I have to much stuff need to offload it
+2 Int traded
+2 cha
+2 Con
+2 Wis
+1 multiple of each
+6 str bracers x2/3
+6 str belt of charm person rr wf ml 13
+6 str belt of chill touch rr human ml 13
+6 str belt
+6 str gloves
+6 dex gloves x3/4/5 cant remember how many
+6 dex boots
+6 cha cloaks x3/4
+1 cha cloak of greater cold resist/lightning resist 1 of each
+6 wisdom neckalce haggel +3 ML 15
+6 cha helm of haggle +3 rr dwarf ml 13
+10 perform gloves
+4 protection necklacex2
belt of greater false life
+6 int hat
+6 wisdom ring concentration +3 rr dwarf ML 13
cloak of greater fire resist x2
health belt of heavy fort
+1 wis necklace of protection +4
+5 Mith FP of lesser false life
+5 Mith FP
+5 Mith chain shirts
+7 ac Bracers x2/3
+4 mith chanshirt
Deathblock of Grt Fire resist
Ice Guard of Heavy Fort
Fireguard of spearblock
+2 longbow of distuption
+1 thundering dwarven axe of smiting
+5 Acid light mace of pg
+5 lt mace of pg
+4 icy burst lt mace of everbright
+3 Flaming Burst Rapier of Deception
+2 paralyzing Kama
+1 Vorpal silver bastard sword of parrying
+1 vorpal Greataxe
+1 banishing lt mace
+2 banishing rapier of parrying rr human ml 14 Traded
+1 weaking flametouched iron kama of enfeebling
+1 seeker kama of disruption
+2 true chaos battle axe of greater gnoll bane
+2 Anarchich Greatclub of greater undead bane
+1 paralyzing kopesh of vertigo
+1 Holy dwarven axe of Greater Undead bane
+1 crippling dwarven axe of Evil outsider bane
+1 keen addy dwarven axe of disruption
+1 shock bastard sword of greater giant bane
+1 holy battle axe of Greater Chaotic outsider bane
+2 shockingburst dwarvenaxe of greater undeadbane
+1 paralyzing greataxe
+2 paralyzing Maul
+3 thundering scimi of dragon bane
+1 paralyzing greataxew of tendon slice
+1 vorpal dwarven axe of Tendon slice
+1 paralyzing coldiron dwarven axe
+4 seeker addy bastard sword of construct bane
+1 crippling bastard sword of greater dwarf bane
+1 crippling silver returning throwing dagger of disruption
+1 Holy addy dwarven axe of Greater undead bane
+1 weaking scimi of enfeebling
+2 Kopesh of disruption
+1 vorpal kama of pg rr wf ml 10
+4 axiomatic burst scimitar
+1 transmuting greataxe of destruction
+2 aximatic kukri of greater abbertion bane
+1 paralyzing longbow of shattermantle
+1 true chaos shortbow of disruption
+5 icyburst shortsword of lesser magical beastbane
+1 true chaos rapier of disruption
+3 transmuting addy rapier of shatter
+1 anarchic dagger of greater giant bane
+1 holy dagger of greater giant bane
+3 flaming burst longsword of maiming
+1 lessersonicelore longbow of greater undeadbane
+1 banishing heavy repeater of rightouness
+2 wouding kopesh of maiming
+2 true chaos longsword of disruption
+1 banishing lt pick of rightousness
+1 Impact maul of disruption
+1 banishing heavy mace of shatter
+1 paralyzing cold iron rapier
caster weapons
superior potency 6 scepters x2
Fragment of the silverflame
Tharkuuls bane
beholder optic nerves
globe of imperial blood
Dragon sword of Acid
charoushs Inferno
Cape of teh roc
ancient vulkorim dagger
giant stalkers knife x2
spectacles of spirit sight
helm of the bluedragon
manacles of ceasless toil x3
Giantcraft sibyrs compass
Hammer of Leaden Clouds
Jorgundals Colloar
Bow of Elements
Fell Rapier of Ice
Ring of the Ancestors
Ethereal Bracers
Ring of the DJinn x3
Adoryns Malice x2