i'd rather instead of a total revamp with all the suggestions above, do it a bit at a time if it means getting them more quickly.
i'd rather instead of a total revamp with all the suggestions above, do it a bit at a time if it means getting them more quickly.
My DDO Vids: http://www.youtube.com/profile_video...princessfairee Added vids Mar'08
Legends of Aerenal: Here in the beginning; here until the end! Caelan guild officer
/ signed
I would also like to see an added message window for members to use
not just officers.
MOTD here
extra window here so you can post more then one event
or if you need help with favor ext.
and good gravy yes more text space
For those about to die no ham for you lying down while we fight (May a kolbold lick your face!)