #141
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    My frustrations are founded in this mis-communication. Yours, on the other hand, are directed at me and other posters whom you have never met and whose posts do not affect you directly in any way. And you dare to come in here and pompously indicate that I may have issues?
    You hit the nail on the head. It's directed at all the people complaining. This thread started out lively and turned into an all out brawl; the way a large portion of posts on this forum turn out.

    So it doesn't affect me? Then why do I feel so passionate? I feel like I've come to party and found all you complainers squatting over the punch bowl pinching a loaf in it?

    You and all the other complainers are probably all really nice people, but I don't care. Now we're all guilty of turning a fun event into a brawl and I'm feeling pretty dumb for being pulled in. When I see people attacking the creators of a game for trying their best to entertain us in new ways, asking for time lines and other weird stuff I get riled up.

    I think you must have been reading some other post. I don't recall saying you had issues, but I'll be happy to reconsider if it would help the argument along. I was just calling it like I saw it. People asking for a time line, for a video game, is just plain bizarre as far as I see it. Sure we're all paying and playing. If at any point we're not entertained we should pack up the game and cancel our subscription and move on.

    My only regret is that I came to this post and saw punches being thrown and I can't help but start "punching" those who are "attacking" the ones who give us our fix for some entertainment.

    If I worked at Turbine I'd probably be saying, "I write a video game for a bunch of whiners. There are some out there that think we do a good job, but mostly everyone else is a whiner. I hope this game fails so I can go do something else to pay my bills. It's just not worth putting in the effort anymore since it's always lose lose."

  2. #142
    Knower of Things frederjoe1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    Please don't try to psychoanalyze me in real life. You obviously don't know me and even more obviously aren't qualified to do so. My post was simply worded and echoed the voices of many people online who were excited to be a part of the two year anniversary celebration which was stated to be as follows

    " Greetings Citizens of Stormreach!

    I am pleased to announce there will be a festive gathering, held to honor the anniversary of our fair city of Stormreach!

    The Coin Lords wish to join with all citizens to celebrate and give thanks to the Dragonmarked Houses and Kingdom of Galifar. For through their gifts, in the year 802 of the Galifar Calendar, the rebirth of Stormreach from a mere outpost in the wilderness to a thriving city was made possible. Stormreach has seen many changes, and faced many dangers, but our city still stands, and our citizens enjoy a life of prosperity! We invite all citizens to attend a gathering to honor our beloved city on Sul, the second day of Therendor (Sunday, March 2nd) in the Marketplace.
    Additionally, thanks to the generosity of the Coin Lords, and the hard work of the city's bakers, all heroes and citizens of Stormreach will receive a special celebratory cake on Wir, the 27th of Olarune (Wednesday, February 27th) to mark the grand occasion on the 28th. Citizens will receive these cakes prior to the festival, provided they are already a citizen of Stormreach prior to the 27th of Olarune (prior to the patch on February 27th). Enjoy the cake, and what surprises may spring up from them until the day of the party!

    More details will be made available as the day of the party draws closer. We hope that you will join us in celebrating this most joyous occasion!"

    My frustrations are founded in this mis-communication. Yours, on the other hand, are directed at me and other posters whom you have never met and whose posts do not affect you directly in any way. And you dare to come in here and pompously indicate that I may have issues?

    Not trying to flame, but in all honestly, can any of us say we don't have's part of life live it, love it, options there
    Raesal, Holypockets, Lashan, Levair, Siete, Woodhead

  3. #143
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heladron View Post
    You hit the nail on the head. It's directed at all the people complaining. This thread started out lively and turned into an all out brawl; the way a large portion of posts on this forum turn out.

    So it doesn't affect me? Then why do I feel so passionate? I feel like I've come to party and found all you complainers squatting over the punch bowl pinching a loaf in it?

    You and all the other complainers are probably all really nice people, but I don't care. Now we're all guilty of turning a fun event into a brawl and I'm feeling pretty dumb for being pulled in. When I see people attacking the creators of a game for trying their best to entertain us in new ways, asking for time lines and other weird stuff I get riled up.

    I think you must have been reading some other post. I don't recall saying you had issues, but I'll be happy to reconsider if it would help the argument along. I was just calling it like I saw it. People asking for a time line, for a video game, is just plain bizarre as far as I see it. Sure we're all paying and playing. If at any point we're not entertained we should pack up the game and cancel our subscription and move on.

    My only regret is that I came to this post and saw punches being thrown and I can't help but start "punching" those who are "attacking" the ones who give us our fix for some entertainment.

    If I worked at Turbine I'd probably be saying, "I write a video game for a bunch of whiners. There are some out there that think we do a good job, but mostly everyone else is a whiner. I hope this game fails so I can go do something else to pay my bills. It's just not worth putting in the effort anymore since it's always lose lose."
    "throwing punches" eh? Yeah. ok.

    Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    Your sarcasm aside, I can fully appreciate that you are trying o build an event here but many many many of us have real lives to attend to and need some basic timelines. I can appreciate that from a roleplaying perspective that you don't want to say the invasion begins at 1pm est or whatever but please try and understand where we are coming from. After playing this game for two years I would love to be a part of the two year anniversary event. I can't just sit around all day waiting.

    I am glad that you are proud of the event you put together to pleaser your playerbase, I just hope by chance that I can log in while it is going on.
    Ravensguard zerx,zerxi,zerxis,zmonk,kieras,varga,oregz

  4. #144
    Community Member iamsamoth0's Avatar
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    Question <Chirp>

    Any chance we can get a dev response before this thread gets closed??!?!?
    The Truth~ +5 Transmuting Utterance of Puncturing .
    BarrelBane Crateslayers~Shamrocks.
    of Spew(Argo, Thelanis, Cannith);Chunkss[Argo]

  5. #145
    Founder Heladron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by caj View Post
    You Sir, are a pompus idiot! You insult people who have not insulted you and do not read the postings before your rant or understand what you are writing about. All input is normally welcome.. yours is not.
    At least I can spell pompous.

    And you sir are very observant. I'm attacking the people who said things like, "/boring" and asked for time lines, and "Start the Invasion Already" and people calling the event a miserable failure when we're only 1/7 of the way through it. I'm guilty of all that and privately wishing I was really a Warforged so sue me.

    I'm sure my post would be more than welcome if I was playing along and beating up Turbine for ruining my Sunday. I'm not doing that though, I chose to post a contrary opinion; an opinion where I question why people think they need a time line or said their time was being wasted. I've read 95 percent of this thread and a lot of what I found was insulting towards the producers of this game.

    But I guess in the world of CAJ Censorship Inc, all speech that is contrary to what CAJ agrees with is unwelcome, insulting and pompous. Bashing PEOPLE who are trying to entertain us is not insulting to those people though. They are faceless and can't possibly have feelings.

  6. #146
    Founder caj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heladron View Post
    At least I can spell pompous.

    And you sir are very observant. I'm attacking the people who said things like, "/boring" and asked for time lines, and "Start the Invasion Already" and people calling the event a miserable failure when we're only 1/7 of the way through it. I'm guilty of all that and privately wishing I was really a Warforged so sue me.

    I'm sure my post would be more than welcome if I was playing along and beating up Turbine for ruining my Sunday. I'm not doing that though, I chose to post a contrary opinion; an opinion where I question why people think they need a time line or said their time was being wasted. I've read 95 percent of this thread and a lot of what I found was insulting towards the producers of this game.

    But I guess in the world of CAJ Censorship Inc, all speech that is contrary to what CAJ agrees with is unwelcome, insulting and pompous. Bashing PEOPLE who are trying to entertain us is not insulting to those people though. They are faceless and can't possibly have feelings.
    Again Personal Attacks on people proves to me what type of person you are... truly... anyone can see that... Flames by you on people is not constructive nor welcome.. get a clue.

  7. #147
    Founder akla_thornfist's Avatar
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    anyone notice this veheer guy looks like a deranged killer i dont think he works for the coin lords, he probably kidnapped +sir and is the leader of the bad guys.
    akla thornfist lev 17fighter- healalot thornfist lev 19cleric- aklasek thornfist 13fighter 4 paly- healthis thornfist lev 17 32pt cleric- seakla lev 8 rogue, proud member of unbreakable

  8. #148
    Community Member query's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Enough of the personal attacks!

    Any person doing so only risks the wrath of Tolero and the releasing of the Cube to destroy this ENTIRE thread!

    So behave or REALLY be targeted by Turbine's all forum encompassing power!

    (You know it's bad when I say behave...that's like the necromancer saying to respect life...)

    That aside, I would like to express my PERSONAL opinion without being called an instigator, lackey, side chooser or any other inside-the-box label.

    I didn't like it.

    It felt too much like real war: A whole lotta nothing with a few moments of paniced fighting.

    But the reason the fighting was paniced is we were stuck in eternal load screens, rooted from lag, and attacked by "invisible" attackers from problems one and two above. With up to 26 instances, you'd think if we were on 5 or 12, it wouldn't be that bad or even 24, but it was all lag all the time...even from those who NEVER get lag, so don't finger point just at me!

    And the so called helpfull items for this fight? A few titan wands....oh yeah, after we die, we know where the devils will shove those....

    And ironicly, this lag was caused by 4 to six spawning. Sometimes I could see and react, other times I was rooted and helpless as above barely able to type for help due to lag.

    And even if the lag was not there, while I didn't want it all on one night, I DID want more of the HORDE of invaders from ALL sides...not one invasion portal here, then another there...yeah yeah I get it the're testing us making the portal stronger...well, after 45-100 adventurers camp and kill the 4 task force recons (when not lagging) perhaps the Devils get the idea of SEND MORE TROOPS? They ARE Lawful, not insane expecting different results from the same thing over and over.....

    And short of the courier and the "Come back tomorrow" for Tower Bowzer playing Mario/The Pit in the Market, where was the interaction? Having NPC's change what they say rotating the three different things over and over doesn't count. How hard would it have been to make a menu tree for a few, get a clue or a nonexistant recipie for us in the Shroud or the Merida Altars?

    But the opening was spent waiting hours for a dramatic storyarc that didn't come.

    And I speak in a guild that wins awards even if my stories are not at that level as of yet, and has a former officer now working for Turbine, so we know a few things about story development and plot anticipation hooks.

    I point no fingers at one, but hold all accountable for an explanation who developed this. If it's a nesaessary evil for storyarc development say it now or f're'er look like a tool to the faithful defenders of your vision.

    And you made my new cleric wait, that was fine...carry on that you FEINDS.

    (And dag nab it, not ONE OF YOU killed a single DEMON! THEY ARE DEVILS! LAWFUL BRAIN DEAD DEVILS!)

    And if Turbine wants me to use the nice bbcode for my emphasis instead of caps, they must REGAIN that by actually making a response and a result that gets through to us serious story players and long time gamers. BBcode is hard to earn and easy to lose.

    Now, since somebody will respond angrily to something, again it's my personal opinion, not an atatck on ANY SO-and-so, Turbine individuals included. Yu have a right to your opinion. Act civilily about it and DON'T confirm about that old axiom about what opinions are like and everybody having one (stinking it up with negativity and that's as far on the descriptive line I wil go.)

    So, be nice, agree, disagree or don't care, but troll and die very painfully while I watch and munch popcorn*

    *No guarantee of death or popcorn is promised by the player, Turbine, it's affiliates, familes or Douglas Adam's Improbability drive. If you think the last above sentence was serious or literal, seek medical help or a fundamentalist book club. This section is 100% parody and is not insulting you either. You may stop reading now.

    [This space intentionally left blank.]

    Be careful what you wish for, what you say is best; for sometimes what you seek is found, not at the end of the quest.
    I AM, -- the truthseeker

  9. #149
    Founder Ildaron's Avatar
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    Lightbulb It is why they started to use magic.

    Quote Originally Posted by akla thornfist View Post
    anyone notice this veheer guy looks like a deranged killer i dont think he works for the coin lords, he probably kidnapped +sir and is the leader of the bad guys.
    I do agree he does look evil... and he is short too... dressess a little funny. I bet he started learning magic so he could blast anyone who said those things to him.

  10. #150
    Community Member Elvejon's Avatar
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    Default hmmm...

    Wasnt too long ago i dreamed of taking over stromreach with all the monsters because the monster toke me in as one of thier own, and how player salughter them over nad over and over. So they sent me to tell stromreach no more killing! You all refused and i lead an attack on stromreach. I won and toke over. All Players were kicked out into the forest. You guys re-groupped and All the wizards/sorcs Commanded all the undead ot assualt stromreach. I was thrown over and retreated back to my palace. All my creatures dead and back into there quest for future salughter from players questing i was alone in the castle and most of the player attacked my castle... They saw my jornal of adventours on how i protected beholders and Flesh rendors in Invadors! from salughter form you guys as i looked in shock at my fallen comrades. They funny thing was the players were teamed with me helping me defend these creatures from salughter in quest after quest. Then they came up to my throne room and found a big teleporter in the middle. By no passing it you transported yourselves into a volcano mountain. After facing countless Dragon Monster portecting the mountain you finally saw me and a Gaint white dragon with seven eyes and seven wings glowing towards you with a seem to look like cannon on its back. I rose a spoke "This is your end of terror!". You guys surly beat me after a long devsting fight and i fell to the ground... Remebering the monster who toke me in as there own... Protecting them for their rights... and Fell slient.... Then i woke up.

    Sorry this whole Devils attacking stromreach made my dream appear in my head.

  11. #151
    Community Member Gorbadoc's Avatar
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    I have nothing to add at this time, either, and I'll do it darned concisely.

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