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  1. #1
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    Default How about some Veteran Player Loving

    DDO is celebrating 2yrs. Congratulations.

    They give us a +25% xp week. It seems a bit redundant considering they took away xp debt in favor for a more annoying item damage system.
    Their gift to players: A so-so piece of cake with "wishes".
    All of this is great for the new player or players with low level characters but...... where's the love to veteran players. We've stuck it out and had to decide if to reroll every time DDO changed skill or feat usability or spells were nerfed.
    Many of us have enjoyed this game since it's launch. We have capped characters.
    How about giving us a little something we can use. A little respect. A little something that says we believed D&D could make it as a MMORPG and we helped get it off the ground. Something we can be proud of.

  2. #2
    Community Member Vormaerin's Avatar
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    What, every single character you have is capped and has used +1 tomes in all their stats and is so excellently played that they never need a rez shrine, Mass uber heal, or rest shrine where one normally isn't? And getting a substantial reduction in the monthly rate if you subscribe long term is useless, too...

    Really, if all that is true what could you possibly want anyway?

  3. #3
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    What, every single character you have is capped and has used +1 tomes in all their stats...
    For some of us who have been here since BETA and Headstart? Yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    ...and is so excellently played that they never need a rez shrine, Mass uber heal, or rest shrine where one normally isn't?
    Well... I'm not perfect but yeah that's pretty accurate. If the effects you're mentioning were instant instead of having to summon then talk to the Djinn to have happen then I'd maby agree but then again everyone who had a toon created before the patch got one of these.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    And getting a substantial reduction in the monthly rate if you subscribe long term is useless, too...
    Again... everyone got this including players who JUST STARTED. The initial comment asked where the love for the long term supporters of DDO was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    Really, if all that is true what could you possibly want anyway?
    People who signed up on this board and were active subscribers got a forum title "Founder". Why not the same consideration in game with a title of some kind for long term subscribers who have been here since the beginning or close to it. Maby consideration for the long term subscribers who have been here for 2 years as opposed to a blanket benefit for all subscribers whether they've been here 2 years or 2 days. Feel free to disagree but in most corners of the world seniority or length of stay means something. It's all about retention and appreciation. I am not disrespecting them just asking that they respect us and our time invested into their product. Not such a huge undertaking.
    Last edited by Luthen; 03-02-2008 at 12:32 PM.
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  4. #4
    Founder Arianrhod's Avatar
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    Well....they could give us an optional "know-it-all" title to stick on our characters...

  5. #5
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    People who signed up on this board and were active subscribers got a forum title "Founder". Why not the same consideration in game with a title of some kind for long term subscribers who have been here since the beginning or close to it. Maby consideration for the long term subscribers who have been here for 2 years as opposed to a blanket benefit for all subscribers whether they've been here 2 years or 2 days. Feel free to disagree but in most corners of the world seniority or length of stay means something. It's all about retention and appreciation. I am not disrespecting them just asking that they respect us and our time invested into their product. Not such a huge undertaking.
    Hear, Hear.
    I'm not asking or saying that every single Veteran Player should get a super-uber-elite weapon, armor & a trinket of +20 saves. I'm not asking the world. It would be nice if Turbine made some kind of effort and acknowledged us Veteran Player. And no.... another plaque in the market with all of our names is just lame. Who REALLY read the first one?? I'm just saying that a something special for veteran players would go a long way in my opinion.

  6. #6
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    I'd rather they didn't. We're playing a game here. Why should we be rewarded or recognized just for sticking around? I can see no benefit and it would help foster pointless elitism.
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  7. #7
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default How about this

    Gold star next to the Character Name(small, upper left side) of any head start or beta person's characters(new and old, even freshly created)

    Silver star in the same spot for someone who joined in 2006

    Copper star for someone from 2007.

    Update to Plat/Gold/Silver/Copper in 2009, then discontinue progression.

    BTW my Join Date is bugged. May 2006. This Trial account was started in April.

  8. #8
    Founder Spell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spectralist View Post
    I'd rather they didn't. We're playing a game here. Why should we be rewarded or recognized just for sticking around? I can see no benefit and it would help foster pointless elitism.
    Foster pointless elitism? No offense but this game is so full of pointless elitism.
    Dragon Armor, Helms, Shields. The Have's & Have-Not's.

  9. #9
    Founder Cowdenicus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vormaerin View Post
    What, every single character you have is capped and has used +1 tomes in all their stats and is so excellently played that they never need a rez shrine, Mass uber heal, or rest shrine where one normally isn't? And getting a substantial reduction in the monthly rate if you subscribe long term is useless, too...

    Really, if all that is true what could you possibly want anyway?

    For my mains, yes. Heck one of them is almost to the point where +2 tomes do him no good.....
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  10. #10
    Community Member Lunewann's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spell View Post
    DDO is celebrating 2yrs. Congratulations.

    They give us a +25% xp week. It seems a bit redundant considering they took away xp debt in favor for a more annoying item damage system.
    Their gift to players: A so-so piece of cake with "wishes".
    All of this is great for the new player or players with low level characters but...... where's the love to veteran players. We've stuck it out and had to decide if to reroll every time DDO changed skill or feat usability or spells were nerfed.
    Many of us have enjoyed this game since it's launch. We have capped characters.
    How about giving us a little something we can use. A little respect. A little something that says we believed D&D could make it as a MMORPG and we helped get it off the ground. Something we can be proud of.

    Ummmmm they gave us the game we play and love.... **RESPECT**

  11. #11
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Trolling troll is trolling...?

    I would like a permenent decrease to all item damage(Global Item Damage Nerf). That would REALLY make my day.

    I'd also like Permanent Damage to be repairable through no major means.

  12. #12
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    I think the cake was ingenious. It was a +1 tome of choice to all players. That has to rank as one of the best all-time freebies. But it was more than that... it was also a really funny way to let us know that they've heard us over all this time. The Djinn was full of in-jokes for the forum crowd.

    Add to that the Live Event for tomorrow. While I have no idea how cool the pay-off for it is going to be - I have been enjoying the build up more than I thought I would. The story they've put into it is amazing.

    We're also getting a full week of +25% XP.

    They've turned the 2 Year Anniversary into something rather special, in my eyes. But then again, I guess you can't please everyone all the time. If it's not your cup of tea - so be it. Myself, I'm enjoying every moment of it.

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  13. #13
    Community Member Knightrose's Avatar
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    I agree with the OP

    Ultima Online had veteran gives every year on the games birthday. The more years you had behind you as a player the better your gift.

    I'm sure they still do it to this day. I always enjoyed that in UO and have since yet to see it happen in any other MMO.

    You got my vote for veteran rewards. The cake lameness doesn't float my boat.

    P.S. Nor do the constant lag spikes of 100 players standing in the market hoping to kill 3 more Orthons for a Tchurvuls Cookie
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  14. #14
    Community Member BlueLightBandit's Avatar
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    You want something extra because you've been here longer?!?

    What kind of sixth-grade bully mentality is that?

    Your inherent reward is knowledge. You know the ins and outs of just about every quest in the game. You know the ins and outs of just about every weapon type, mob type, character type in the game. If that's not enough, then you're just asking for too much. (Confuscious say: Knowledge is power. Wise man not ask for knowledge, he seeks it out. Man who asks for knowledge, not smart enough to use it, not worth giving it to anyway.)

    I've been here just as long as the OP, and I'm happy with my cake.
    Last edited by BlueLightBandit; 03-02-2008 at 11:42 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarion View Post
    No're not supposed to LIKE it... *sigh*

  15. #15
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spell View Post
    <CUT>How about giving us a little something we can use. A little respect. A little something that says we believed D&D could make it as a MMORPG and we helped get it off the ground. Something we can be proud of.
    Wow... I think they should give you something you could really get some benefit out of... A challenge. They should auto-delete ALL of your gear and money on all of your toons, and then knock you back to 8th level.

    Just imagine the joy... You would suddenly have something to look forward to... Everything you pull would suddenly be a "Wow!" instead of a "Meh..."

    Mmmmm. Sweet dreams are made of this...
    Sarlona - Nyr Dyv Raiders
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  16. #16
    Founder philo's Avatar
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    I dont think founders, or those who have been around longer should receive any kind of better reward but I would like the reward to be equally useful to all characters.

    That cake is just going to sit in my bank until mod 8 when i decide i need to use it for a rez shrine in some quest because im tired of it sitting there (if the rumors about them disappearing are false:P).

    Dont get me wrong, it is a great reward for newer players. For someone without a +1 tome that is a very nice upgrade to receive. I just wish the cake genie had something to offer me that was even half that useful. Unfortunately its just taking up much needed bank space ;/.

    I would have rather had a mana pot...or a cure serious wounds wand:P I could have at least used those
    Last edited by philo; 03-03-2008 at 01:19 PM.

  17. #17
    Founder Oreg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HumanJHawkins View Post
    Wow... I think they should give you something you could really get some benefit out of... A challenge. They should auto-delete ALL of your gear and money on all of your toons, and then knock you back to 8th level.

    Just imagine the joy... You would suddenly have something to look forward to... Everything you pull would suddenly be a "Wow!" instead of a "Meh..."

    Mmmmm. Sweet dreams are made of this...
    You give me an ability and skill reset with that knock back and I would pay Turbine $35 for the privilege!
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  18. #18
    Community Member HumanJHawkins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oreg View Post
    You give me an ability and skill reset with that knock back and I would pay Turbine $35 for the privilege!
    Can't you get back to 8th level in like 2 weeks? So why don't you just delete and remake your toon? Personally, I have always found 8th to about 11th level the longest jump.

    Cheers though. I too am in favor of a respec... I want to tweak a few things, but don't want to go through the whole leveling process (it takes me longer than most since I don't play as often).

    What brought out the sarcasm (thought I was half serious) was the complaining when you guys "only got about 9 of your choice of +1 tomes (one for each toon)". Talk about hard to please... Sell them for 20K plat each if nothing else and call it a small bonus. Like someone else said, if you have used a tome in every slot on all of your characters, making you more powerful is the least of their worries.

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