Hello citizens, I bring ill tidings on what was to be a glorious day of merriment. Sir Lawrence is missing, and our marketplace has been beset by the spawns of Shavarath. Reports of some devils in the marketplace, as well as my study of the infernal graffiti which appeared in the marketplace, indicate that the threat is upon us. The situation looks dire. The devils are quite displeased that we sent their General back to Shavarath. Additional research needs to be done to further decipher the graffiti, and see their true intention.
All able bodied men and women are asked to assist the city guard in hunting down and killing any Shavarath devils they encounter. To aid in this effort, the magical wards on the marketplace have been weakened to permit spell casting citizens the needed support to vanquish these foes. Those wishing to avoid the dangers of the Marketplace may seek out a member of the Twelve, Zoth Naylte. He will usher citizens to other wards of the city safely by way of teleport. Citizens should not travel alone as they navigate the marketplace streets, for the dangers of these Shavarath devils is not to be under estimated. We advise any citizens with less worldly experience in combat to seek out the protection of more experienced adventurers if they attempt to enter the marketplace. Be safe, and be vigilant, I will bring more information when I can.