As the title says gear for ingredients.
No splintered horns
I am also buying ingredients for 100kpp
All items are not Race Required
I have:
One item one Ingredient
+1 Vorpal Longsword ml 10 (1 Lg. Ingredients)
+1 seeker darkwood repeating heavy x-bow of Smiting = (1 Lg. Ingredients)
+1 Frost dagger of Smiting ml12 = (1 Lg. Ingredients)
+1 Ghost Touch Longbow of Smiting ml 12 = (1 Lg. Ingredients)
+1 True Law Greatsword of Disruption ml 12 (1 Lg. Ingredients)
Health (+2 con) Belt of Heavy Fortification ml 15 (1 Lg. Ingredients)
Health Ring of Greater False Life = (1 Lg. Ingredients)
+2 Paralyzing Khopesh ml 12 (1 Lg. Ingredients)
Health (+6 con) Belt of Light Fortification ml 15 (1 Lg. Ingredients)
Charisma (+6 Cha) Helm of Bluff +3 ml 15 (1Lg. Ingredients)
Any three for one ingredient
+1 Holy Burst Greatsword of Pure Good ml 10
+1 Holy Burst Longsword of Pure Good ml 10
+2 Shocking Burst Shortsword of Greater Orc Bane ml 12
+2 Flaming Burst Composite Longbow of Righteousness ml 8
+4 Schimmy of Greater Undead Bane ml 10
+1 Frost Dwarven Axe of Greater Outsider Bane ml 8
+4 Shock Adamantine Khopesh of Righteousness
+2 Adamantine Paralyzing Kama ml 12
+1 Paralyzing Greatsword of Rightousness ml 12
Shield piece 1,2,7,8 (1 Lg. Ingredients)
100 Dim Door Scrolls (5 Lg. Ingredients)
PM me or send me a tell I am normally or as Istafein or Archy.