Again, another request for this.

With the world growing more and more, and with every new expansion we have pre-reqs, multiple storyline quests, raids, et al. For a part time player, I really enjoy playing, but I cannot keep up with what quests I can run when looking for groups.

I find myself in the gamespace, see an LFM come up, ALT-TAB back to Windows, look at an Excel spreadsheet, find the quest, see if it's a Pre-Req run, Raid Run, or part of series, then go back in game, look at my Quest Log and Adventure Compendium, see what I have completed, see if I can be a part of that run, and when I finally figure all this out, LFM is gone.

Instead of just listing ALL quests in a single level directory structure, why not organize it into a Directory Tree, so I can quickly see

1. What kind of run is it.
2. Do I qualify for that run
3. Are there other parts that I would rather run first before doing this one
4. Keep the Favor indication so I know if I ran it or not.

Or, leave the "One Big List" and allow me to double click on a quest and opens another window with all the details:

1. Type (Solo, Team, Raid, Series)
2. Pre-reqs
3. Position in series if part of a series
4. And most important, some indication in that window about completion so I know if I have it completed or not (like Favor earned or highest level ran).

For a game whose focus is questing, the Quest log and Adventure Compendium should be extremely tight. The "One Big List" method is fine when the list isn't that big, but with all the added content, it's getting to be too much.

I'm intimidated from trying to play any of my higher level toons anymore, it seems like everytime I try to join a group between level 14-16 it's

1. Do you have the Reaver Pre-reqs done?
2. Do you have the Titan Pre-reqs done?
3. Did you do the Shroud flagging quests?
4. You have to finish the Orchard pre-quests first, idiot....
5. Demon Queen, you have to finish the desert pre-reqs first...
6. Did you turn in your Relics?
7. Do you have your TAPs?

etc, etc, etc.

I feel like I'm missing out on almost half the game, and finding myself playing lower level characters over and over again because I least I can remember a smaller subset of quests and what's needed to run them.

Give the part time player a chance out here !!!